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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. At the site of Macbiehill (or Coalyburn) railway station, disused since 1960. Built in the middle of nowhere (north of West Linton) initially to serve a lime mine, initially closed in 1933, but then used to serve an explosives store from 1939 until its closure.

    The railway was built to serve Dolphinton (population then 260!) and West Linton, connecting them to the main Edinburgh to Peebles lines at Leadburn Junction.

    Makes for a nice walk from the village. IMG_20201020_172621.jpegIMG_20201020_175231.jpeg

  2. In about 5 minutes I'd say, it's got mad all over the North and West the last few years. Camping might be an idea.
    Listened to BBC Out of Doors podcast today, Mark Stephen has walked this route for the 40th anniversary of the WHW.

    I've never done it, and it's one of those things I always think "one day...".

    Quick Google, and I've found a "specialist" offering a week-long package in May 2021 for £1,105 to stay in a rag-tag collection of hostels, cow barns and bus shelters.

    Admittedly this is including bag transfer which I'm sure I'd probably pay handsomely for in my worst throes otherwise.

    If I don't want to camp (I don't), any decent tips for booking to bring the cost of this into something approaching decency?

    I should say, I'm paying a single supplement in the price above as I'm assuming I'll not be able to persuade any of my friends to join me in a 96-mile march into midge hell.

    Alternatively this becomes £725 pp for All You Good Good People who can bear to share bedrooms with your intimate others or friends.

    So a 52% premium to have your own personal space to weep into your sodden pack and regret your life choices every night, which seems a bargain to me.

    Would very much like to walk this next year, would like to save my reckless spending decisions for other pressing matters such as the car I will likely need to buy next year.

    Tips welcome!

    Ps. Mark Stephen spoke about the stretch towards the northern end of Loch Lomond in the same disregard I hold for Princes St on Hogmanay. Can it be so bad?!
  3. But my kitchen's cleaner than yours [emoji14]
    I should have known tbf because the two fuds would have mentioned being shoved onto MW and they didn't.
    Next time, search for "Radio Scotland MW player" on your phone and you can play it through your phone without searching for your wireless, it doesn't even have that Sarajevo'84 quality that a MW broadcast would have. If you're out & about it's quite data hungry though.

    I dare say you could do the same on a smart speaker, and I will confirm this to you in about 10 years when/if I eventually get round to buying one.

    My bugbear is that BBC Sounds (£5 to RadMac) doesn't have a split frequency option for such eventualities. Far too many times Brian Burnett starts at 6pm before I can avoid him.

  4. Was more a comment on her age - not many teenagers on OAM. I have listened to McLaughlin, Dewar, Brown etc over the years without need to comment on their gender.
    Whose bio would you like? I'll try and get it for you before the Offended Bus comes along.

    Nice wee edit. I'm not even remotely offended, just highlighting your weird posting about the teenage lassie.

    What's modern society like eh? You can't go ferreting about the Google to post pictures of lassies, without any possible context to do so, without some snowflake finding you a bit of an outdated sexist.
  5. There's a lassie doing open all mics today that is younger than most of the players. Makes a change from gruff old duffers I suppose [emoji28]
    Goodness me, a "lassie"?

    Looks from her bio like a suitably qualified broadcast journalist to me. Are you planning on putting up pictures, bios, gender and age information about any of the other contributors to today's programme?
  6. I'm a big fan on the Barrowland Park in Glasgow. There's a path through the middle with a history of gig dates laid out like the spines of albums.

    It's neither in chronological nor alphabetical order so you can wander through to find gigs of your memory popping up randomly.

    The path was laid I think as part of the Commonwealth Games. It is getting a bit weathered these days, and has lost some of its colour and sparkle, but is still a magical place to explore. Just like the venue! IMG_20200926_121000.jpegIMG_20200926_120832.jpeg

  7. Photos I took of a rather random grave a few years ago:
    I've been meaning to walk out to the Covenanter's Grave, which is maybe seven or eight miles into the deepest middle-of-nowhere part of the Pentlands from me.

    Legend is that a soldier died during the battle of Rullion Green and wanted to be buried within sight of the Ayrshire Hills. So he was carried out into the hills until that was made so.

    I set off for it during lockdown and got to within a mile, only to find the farmer had closed access to his farm due to COVID. I'll make it back eventually.

    Picture from here: http://www.covenanter.org.uk/black_law_unknown_covenanter.htmlunnamed.jpeg
  8. That's about 40% gone, roughly equivalent to the Coleraine rate of attrition, although over a shorter timespan, maybe?
    I make it 10/28 pub casualties in Dalkeith since the mid-90s. I'd have to sit down with a map to be exact, no doubt I've forgotten somewhere.

    I've heard another one is in abeyance since lockdown, unsure if it will ever return. That would take you almost exactly to a 40% casualty rate too. Uncanny!

    Postscript - no doubt some aggrieved Dalkeith local will be on to audit my numbers. My list of the lost: Smiths (sob!), Wheatsheaf, County, Lothian, Scandals, Mealmarket, place at Old DHS whose name escapes me, Derry, Railway Club, Lugton. Not even counting the Barley Bree or Fordell which are both just outside town.
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