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Everything posted by Tamdunk

  1. The trials frontier phone game is great. The pay to play more is actually quite good because it means you don't utterly destroy your battery as they're dead addictive so it stops you playing too long.
  2. Making spaghetti and meatballs for tea and managed to get a bottle of 2010 brunello di montalcino which is pretty much my favourite wine. Oh ya fucker.
  3. yup was gonna say it sounds like megadrive music
  4. I went through for radiohead, had a great time, was fairly wrecked by the time they came on, but wasn't too much of an arsehole, other than when 2+2=5 came on, then it was beer everywhere.
  5. No doubt this will usher in the inception of 'national emergency services day' where you can show your support of the public sector, without benefiting them in any way.
  6. If there was a heaven and God and shit, I'd spend about 40% of my time hanging around Dawkins & Gervais watching smug religious types abusing them endlessly. The rest would be watching Michael Caine wish for an end to existence as everyone did their best impression of him.
  7. If the public had voted a Tory majority, then there would have been a billion pounds spare, so it's really the public's fault. In all seriousness it's an absolute disgrace and they should be fully ashamed of themselves. Every single Tory voter in this country. Especially with the high profile the emergency services have had recently, and the fawning grubby platitudes that these slimy politicians have showered over them in the media, only to stab them in the back the second a meaningful way of showing support arises.
  8. I'm not a fan of his scream move name style. Not sure if it's better than 'OH MY' or 'what a manouvre' going back to vince's day
  9. It'sa hard game. Just play casual til you get the hang of it. Then play competitive. The player base are pretty much c***s to a man, so treat it as a troll session and have a laugh. I changed my name to what's the ploblem? And just spam that when ppl are being dicks. I'm only in gold in competitive and am pretty shit too even after a severe addiction.
  10. For me it was very tight up to the end. Ward landing a few better shots, but kovalevs jab is vicious. His groin took an absolute pummeling at the end there.
  11. The elite on this game is just insane. I still sometimes completely miss the ball after 200+ hrs
  12. Gwent is class. It's a bit hard at first, but once you build a strong northern realms deck, you're practically unbeatable. The AI is easy to beat.
  13. I got a notice saying I owe money back to a company and when I called them it turned out to be a bus lane charge from Glasgow city council. They sent the penalty charge notice to my old address as I had only updated my address on my driving licence and not my V5. Is there any chance I could get the original penalty notice issued to my new address and pay the original charge? Or am I stuck with the additional costs?
  14. I actually felt sorry for barrymore after that. It was a cracker though.
  15. I finished the main story in blood and wine the other night. Think I started the whole thing back in september/october last year. Absolutely massive game.
  16. Ebdon is an absolute LAD, that's utterly phenomenal ****festing
  17. Selby has had a pretty tough life, he may be dull, but he doesn't seem like a wrong un.
  18. I'm fairly certain selbys on diazepam or something. He just doesn't flinch.
  19. Selbys safety play is immense. This has become tense af.
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