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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Scott Robinson & Dylan Tait are both ruled out for the remainder of the season.
  2. That was the old pitch, it's a new one now, apart from being altered for the game against CQN in Europe, it has remained the same dimensions since being laid.
  3. Lovely curling finish from Ash Taylor but we should be 3 or 4 up by now with the chances we've miseed. We should be out of sight.
  4. Whats your specialist subject, orthography?
  5. We trained on the grass pitch at Troon Juniors all week before Friday nights derby.
  6. Correct mate, It's actually called Marching throu Georgia.... like Killie throu Ayr's defensive line type thingy.
  7. Your post was almost plausable until the final eight tear stained words....
  8. Mate, your lot canny even shift a couple of hundred tickets for a night with Andy Walker judging by the emails sent out this morning. so sit doon n shut up
  9. The BBC deal only allows for 2 home games for each club to be televised live, so their hands are tied as to the fixtures they cover.
  10. His suggestion of bringing on a RB and moving Naismith into the middle if Stokes can't continue tells you exactly why he's a shite manager.
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