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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. Today is the first day I haven't woken up to a layer of fresh snow overnight since Boxing Day.

    In its place there was a new climatic challenge. I think this may be the coldest weather I have ever experienced in Scotland.

    Thaw seems to be coming per forecast. IMG_20210109_082509.jpegIMG_20210109_082226.jpeg

  2. Coming up to the fifth anniversary of Bowie's death next weekend.

    6 Music have a huge amount of programmes on this coming week. It's quite a selection. Most of it will be downloaded and used to ease me back into the world of work post-holidays.

  3. Honestly, I can't remember having heard the name Heather Dewar before today. I've never listened to Good Morning Scotland in my life and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    If you don't know the name of the person how else are you supposed to narrow it down for others? Are we getting to the stage where it's like being in a busy bar taking about "the guy over there with the cufflinks" because you're too afraid to call him black? She was the only female on today so people knew instantly to whom he was referring.

    Speaking of random ex-Hibs players I thought Tam McManus showed promise when he started a few years back, whatever happened to him?
    Seeing as there was only one reporter at Alloa today, narrow it down by asking "who was the reporter at Alloa today?". Not tricky.
  4. The thing is that we all know the men as we remember them as players, have an opinion on them already, and know what they look like.

    All the various women are to me is a collection of voices so it's not surprising that folk don't remember who is who. This is evident by people on here being able to remember it was the likes of Leanne Crichton or Shelley Kerr who said something but not the other female journos.
    Heather Dewar presented the sports bulletins on Good Morning Scotland for a long number of years, amongst other jobs on Radio Scotland. She features regularly on Sportsound.

    Meaning she is a much more recognisable voice to me than e.g. Mr Random Ex Hibs Player who pops up every so often on Open All Mics but otherwise would not be heard on a daily basis on the station.

    She's not beyond criticism, far from it, but I just objected to the gendered comments in the criticism made today.

    Why not just say something like: "Who is the reporter at Alloa today? Taking an age to identify the goalscorer, it disrupts the flow of the show". The rest of the comments were tripe.
  5. Didn't listen, but I don't think there's a single male broadcaster who gets a free pass on here. They're more or less all relentlessly panned.
    Fair to a point. But struggling to find any critique which starts "who is that man at...", casually disregards their clear skills and expertise to perform the broadcasting job at hand, before ending with "and I would say the same thing if he was a woman".
  6. The summmariser at Alloa is Heather Dewar. 12 years employed by BBC, has undoubtedly presented more live radio broadcasts than anybody else on the show today, besides Richard Gordon himself.

    Her supposed crime today is that she took a short while to confirm one goal scorer at Alloa (due to the poor light), then took a short while to confirm the next goal (due to a number of bodies obscuring view). Or in other words, she patiently and calmly waited to confirm the salient fact of the name of the goalscorer to the listening audience rather than wildly speculating or making funny "golllllallll" noises like Biscuits and the Boys do.

    I think every week any female broadcaster on this show has to perform to a significantly higher standard than her male colleagues in order just not to get mentioned on here. Whilst a number of male broadcasters get a free pass on here, and if criticised are never gendered in that criticism.

    Sandra Brown excluded, who is by any objective standard rubbish.

  7. Snow has hung on here since Boxing Day. Fresh flurry every day. Was down to - 8oC this morning on the valley floor. Roads are beyond treacherous now but since I have nowhere to be driving to that's nae bother!

    Wonderful walk today.

  8. The Philippines was pretty interesting despite having probably the worst poverty that I've seen. It has a really unique vibe, having been a Spanish colony before falling into the American sphere of influence. It felt more like Latin America than Asia. The public transport consisted of clapped out old WW2 Jeeps that were covered in pictures of Jesus and there were people driving around in old hot rods. It didn't feel quite safe though. There were a lot of guns on display. Shops, hotels and restaurants had armed guards. There were army checkpoints. I enjoyed my visit but I'm in no hurry to go back.
    Mongolia sounds interesting. I've always fancied Central Asia, ie Uzbekistan, or deep into Siberia.
    Can I recommend this book to you. A tour round all the Stans. Really interesting book, I read it in a couple of long sittings over Boxing Day. It's quite interesting to see how each of the Stans has emerged from the post-Soviet era.

    Not sure I'd ever visit based on the book, as my holiday tastes are generally of the remote cottage on Scottish Island / weekend city break variety, it would be a fair bit out my comfort zone.

    The most out of the ordinary place I've ever visited myself was Marrakesh (which is fairly mainstream these days). That big square for dinner was quite the experience. Also the pointless haggling for prices for every single purchase in the market.

    Also travelling up to Northern Iceland in mid 90s was outstanding. Will be going back there one day. IMG_20201231_102804.jpeg

  9. With the lockdown and me being unable to leave Glasgow (or 5 miles from the boundary for exercise), I'm obviously a bit stuck for hills to go walking in. Does anyone have any suggestions for good family walks in Glasgow in parks or similar? I live in the north-west of the city so have probably done most of the options near me but am keen to get out and try somewhere new. Not looking for anything overly strenuous to be honest as I won't be able to talk the rest of the family into it.

    You probably know these, but the two I do with my kid most often are:

    1. Pollok Park. Park at the big house, cross the river behind the house, walk over golf course to Pollok West Station, re-enter park by main drive and wind your way back to house. Will pass Highland Coos, playpark etc.

    2. River Kelvin. Walk from Kelvingrove along Kelvin as far as you like, I usually turn at the Ha'penny Bridge and come back through the Botanics and wind down through the Uni.

    Also enjoy picking up the canal at Cowcaddens and walking out past Firhill.
  10. On a similar plane, there is an infamous match programme from a Scottish Cup Semi Final which features Bobby Connor's [censored] popping out of his shorts. I think the 1994 game at Hampden which was a draw, United won the replay and went on to vanquish "them" in the Final.

    I was at the game and have/had the programme, but it's marooned at my Dad's (or binned in a clearout!) so I can't provide evidence.

    EDIT - I just found a link to the programme. Look if you dare. https://www.google.com/search?q=Aberdeen+Dundee+United+semi+final+1994+programme&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALeKk01PyBgh1i096JvIRVJyxuKkWTjsSg:1609172062179&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwji6peJifHtAhVIeMAKHcvXAMoQ_AUoAnoECAMQAg&biw=360&bih=660#imgrc=dAeXIkrFz75nXM

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