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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. At Landmark at Carrbridge today. The highlight, for me at least, was watching a couple of red squirrels feed.

    Think my wee boy preferred that bloody roller coaster though.

    A good day out here, not as "Shan Disney" as I'd feared. IMG_20200919_131625.jpeg

  2. Was to have been the Camanachd Cup Final day today.

    We're up anyway as I'd booked a hotel for the weekend pre-COVID. Took a trip to the Highland Folk Museum in Newtonmore, which has a shinty exhibition within the old Boleskine Shinty Pavilion.

    Who knows if there will be a final to look forward to in 2021.IMG_20200918_151529.jpeg

  3. I watched a bit of Highland v Heriots last October.

    The inside of the clubhouse is really well appointed. Good bar. Lovely hot plated food on sale: stovies, macaroni etc.

    I'd say the upstairs terrace easily holds 100 or so, but certainly looks like not many were very well covered.

    Should be ample for a Loch Ness FC game. I'm looking forward to taking one in.


  4. Line up for 2021 is:

    Friday 19 March
    Bo'ness United v Kelty Hearts 7:45
    (Alternative: LTHV v Penicuik Athletic 7:30)

    Saturday 20 March
    Dalkeith Thistle v Edinburgh South 11:15
    Bonnyrigg Rose v Berwick Rangers 2:00
    (Alternatives: Haddington Athletic v Kirkcaldy & Dysart 2:30; Tranent v Tynecastle 2:30: Preston Athletic v Lochore Welfare 2:30)
    Easthouses Lily v Glenrothes 5:00
    Newtongrange Star v Linlithgow Rose 7:30

    Sunday 21 March
    Broxburn Athletic v Sauchie 2:15

    Mon the alternatives!

  5. I can't agree that Black Isle Bar is a rip-off. £4/£5 for a pint is pretty much par for course these days, certainly in the pubs I drink in.

    There's definitely cheaper pints of Big Brewery Beer available nearby, but ultimately if you're going out for four or five pints of a night on a fairly irregular basis then the price point is not really your biggest concern. If the beer tastes good (which it does), the surroundings are amenable, and you're not surrounded by utter bams then that's all as important.

    The food is pretty mid market in pricing. My pizza and salad, which were excellent, was less than £20. I could have got a cheaper pizza elsewhere in town, but I didn't care to seek it out.

    As regards hipsters, the crowd on Thursday night near me was this: a young family, a small group of 30s/40s guys in Berghaus fleeces, a young couple just finished work, an older couple on holiday from Brexitland, a big group of guys of mixed ages 20s to 60s all sporting their finest checked shirts and jeans, and a couple of solo travellers reading their books or playing on their phones.

    Then yesterday I went to the Fort William bar for lunch, and the crowd was pretty much the same mix.

    That's a pretty balanced group of customers, not remotely screaming hipster to me.

    I'll happily go back next time I'm in either town. IMG_20200903_175548.jpeg

  6. Hmmm... I went there 2 years ago and I found the Shankly thing nae bother by just driving straight up the road (I think), but I never realised there was anything else.
    Carried on to a Muirkirk game though and found Ladeside Park after a bit of a struggle.
    It would appear the Shankly memorial was relocated last year. It's certainly much further along the road into the village than Google Maps suggests.

    Here's a news cutting about the rededication:


    Anyway, my tour of Ayrshire continued with a trip to the greatest stadium of them all, Townhead Park, and a glimpse of a Talbot floodlight from Auchinleck Tesco. Then a trip to the Barony A Frame and chips on Ayr beach at sunset.

    Glorious day. Walked 20 miles so I earned the chippy for once!

  7. Next stop: Ladeside Park, Muirkirk. Home of Muirkirk FC until 1986.

    If you close your eyes you can just about hear the shouts of "haw you sir, haw you" at a poor referee who really had better things to be doing on a Saturday than putting up with this pish.

    Muirkirk lost 70% of its population between 1901 and 2001, probably more since. The moors where the football ground lay used to be a hive of industry. IMG_20200822_120855.jpegIMG_20200822_120810.jpegIMG_20200822_120558.jpegIMG_20200822_115942.jpeg

  8. I used to travel for a week at a time in my trainee days. All sorts of weird and wonderful places.

    Eating on expenses was wonderful. I remember one heavily subsidised blow out week in Ghent fondly. One night was fine food, another night would be Belgian Beers with a chippy.

    One of my colleagues brought five pot noodles with him and stayed in his room all week rather than exploring a tremendous European city by night. Weirdo.

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