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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. I get the impression we are in a bit of a holiday mode now the title has been secured. After the Pub crawl Friday night followed by the Sunday session in Glasgow then a day off Monday and now Del has taken them golfing this afternoon.
  2. Hopefully the boys sober up come Friday Seen a few posts they're back oan it, having a wee Sunday session in the toon
  3. Billy Bowie has promised Derek McInnes the biggest budget in the clubs history for our return to the top flight.... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derek-mcinnes-promised-record-kilmarnock-26781605
  4. Oaft, Tuckers jaiket must be on a shooglie peg !!
  5. Kilmarnock, Queensland, Australia or Kilmarnock, Virginia, USA.... hope this settles your confusion.
  6. It appears your club are fully focused on granting your wish tbf. Dunfermline will finish in the region of 30 points behind that same part time side.... just let that sink in for a moment.
  7. Nice to see some followers of Ayrshire's embarrassment are handling Friday nights events well. It must be really hard to take knowing your the also rans of the county, streets behind Killie, Talbot and Darvel. Now off you pop.
  8. Just thought I'd pop in and wish you guys every success for the playoffs. At halftime, I honestly thought we were done tonight. Kudos to the travelling support you had behind you to, putting some of the top flight to shame. You have absolutely nothing to fear from anyone in the playoffs.... go for it and fingers crossed you get promoted. Mon the Lichties
  9. I would love it if you guys came up along with us. You fuckin deserve it lads.
  10. Tait's a certainty, his season ended a few weeks back through injury.
  11. I remember a certain St Mirren poster giving it the billy big bollocks on our thread about which player "they should take" next from Killie following a 4-0 win over the mighty Kelty Hearts. Four days later their manager had bailed out for Aberdeen. They'd then go on to lose 7 out their next 9 and tumble down the table from a top 6 place. St Mirren fans are hardly in a position to lecture anyone on messing things up.
  12. The BBC deal was for 20 live games with a maximum of 2 home games per team. After tonights game at RP, Raith will be the only club who've had 1 at home so far.
  13. Poorly worded on my part, I meant that general area. You could very well be right re time limits but I don't recall ever seeing any barriers. Thistle Cabs park their cars in what's essentially Morrisons carpark and they are in and out 24/7.
  14. Reports today suggesting Tommy Wright is in the frame for that gig.... make it happen Hibs.
  15. That would be a huge PR own goal for both the SPFL and Cinch presenting it in front of 3 empty sides of Stark's Park if we won it tomorrow night. If we win it'll be presented tomorrow night while Doncaster & Co are at Rugby Park.
  16. Around Glencairn Square or Morrisons at the top of North Hamilton Street, both about a 10 min walk to the stadium.
  17. Anyone who thinks that the players, management and directors ain't fully aware whats at stake financially, legacy wise and the added pressure that brings are kidding themselves on. It sounds like you've bought into this spin of nothing to lose, plucky wee underdogs, anythings a bonus, hook line n sinker but that's all just bluster, mind games and deflection i.e to relieve pressure. We'll all find out come Friday night, who can handle it best thou.... Bring it on. Re your edit..... You'd be a fool to expect a comfortable Killie win on Friday night, we never do comfortable.
  18. Of course there is, there are millions of pounds and a chance of lifetime at stake for your club. So to suggest that Arbroath are not under much pressure is nonsense.
  19. I read on FB the young team have organised and been given permission by the club to put on a display along the top of the East Stand for this one.
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