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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. This isn't really a spoiler as the football part of the story is peripheral to the core of the novel...

    This tale features a scene near the end where a keeper goes up for a corner when the Ayrshire Cup Final approaches Fergie time.

    My issue is that the score is 1-1. The keeper is playing for the underdogs, and they are down to ten men.

    In those circumstances, the keeper would never go up for a corner. Never.

    What then follows from the corner, and more importantly for the finale of the novel, in the aftermath of the corner, barely registered with me as I was so SEETHING at the dramatic liberty being taken.IMG_20210124_214224.jpeg

  2. I love WFH.

    I gain a good few hours in dead commuting time, I haven't been stuck in a tedious queue caused by the City Bypass since March.

    I've been able to get outdoors and experience daylight on a daily basis over winter, compared to leaving in dark to sit at a desk with no view of outdoors and coming home in dark normally. Sitting at my home desk with my back door open during Spring/Summer was an absolute joy.

    My relationship with my colleagues has improved immeasurably. Much more time to speak to people on a one-to-one basis, and the ones who irritated me in the office I just don't have to deal with.

    When schools were open I was able to structure my day to drop or collect from school, instead of using a school club. Spending hundreds of hours more in the company of the best 7yo in the world - priceless.

    My biggest learning has been to break-up my work and home days, and to do so I make sure I leave home before and after work. Whether that's a short trip to coop to buy milk, a twenty minute walk around the village, or a proper two/three hour walk out into the Pentlands depends on how much time I have available, but I find deliberately breaking up time indoors helps. Also to pack away all work stuff.

    I've also been able to concentrate on single tasks much better without disruptions.

    Post COVID working arrangements to be confirmed, but fully expecting to be working an average of 3-4 days pw at home.

    Scarecely any drawbacks about this (I'm referring to WFH here not lockdown to be clear!), although I am missing my morning coffee from Press Coffee near the Meadows, I am missing the companionship of the guy in the Fountainbridge cafe I frequent, and I am missing post-work pints with my pals in Cloisters, our "city local".

  3. Borders up 11% since Friday, from 124.7 up to 138.5. Three successive days of increases now, which seems to be driven by Hawick, Eyemouth, Jedburgh and Melrose. Or almost all of the populated bits of the area!

    My locality (rural) is at 129.5 now, was at 48.6 just a few days back. Although given the small denominator, that's only showing an increase from 3 to 8 cases.

    A little bit concerning given the decreases seen elsewhere.

  4. A possibility for future expansion may be extending the Borders railway by 7-miles along the old Dalkeith to Penicuik spur.

    Would serve Bonnyrigg (pop 15k), Rosewell (pop 2k), Auchendinny & Penicuik (pop 16k). Also bringing Bilston, Roslin and Loanhead closer to a railway station. A fairly big catchment area all within 10 miles of Edinburgh, and not currently served by train.

    The old route is largely undisturbed, apart from a few houses in Bonnyrigg (just downhill from the football ground). The route still has two long tunnels and a viaduct in good condition.

    Would be a damn shame for me if they did, as I love walking along that path. Superb views over towards the Pentlands.

    (Ulterior motive: once they get that Penicuik line reopened they can rebuild the spur from that line to Peebles, and they can then rebuild the Howgate spur from that line to West Linton. Which they could join up with Lanark like in the olden days giving West Linton direct railway access to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Which will suit a catchment area of, erm, me!)

  5. Just spotted my first tram since March. The tram has always seemed a bit irrelevant to my life, I've only had cause to use it two or three times, even then on of tnose was just to take a wee shotty for the sake of it.

    The sight of the tram prompted me to check the passenger numbers for this project, which I think is pretty generally derided as pointless.

    Quite surprised to see numbers going up markedly. 5.2m > 5.7m > 6.7m > 7.3m > 7.5m in last few published years.

    Obviously will take a dunt for COVID reasons.

    Not the white elephant I'd imagined it to be. IMG_20210116_102809.jpeg

  6. Perth station is actually quite grand and would be the third best station in the country (after Glasgow Central and Waverley) if it was given a good scrub and a lick of paint. At present it’s a dusty, pigeon infested shitehole.
    Wemyss Bay's big brother wants a word with you in the car park.
  7. Despite performing well on the programme generally, Michael Stewart piped up at the end to say Lewis Stevenson is the only non-OF player to have won both main Cups with the same club.  Of course, this 'fact' went unchallenged.
    It must be wrong though as the Aberdeen side that won several Scottish Cups in the 80s, also won the League Cup in 1985.  I'd imagine a good few players were around for both.  I also wondered about Maurice Malpas, but I think the League Cups came too early.
    There will definitely be 1980s Aberdeen players though and it wouldn't surprise me if there are others from earlier.
    Aberdeen won a cup double in 1989/90. Here's the teams, you can see a good number played in both.

  8. Agreed, much better than last time round, 2 live lessons and BBC worked very well for my one in primary 3. 
    Mine also in P3. I quite enjoyed Michael Rose (the BBC poetry guy) , fair made my work zip along as I was lugging-in!

    We didn't have live lessons from the teacher though. Instead we had a variety of Seesaw: a maths task (number sequences), a reading task (compound words), a project (make a musical instrument), and a wellbeing task (make a healthy snack).

    All-in it kept us going for about four and a half hours, which was much improved on Spring term where some days he was done on the assigned work after 30 minutes.

    We finished the day with PE, which consisted of me leathering a football around a local park with him. Great fun!
  9. Read this book yesterday.

    A GP based in Edinburgh/Orkney writing about the impact of COVID on his work in period up to October.

    He calls it contemporary history. Not quite an instant diary record, but allowed a little bit of time to reflect on some of the mistakes made, and some of the triumphs, whilst clearly leaving the story on the cusp of the second wave and aware of challenges to follow.

    Really interesting read.

    A long read article which was extended into the book can be found here: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/may/12/gp-doctor-on-how-the-coronavirus-pandemic-has-progressed-edinburghIMG_20210110_004518.jpeg

  10. Noticeable increase in the police presence around the Pentlands today. Police cars at the Hillend, Castlelaw and Flotterstone entrances, the road was coned to deter parking. Also saw two police cars patrolling the Biggar road.

    (I was out for essential childcare reasons before I get accused of some sort of nefarious skulduggery.)

  11. Out of interest, who else is using Starks park? (Raith obviously, Kelty and who else)
    The Kelty v Stranraer game is a late ko today because the ground was being used by a fourth team for a home tie. Thornton Hibs were scheduled to be playing Nithsdale Wanderers in the South Challenge Cup at 2pm. Nithsdale withdrew from the competition last night, however, and looks as though SOSL may be about to suspend their season.
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