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skinny arab

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Everything posted by skinny arab

  1. Denied a stonewaller at Celtic earlier this season when Clark was bundled from behind
  2. Without doing any research or giving it much thought I’m going to say none
  3. Watt is already mirroring Shankland of last season in dropping so deep to try to get something started because the players behind them are pish
  4. Saw elsewhere that he’s out 6-8 weeks with a muscle injury which is a loss as he has been 1 of the few players who attempts to get the ball into the box
  5. After the first round of games I posted in this thread about eating humble pie as had been impressed by the start Courts had been and impressed by the fact that players like Harkes & Pawlett were contributing on a weekly basis, sadly we’re now seeing what I feared at the start of the season, an inexperienced manager who looks out of his depth and pishy Pete and Ian the ghost being empty shirts week after week. We look like a team just going through the motions just waiting for something to happen as opposed to trying to make that something happen. How Pawlett got 80+ minutes yesterday I have no idea other than the fact we had zero options on the bench following a window where Appere, Chalmers, Watson & Glass (who would have all been options) were allowed to leave with nobody coming in. We have been lacking quality wide attacking players for years now but this never seems to be addressed, I actually think our signings recently have been decent but there are still glaring deficiencies in our squad. Lastly is McDonald just a publicity signing because if he’s not ready to play then he shouldn’t be in the squad however if he is ready to play then why the hell did he not get the last 20 minutes yesterday? Once St J went down to 10 men it was obvious their game plan was to sit in and hope for the odd counter attack or set piece and we are then crying out for a midfielder capable of picking a pass yet continue with Butcher (played well but poor on the ball) and Harkes (runs about a lot without influencing anything) whilst the former Scotland player who has played at the highest level sits on the bench. Our saving grace is the points we picked early doors and the fact that Dundee and St Johnstone are every bit as poor as we are.
  6. Edwards for Neilson? ETA Confirmed, also Freeman for Niskanen
  7. Hopefully see a couple new faces in before the end of the transfer window, definitely need some defensive cover (although Butcher has done very well the last 2 games) and would still love to see a decent winger brought in (copy and paste from about the last 10 seasons). Several outgoings so far and can only really see Biamou being added to that list with possibly 1 or 2 younger players out on loan.
  8. Benji Neilson Butcher Graham Niskanen Meekison Fuchs Glass Sporle McNulty Appere Rest all our key players prior to the derby except Benji, who I think will be looking to impress, and Butcher because we don’t have any other defenders I could think of. Unbelievable I wouldn’t class Fuchs as a key player just now that’s how poor he’s been. If we really want to take the piss we could put big Max up top.
  9. A winning margin of 9 goals or more will see us back into the top 6, Callum Butcher triple hat trick incoming.
  10. With due respect I don’t think he could say to McNulty get yourself ready your starting then the next day tell him benched. Could have brought Watt on at half time though.
  11. no 3 your absolutely bang on,wtf was that all about,watt would have been raring to go and also fit as a fiddle Courts claims the players were told the starting lineup prior to Watt signing as he didn’t expect to happen so quickly, could be bollocks though.
  12. Logan Chalmers off to ICT for the rest of the season, hopefully the move goes well as he definitely has some ability but is at the age now where he really needs to be playing first team football on a regular basis.
  13. This thread has been quiet over the weekend but I think we may see a bit more traffic over the next couple of days
  14. Black one was done not that long ago and was a cracker imo
  15. New cup strip incoming, be nice if a couple of new galacticos are modelling it.
  16. Kerr Smith away to Villa in a deal worth up to £2m. Be interesting to see the structure of the deal and how much we are guaranteed to receive.
  17. Where's the latest Galactico we were meant to be signing @ArabianKnight@Mr. Alli
  18. The s*n linking us with Zander Clark, personally I think Carson is a better keeper.
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