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Everything posted by jester

  1. I am a member of Glasgow HF Outdoor Club, and we have moved our website onto a new platform. Our old one was a bit dated, but this one is new and shiny! It's at our usual address- www.glasgowhf.co.uk New members always welcome.
  2. I believe that over the coming months people in the vicinity of these walks who do not support sectarianism are being encouraged to turn their backs on the marchers as they pass.
  3. Maleficent Saw this with my daughter yesterday. A decent kids film which doesn't have a numeral after it is a rarity these days, it's certainly worth a watch. 7/10
  4. Mrs Brown D'Movie. 4/10 I only went to see this so that I could judge if it was as bad as I thought it would be, and with a Cineworld card I wasn't shelling out anything. Only time was wasted. A real mess of a film. No idea how it got to the gig screen, when the plot, such as there is one, fails on so many levels. There's a few laughs in there, but if you really must see it, wait for 2 for 1 Wednesdays of something.
  5. Did Ben Alder, Beinn Bheoil, Carn Dearg and Geal Charn a few weeks back. Came home, had a bath, went to bed and woke up with two in the usual hot and sweaty bits and one on my eyelid!
  6. 22 Jump Street "Just do the same as you did the first time". And they do just that. Enjoyable rip off of the first, and makes no attempt to hide it. Losts of laughs and in jokes. 7/10.
  7. There is now, you betcha. Episode 4 sure is a peach.
  8. I've added a review of my BMC Citystreamer bike to my website.
  9. Locke Great film about concrete and relationships. 7/10
  10. Finally saw it on catch up last night. It's set in a town near Fargo, which gets a few mentions throughout. I really enjoyed it, Billy Bob Thornton was on top form as the creepy guy, and Martin Freeman was convincing, both in the accent and as a downtrodden guy who can't catch a break. Looking forward to the rest of this.
  11. One of the best films of last year if you ask me. Still, you rated Sunshine On Leith as 9/10, and I gave that 0/10. No accounting for taste.
  12. With two hours to kill and nothing else on at that time I ended up watching this. Odd. It's almost as if someone decided to cross The Bible with Lord Of The Rings and Mad Max. And failed. It's watchable , however the CGI is poor in parts and is probably better left to DVD. 4/10.
  13. Have you tried going up by Blackhill Transmitter, then down to Kirk O' Shotts? You can go left to Whitburn, then Blackridge and back. Another one is on the road from Limerigg to Slamannan, take the road to the right, up to the Heights at Blackridge.
  14. Drinking two glasses of water as soon as you wake up activates your internal organs or some such shit. Whenever someone posts this my stock reply is: Thank you! Thank you! You've saved my life. I woke up this morning and all my internal organs had stopped. I'm fine now that I've had two glasses of water.
  15. jester


    I quite enjoyed season 1. It was a tad odd, the technology thing was one of the things that didn't sit well. Season 2 starts on 6th May.
  16. You bet. What channel is it on?
  17. Cycled from Airdrie to Bathgate tonight, got there so early I ended up catching an earlier train. Got off at Edinburgh Park and added another 5-6miles as well. Wind was erratic, but not that bad that it was a problem.
  18. Just finished reading The Strain trilogy by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan. I'd quite a gap between the first and second, but read the last two one immediately after the other. Probably better to read them all in one go. The first one sets up the story, an aeroplane lands at JFK airport in New York, and it is found that apart from 4 survivors, everyone on board is dead, drained of blood. This is investigated by a doctor from the CDC, who finds himself up against vampires and a host of humans on their payroll working to bring about eternal night and a final solution to human existence. It's a really good trilogy and is being turned into a TV series which will be on FX later in the year. The Strain The Fall The Night Eternal 7/10.
  19. Outbreak or Contagion. I was unfortunate enough to be on a ferry yesterday where the onboard movie was Sunshine On Leith. How in the name of all that is holy did this tripe ever see the light of day? Not only was it shite, but they murdered some decent songs on the way. 0/10.
  20. jester

    The Chase

    I'm going to offer you Firty Free Fousand Pounds...
  21. Not a bad wee shop. Very limited range of hi-vis gear, but some of their stuff, bibs for example, are really good and reasonably priced.
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