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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. I’m off to Islay for a weekend in September so I hope the business at the Rest is sorted. It’s already been postponed from April.
    Only used Western a couple of times but they don’t have anything longer than half an hour? Can’t see any difference between them and the wee CalMac boats. You’re probably right when it comes to the large boats, but they have to sell the dream to the tourists eh?
    If you've only got a short amount of time on Islay, the first place I'd head is Machir Bay near Kilchoman.

    I see a guy on Islay has started Fat Bike tours. Taking a bike with massive tyres off-road along The Big Strand behind Machrie. That's what I want to do next time I'm over.
  2. Forgot about that. Saw that last time we were up, need to hear what the craic is.
    Should have added an honourable mention to the Ben Cruachan Inn at Loch Awe. Had a really enjoyable night staying there. Excellent food and Fyne Ales on tap.
  3. For the purposes of this thread, is Dundee in the Highlands? And can Brechin decide which region they're in whenever it suits them?


    Random tips from dozens of trips:


    1. Always take the Corran Ferry and drive around to Arisaig that longer way.


    2. Oban Seafood Hut is always worth a visit. Superb value Oysters.


    3. Sipping a pint whilst sitting in the beer garden of the Glenuig Inn at sunset is about as relaxed a state of mind as you can possibly achieve.


    4. The best cup of coffee in Scotland can be found at the Slaughterhouse Coffee cabin on the ferry slipway in Cromarty.


    5. Calum tells the same jokes on every Calum's Seal Trip from Plockton, and I don't mind that one little bit.


    6. Glen Affric is an overlooked gem of a place to visit. Excellent walking country.


    7. Drive past Bruar and hold your pee until Ralia. The sandwiches are massive, and massively over priced, but you feel better for ignoring Bruar.


    8. The venison pizza at Black Isle Bar is worthy of a trip on its own. The beer list is smashing.


    9. Try not to get stuck in Fraserburgh without a car, a change of clothes but with an important meeting to attend the next day.


    10. Scotrail Highland Rover. Four days unlimited travel for £95. A superb bargain.



  4. We’ve been in Lewis all week and coming home tomorrow. The Ballinluig Motorgrill was operating more or less normally which is our routine stop for a fry-up on the way up the road. The ferry was not doing any food or drink at all but we went to the Seafood Shack at Ullapool which was excellent.
    Have to wear masks on the boat unless you’re out on deck.
    Apparently CalMac are starting a limited catering service on the main ferries starting tomorrow.
    The Harris Distillery is closed. Abhainn Dearg in Uig seems to be open though.
    We had 2 magnificent stags hanging around the next croft and I also saw and photographed a corncrake for the first time. No pics till later so I’ll GTF till then.
    Ullapool is brilliant. I've got a day trip planned in a few weeks time which will consist of the normal variation of:

    Drive early morning going "wow" every other minute.
    Coffee from Deli.
    Watch morning ferry come and go.
    Visit to museum to read about Klondykers.
    Trip to mountain shop.
    Tempura Haddock Wrap from Seafood Shack.
    Walk somewhere.
    Bookshop on hill.
    Ceilidh Place for a pint.
    Bookshop inside Ceilidh Place.
    Case of beer from brewery shop.

    It's all so reassuringly familiar.

  5. Random question here. Having seen most of mainland Scotland I’ve never really been over to islands, so looking at heading somewhere in September (my mates wedding in Spain is getting cancelled). Looking at prices for the ferries, £240 for a car return to Barra. Is that normal price?

    Calmac charge a flat fare for every journey, the fares are published on their timetable. Barra is £139 return plus £30/£15 per passenger.

  6. I remember seeing a Noddy Holder interview where he said the band's worst ever gig was in Cumnock and likened it to The Blues Brothers C&W gig!  default_bangin.gifdefault_death.gif
    Staying on Sir Noddy, he was offered the vocalist slot with AC/DC after Bon's death - would've been interesting but I think Brian Johnson was a better fit.
    My Uncle was there! The band were still called Ambrose Slade. They marketed themselves as a skinhead band and turned up to a disappointed audience.
  7. Footballer nicknames.  There a player called Jones.  What's his nickname?  Jonesy.  There's a player called Smith.  What's his nickname?  Smithy.  There's a player called John.  What's his nickname?  Johnny.  
    I think you can see a pattern emerging here...
    I have long held had an pedantic irritation that Justin Edinburgh's nickname was apparently "Musselburgh". It was widely reported when he passed that his nickname was Musselburgh. I've done a quick google and I see even The Herald diary called this a "rather clever nickname".

    No, if his name was "Justoutside Edinburgh" then Musselburgh would make perfect sense as a nickname.

    However, I've been thrown into a spin this morning as I've just found out that Gary Lineker no less tweeted that his nickname was Dalmahoy.

    That works for me.

  8. My main memory of the Liechtenstein game is that I was down the front of the South Stand. This agitated guy in front of me absolutely slaughtered Miller for a slack pass, top of his voice, puce in face, veins in neck bulging etc.

    With literally his next touch, Miller absolutely leathered a goal in off the underside of the bar, and then proceeded to run over and stare directly at the angry shouting man.

    I enjoyed that.

    The angry shouting man was wearing full kit and the reason for this became apparent at half time, when he was wheeled onto the pitch to do one of those countdown type things they do to keep us oiks entertained whilst Jim Farry* wolfs down his canapés.


  9. My ex wife is infuriating me.

    Conscious that school isn't so far away, I made a bit of an effort this week to put a wee bit more reading activities into the day, just to give the wee man that little bit more practice so he's not totally cold going back into school. We're talking adding 15/20 minutes of reading into his day, no big deal.

    She's went from not even thinking about giving him a wee help like this to flapping, and she's now researching private tuition for him.

    He's just entering P3, it's really not that big a deal that he's a touch rusty.

    She was always irritating and ever willing to chuck mlney she didn't have at small problems. Grr.

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