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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. The flame never dies Richey. Keep it alive, big bang needs your support!
  2. When is the game at Ochilview? I might make an appearance... to scout our opponents. With no dog in the fight, I just need to bring a decent sized ladder and join the Statler and Waldorf lookalikes.
  3. He would. Also part of the most entertaining front like we had along with Moffat and Forrest. The return of liquid football beckons!
  4. I'm sure he'll join us for our top flight campaign. Who'd choose Dunfermline over that adventure?
  5. At least he didn't start the question "Well <Insert name here>..."
  6. This seems like an appropriate time to post this...
  7. He's been pretty awesome if you ask me. I love the guy. Quite glad he is going under the radar as I want to keep him. Annoyingly, he was injured for a decent spell as well. That's the only downside if you were being hyper critical.
  8. Isn't it obvious? The guy who pitch invaded at QoS and fell over.
  9. @Death in Vegas clearly knows his stuff. He's also pretty handy with his fists having despatched a few jaws into orbit. I had a pretty meh 24 points. Thanks for running @RossBFaeDundee. I'm out of greenies but will circle back when I have more.
  10. Division A Round 2 Result DearyMe (Trodgor) wins against Invergowrie. An interesting one this, I won a pawn in the opening and then managed to win a second when Invergowrie let things go a little bit loose and simplified too early. I ended up with passed d & e pawns which worked their way up the board and earnt the victory. Good game.
  11. I was at Ochilview this morning picking up my son from football training. The pitch looked fine to me. I couldn't really see any damage. Tbf I wasn't looking for it! I'm sure SFC are playing Annan today and I've not heard any gurning about the pitch. Hopefully this puts your mind at ease.
  12. I enjoyed the tears from the Caley fan. "See yous next year!"
  13. I think we are well passed that point tbh. Given the sums of money involved and the party's well documented financial problems (loan for cashflow) there is more than enough circumstantial evidence to go on. Something has definitely been amiss. Perhaps it is just the case that Murrell is as catastrophically bad with finances as he is bald. I don't really see how PS can be criticised for investigating. The police presence they have thrown at it and the CSI tents was a bit OTT. That's a different issue though. It would have been remiss of them not to investigate imo.
  14. Would be quite funny if the only jail time was for Murray Foote for contempt of court.
  15. As you should, I wish you all the very best against the green arse cheek. I'd be thrilled if yous beat them again!
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