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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. The standard of bird on POF is brutal these days. The only decent match I've had on there is a girl I went to school with.
  2. If I like the look of the nicest girl in the photo, I'll swipe right. It could be her mutant pal, but I like to live dangerously.
  3. Had this on my Galaxy S3 and it was broken for weeks, so un-installed and now it won't re-install. Quite seething as I've moved into a new flat and wouldn't mind using Tinder for the first notch on the new bedpost.
  4. More cringeworthy behaviour from Deadmau5: http://www.youredm.com/2014/03/29/screw-troll-deadmau5s-entire-set-just-changed-edm-forever/
  5. AVB dropping 'Ping Pong' at Ultra. Oaft. Edit: Here's a better video. Utter scenes.
  6. His album is excellent. The highlight for me is 'The End' which samples 'Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved'. A really classy take on an old favourite of mine.
  7. Tbf, a few on my friend's list have actually donated. The majority are bandwagon jumpers.
  8. Sounds like something you'd hear from @boringmilner.
  9. My good mate (and business partner) got me a bottle of strawb mdece for my birthday. Some boy. Had a banging night in Opal Lounge. The tunes weren't totes to my taste, but there was a serious amount or decers out. Far too easy.
  10. Won't be making it, but I've been wanting to see him for ages. Had Dance Department on at work on Saturday night and the last hour was him live at MOS London. Quality set.
  11. Right #LADs, where's good to go in Edinburgh on a Thursday night these days? I'm thinking G. Street for jaegy Bs, champers and pull a few decers. Advice plz.
  12. I think he might have actually caught someone. If you watch carefully, you can see a member of staff behind the announce table talking in to a headset. Then the camera pans to Lesnar and in the background, at the far corner of the ring, there's a couple of guys helping someone to their feet.
  13. Not a fan of Glenlivet 12yo. Felt it had quite a sour after taste. Although slightly on the pricey side, I'd definitely recommend Glendronach to someone starting out, due to the sweetness. They finish off their whisky in sherry casks and you can clearly tell this on the nose and palate. I'm a big fan of their 15yo range and the 18yo is nice, if a little rich and overpowering.
  14. Had a few drams last night to round of a successful week for our business. Glendronach 15yo was the malt of choice.
  15. My mates brother saw him at 69 Below before Xmas and said he was quality. Surely Colours will be booking him for the Arches in the near future.
  16. Bit jel about this. Deorro is the boy.
  17. Wagamama is excellent for a chain restaurant IMO. Love their duck gyozas. Gourmet Burger Kitchen is also decent. For value for money, Pizza Express used to be amazing (might still be but I haven't been in awhile). If you were on their mailing list you could show the code and get a starter, 10" pizza and bottle of peroni/glass of wine for £10.
  18. @HalfPriceHoolis is a good follow. Taking the piss out wannabe casuals.
  19. Couple of folk on mine are involved in some version of nek nomination involving exercises (pullups, pressups etc.) instead of booze. Fucking sadsacks.
  20. Darren Styles was playing City Falkirk on Friday past. Bound to be some absolute mutants in the photos.
  21. That Boiler Room episode is quality. The bit around 1.32.00 where a guy who's already taps aff gets the guy with his arm in a sling to get taps aff is tremendous Also, who's the DJ playing at that point (think Jackmaster refers to him as Keith)? Proper banging stuff from him.
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