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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. The Great Polish Map of Scotland in Eddleston.

    "I shall die, but I shall leave my map as a gift to the Scottish people to thank them for the hospitality they showed the Poles when it was needed." - Jan Tomasik, Polish army sergeant stationed in Galashiels during the war.

    After the war, he became a Borders hotelier and fulfilled his ambition to create a giant relief map of Scotland, with the help of the Geography department of the University of Krakow.

    The Barony Castle in Eddleston is where the Polish Army was based, with their remit being to defend the East Coast of Scotland.

    50m x 40m. Scale of 1:10,000.

    This is quite the thing. First time I've visited, on a whim today. Love it!

  2. Bizarrely Strathaven is the town hosting the next gig I'm booked into, Tim Burgess is playing in a hotel in February. (The gig will eventually be cancelled, like everything else.)

    I took the A71 home from Rugby Park last time I was there, on a whim. It looked like a more direct route on the map, but it really takes ages to get anywhere.

  3. I favour the introduction of a Wuppertal style suspension railway, as featured in the Wim Wnders film Alice in the Cities, which I have been watching of late.

    It would be quite cool to sweep over say Buchanan Street on a Saturday night at kicking out time watching the locals make their way home.

    They are quite unsightly but somehow manage to look cool. A bit like Dundee. the-wuppertal-suspension.jpeg

  4. Anyone done much walking round Peebles? I'm working down here now and fancy doing some walks once the October holidays come round. Got a pal coming down to do the Dun Rig Horseshoe which takes in 4 smallish summits. Nice looking walks along the Tweed as well.
    John Buchan Way is a really good day's walking. 14 miles Broughton to Peebles.

    Shorter walk up Cademuir Hill Fort and back along the Tweed is worth a trip.

    Routes for both on Walk Highlands.
  5. I have a ticket, trains and hotel booked for the playoff against Israel at the start of October, and obviously nobody is getting to the game now.
    Since I have the time off work and haven't left the Greater Inverness Metropolitan Area since March, I have decided to travel anyway (COVID restrictions permitting) and spend a long weekend in Glasgow and then bike the Great Glen Way from Fort William back to Inverness.
    I have never really spent much time in Glasgow, so does anybody have recommendations for what to do over the long weekend? I would have liked to have done the Central Station tour, but they aren't operating at the moment.
    The Oscar Marzaroli exhibition is open and is worth half an hour of your day. http://www.streetlevelphotoworks.org/event/oscar-marzaroli

    Short walk from there to West Brewery for socially distanced pints inside the beautiful Templeton Buildings. https://www.westbeer.com/westonthegreen/

    The Kelvingrove Museum is worth a visit if you've never been. Quite a haphazard selection of artefacts, from Van Gogh to Dali to Spitfires to stuffed elephants to plastercast gurning faces on the roof. https://www.glasgowlife.org.uk/museums/venues/kelvingrove-art-gallery-and-museum

    If you want to get away from the throng, the parks are excellent. My favourite is Pollok Country Park, just near Ibrox but don't let that deter you. https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=16592

    If you have a lot of time on your hands, a good pair of walking shoes and a fancy for making a completely pointless quest to walk around Glasgow in a massive football themed circle, check my post on Photographic History of Scottish Football thread yesterday. Picture of my route attached.

    If you fancy a shorter walk, picking up this Walk Highlands route and walking as far out as you fancy is not a bad idea. I'd definitely recommend you walk at least out to Maryhill Locks following this path. https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/glasgow/kelvin-walkway.shtmlScreenshot_20200926_202639_com.google.android.apps.maps.jpeg
  6. Islay Beach Cottage on Kilnaughton Bay has the big house and the wee house next door, you'd probably get 16 in there. http://www.islay-beach-cottage.co.uk/mobile.html

    There's also Lipachlairy along the road which has two cottages next door to each other. Think that would only take about a dozen though. https://lipachlairy.co.uk/accommodation/

    The other big place I can think of is the youth hostel in Port Charlotte, which is massive but no doubt basic. https://www.hostellingscotland.org.uk/hostels/port-charlotte-islay/

    Somebody here mentioned the Storm Pods at Lagavulin. If you booked a few of those they'd possibly take a big group. https://islay-pods.co.uk/

    Finally, it's my civic duty to add that the guy that runs Lach Mhara is an absolute twat. Please don't give him any money. I stayed nearby once and was left to entertain his B&B guests - overseas visitors tipped out a taxi, no car, pishing rain - because he didn't show up at the appointed hour to greet them. He ignored my calls to find out what to do with them and didn't give me a single word of thanks when he eventually turned up to collect them. Total cock of a man, the only person I've ever disliked on Islay.

  7. The entire route is available to view on YouTube but I'm not sure if these are the actual plans or just options that were suggested in the planning stages.
    The mad underground shit they have planned for Birnam would be cool but would pribably take another 20 years at this rate
    Finally I've got something I can tenuously claim to be ITK about! I've spoken to somebody actually involved in the project. He says they think that the big roundabout outside Dunkeld will happen, but no chance of the big tunnel (too expensive). The good townsfolk of Dunkeld & Birnam will be getting a new bridge to the station instead.
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