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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. I watch it often, and I value it.

    Some hits, off the top of my head, since it started broadcasting in February last year:

    The Nine (not up with C4 News, but nonetheless a good news programme, I will accept JB is not a born presenter).


    View from the Terrace.

    Inside Central Station.

    Real Kashmir.

    Being Gail Porter.

    Live football.

    Good range of repeats such as Tutti Frutti.

    It's got next to no budget, but it does some good stuff considering.

  2. As a bit of a sci fi fan anyway Excession was a bit of a mind blowing favourite. But a lot of them are more about his thoughts about how we could go about things in a post resource limited world from a radically socially liberal perspective. I loved them. His second book might be a good intro, Player of Games. Banks was well into computer games but this is a very weird game. Can't remember his first one, Consider Phlebas. Some of the one off books are a bit experimental language wise, but I quickly adapted by not worrying too much if I missed something. Thinking Feersum Endjinn in particular here. I'm well jealous, and don't get too put off by the sci fi label, they aren't too different from the likes of Whit, for example.
    I'll definitely give one of these a try! Next time I set foot in Armchair Books on West Port. (Great second hand book shop.)
  3. I've got a few of these bookcases around the house. All shelves cluttered and books usually filed in no discernible order.

    Although my Iain Banks are all together. I've got a few Iain Banks left to read. I like the idea of having a new Iain Banks to start, and every now again I do so. But one day I will run out, and that will make me very sad indeed.

    I'm missing bookshops. Going into town, picking up a couple of books, and then perusing them whilst sitting with a couple of afternoon pints is a very underrated pleasure. IMG_20200529_195946_1.jpeg

  4. My first ever gig was Pink Floyd at Earls Court in 1994, next would have been REM at Murrayfield in 1995, also saw Blur at SECC in 1996. Ridiculously high standard to follow. I was but a child then.

    Started going regularly to gigs when I went to Uni in 1996, and have never really stopped since, only having a child has slowed me down a bit.

    Remember so many great nights at The Venue and the Liquid Rooms in the late 90s, in those days it would have been a rare week where I wasn't in there for something or other, but one night in Spring 1997 with Mansun supported by Travis always jumps to mind as a classic of its era. Also the Beta Band at La Belle Angelle.

    Big life changer for me was Autumn 1997. I saw Teenage Fanclub and then Mogwai in quick succession, both at the Jaffa Cake. Mogwai in particular I've went on to see countless times since, in all sorts of places.

    Another memorable night was The Doves at Bowery Ballroom in NYC in 2005. Only gig I've entered via a fire escape having bribed the security.

    I'm really missing it, 75 days since the last one. I'd guess these days I get to about 50 gigs a year or thereabouts, so the absence of it has left a big void in my life.

    Not sure what the "other side" of this pandemic is going to look like for gigs. I don't think I'm quite ready yet to be wishing to go to another gig, I'm frankly scared of being in a big crowd again! But I'm sure when it takes off again I'll get back into it quickly.

  5. But they're not gonnae be playing Mon to Fri,maybes an odd midweek game but on a Saturday the 49 bus takes officially 20 mins from the centre of Dalkeith to Cameron Toll passing both Fernieside and the Inch on the way. 
    I am well aware of this. I'm just scarred by that bloody commute. 16 minutes! I seldom got out of Dalkeith and over the Sherriffhall roundabout in 16 minutes. I couldn't help but comment on it. My point was fatuous, it had bugger all to do with Edinburgh South really, but we don't live in a linear world, and discussions can be permitted to go off on tangents.

    On topic, it will be interesting to see what kind of crowd this new team manages to generate. Midlothian is obviously already deeply saturated with football teams, with the big two Edinburgh teams also close to hand, so not many locals will be picking up this new team regularly. Most people who live in the Inch and surrounds will consider Dalkeith to be on the other side of the moon, with absolutely no leisure appeal for them, so I don't imagine many people travelling out to the wilds of Dalkeith either.

    I wonder if they may experiment with novel kick off times, such as a Friday night, in order to draw a few more neutrals along?

    Presumably on occasion that date change will become necessary anyway, assuming Dalkeith get first call on their own pitch should a Saturday fixture clash arise due to cup draws etc.
  6. In 2016, on a complete whim and without having ever listened to him before, I got one of those album sets that HMV sell that had Scott Walker's first five albums with the CDs each in a cardboard slipcase. Minimalistic packaging, but still one of the best tenners I've ever spent.
    Ditto!! That exact set was a fixture in my old car and I was gutted when my new car didn't have a CD player! I also bought it on a whim, in my case at the till at Fopp Rose St.

    By the time the Scott Walker Prom came along in 2017 I was taking the view: about time you acknowledge this man! About time, for shame!

    There was also a four part doc on 6 Music pre-prom which firmly cemented his music for me, and an interview Jarvis Cocker did with him.

    I've got a weirdly specific memory of listening to one of those episodes, the one with The Electrician, walking from the viaduct at the Sun Inn to Dalhousie Castle.

    Of the artists pre my lifetime, I think he's up there with Bowie in terms of who I listen to regularly today.
  7. Why are so many of the beers folk post on this thread in 330ml cans? Is it some hipster fad or is there a logic to it? Last time I lived in Scotland most people (not me) looked down upon beer in cans.
    Canning technology has improved massively so the can doesn't spoil the taste of the beer. Lighter to transport, less risk of breakages. No light hitting the beer which could otherwise taint the taste over time. Easier to recycle. Gives a pretty big space to brand as opposed to a tiny label on a bottle.
  8. Tried to find yesterday's Sportsound on the Sounds app but it says 'this episode is not currently available'.  Is that normal?  Does it take a day or two to come up or has it been pulled for some reason?
    Sportsound is never put on Sounds, I imagine due to rights. However, there is a 90 minute version in their podcast. Search for "Scottish Football".

  9. Reading this is taking me right back to August 2013. Taken about 4am, his Mum was critically ill and whisked away for surgery, I was given this wee boy to hold for a bit then he was whisked away to an incubator. Eventually after a long wait both were fine and I got to go and spend time with him. Incredibly vivid memories. It all goes so bloody fast from then onwards. Screenshot_20200409_095447_com.tinybeans.jpeg

  10. I often dream that it’d be nice to win the lotto (doesn’t everyone?) but ultimately winning just enough money to have a wee home away from home up there would be amazing.
    You've been inside my head! What I'm after is just enough of a lotto win to have a wee flat in Edinburgh and Glasgow for weekends (pubs, gigs, fitba, films and culture), and to spend most of my weekdays in my beachfront cottage on any Hebridean island (walking, reading books, endlessly staring out of the window).

    Where your only worry in life would be when you rocked up at one property but remembered you'd left your half drunk bottle of 1980 Port Ellen in another. Or when you get to Hebridean House but suddenly really fancy a curry.

    One day I'll even start buying lotto tickets to give me a chance to realise this.
  11. Is there a launch ceremony in the bath upon completion?
    Just finished it. Four hours of my life. Taught my wee boy several new colourful words to add to his vocabulary.

    I'm going to try and sail it to Islay now.
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