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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. I always base mine on who I've seen. And, depressingly, since the last vote, that's only been Breach at Liquid Rooms and one of my mates at City.
  2. It's tannoygate all over again. Our club is run by absolute shitebags.
  3. Heard this on the new Defected podcast. Serious beat. Tiga's got a knack for nailing tunes with catchy, if somewhat random, lyrics.
  4. Serious dilemma when a decer pops up but she's got the 'No Thanks' badge on one of her pictures.
  5. Obviously still a lot of work to be done, but that poll coming out last night was pleasing. Some very worried Rangers melters on my Facebook, as well as one staunch unionist suggesting that we should take note of all yes-voters and they would be responsible for bailing the country out when everything goes tits up Hilarious that just one poll putting yes in the lead has turned so many no-voters into seething messes. Imagine the scenes if we do actually get independence.
  6. The bookies will make money regardless of the vote outcome tbh. Variations in odds are them responding to bets being placed and maintaining a balanced book.
  7. I'm barely on P&B these days, so it's reassuring to see you #dece lads keeping the dream alive. I've not got much of a social life at the moment, but running a business is totes worth it ($$$) and I obvs still find time to get a decer or two round to 'The #LAD Pad' every week (my flat has it's own FB check-in so the jealous betas can see when the lads are getting on it). Peace out for now. And I'll see you all on the ski trip. Think it's my turn to bring the wet floor sign. #propermoist
  8. Skip to 14 minutes in. Like Mike has the crowd doing the chant from Wolf of Wall Street
  9. These two tunes are everywhere at the moment. Making me wish I could get over to Ibiza.
  10. I've seen him warm up for Jack Eye Jones and he was excellent. Good to see him getting the opportunity at bigger gigs. He also followed me on Twitter after I told him he played a good set. Calvin Logue = gid c**t.
  11. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike posted this on their Facebook yesterday with the caption, "Helpful police are making sure all our laundry is clean!"
  12. And a couple from Zane Lowe's:
  13. Couple of serious beats from Danny Howard's set on Friday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QmuRFrkVwM
  14. I see your 'Red Lights' and raise you 'Wasted'. Awful, awful tune.
  15. This can't be safe: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=655023811218646&set=vb.100001330982361&type=2&theater
  16. Meant to listen to that, but I'd imagine it'll be on catch up. Can't get enough of the essential mix he did recently. Such an eclectic mix of house and techno. Have you seen the video of him playing 'Scott Brown - Now Is The Time' at Urban Outfitters recently?
  17. Speaking of tunes that sound exactly the same: It's not even subtle. I do think folk can be quite quick to have a pop at 'EDM' for being unoriginal, but some of the DJs really don't help themselves.
  18. Fair enough it isn't his usual sound, but I still think it's an excellent production. Isn't he still releasing stuff as Gaia?
  19. Absolutely loving Steve Angello's Radio 1 Residency. He's taken a bit of stick recently about pre-recorded sets and generally gets lumped in with all the other 'EDM' stars. And I'd agree with this to an extent, as he does stick to big room stuff in his live shows (what people expect to hear him play). But when he does sway towards underground and tech, he's fantastic. I've got a Subliminal Sessions album from winter 2009 mixed by him and it's excellent. Heard this tune on his show the other week. The original is up there as one of my favourite ever house tunes. And is easily the best work by any SHM member or combination of them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8qfdVz25dU
  20. Jackmaster is some boy. With regards his music, I'm the same. Enjoyed his first two albums and he was decent when I saw him live. Don't get the hype over him though. Aye, it's amazing how many folk lap it up. To me, trolling should be subtle. When Deadmau5 says/does anything you know he's at it. Playing that tune at UMF was just plain embarrassing.
  21. What happened there? He's not someone I follow, but I pick up stories about him quite a bit as DJ Mag and other such outlets lap up everything he says. I see Afrojack called him out on having a go at Avicii. Something along the lines of, "really mature having a pop at someone who's in hospital".
  22. I've done this as well. My line of choice was, 'If you were a bogie, I'd pick you first'. Works surprisingly well.
  23. Out of interest, how far does everyone set their radius? Mine was usually 50 miles, meaning I'd catch birds from Edinburgh, Glasgow and even as far as Dundee.
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