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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. Switched the telly off, put my shoes on and went for a walk after the second.

    Currently listening to Neil McCann twisting himself into a knot talking about the "disrespect" shown by "selfish" Edouard. He cited examples of the dinked penalty going wrong, including Zidane in the World Cup final (which he scored!).

    He just called Edouard "son". "Listen son, you could have cost your team...".

    Marvellous seethe.

    Nice view here anyway. IMG_20201220_150943.jpeg

    Driving school teacher on YouTube who’s content is decent even for those who have passed put a video out today about similar situations 
    As a parent of a relatively young child, I don't like cars stopping to let us cross. I'd almost always prefer the car to clear the road and let us make our own decision about crossing the road safely without their "permission" to do so.

    Sometimes people get visibly miffed at my refusal to accept their invitation to cross, but I always think they are failing to see the position from the perspective of the parent trying to teach road safety. It's almost always safer for the car to clear off.

    Another example of this misguided courtesy.
  3. Audi driver slamming the anchors on in front of me to inexplicably let someone across the other side of the lights turn right, even though said person wasnt ready for this and was obviously prepared to wait for the two cars with right of way to go before turning.

    Even when they are being courteous they are c***s.

    This brings me to a point that annoys me though.... Folk straining themselves to be "courteous" when theres actually no need for it.
    Thank you. This kind of overly considerate driving does my head in.

    The wee town I live in has a very narrow and twisty main street. It's effectively a long series of Passing Places which has turned into a nightmare world of cars stopping and having a friendly "no after you my good neighbour" stand-off until one guiltily goes through first. Ned Flanders driving school. Grrr.
  4. 892F29EF-30A7-4020-B962-C358C79E9FE1.thumb.jpeg.f844059b402d639cd79d53135cf05568.jpeg
    I love this photo. My first* ever view of Hampden was roughly from this very angle at the League Cup final in 1985. The slope of that roof opposite was incredible.

    I also stood here at the 1986 and 1987 Scottish Cup Finals. Strangely, apart from a QP v Aberdeen tie in late 90s, I can hardly think of another time I've ever been on the North Stand side since then, yet I've frequently been to East, West and South (dozens of times) since.

    All-in, probably hundreds of games at Hampden but none of them on that North side of the pitch.

    * My second view of Hampden was from the North Western corner** to watch Scotland 0 East Germany 0 in 1985. That game really stands out, I can still see floodlights in my mind's eye. Probably my first ever night time game. Floodlights are still amazing to me!

    ** Pretty much an identical view to watching Killie v Ayr and Killie v Hibs. #YellowDaffodils

  5. I love the details when you zoom in.

    Very few club colours, just the occasional flecks off the few red scarves.

    The bunnet seems to be on its way out here compared to those classic 1950s type terrace photos.

    Crowd demographic is overwhelmingly working aged man, as would be typical.

    The match ball seems to be a Minerva Supreme. But an orange ball on a day without snow?

    The grass looks like it has the consistency of a slab of marble.

    The photographer does seem to be getting awfae close to the action. Maybe a proto goal line assistant referee!minerva-footballs.jpeg

  6. Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart has won the Booker Prize. A book which I have bought, but which has never quite made it to the top of my reading pile. Have a week off work soon, will try to read it then.

    Any love for Shuggie Bain here?

    Ps. My favourite recent book was Motherwell by Deborah Orr.


  7. Deutsche Bank suggesting that people who WFH post-pandemic should pay a 5% tax to subsidise the income of lower paid workers. Somebody earning £35k would pay £7 per day to WFH. They calculate that the average worker would be no worse off as the tax would offset other savings.

    Interesting concept, will never ever happen.

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