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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Hibs were at 3/4 yesterday. Thought the odds might have shortened since but they're still there. I was struggling to see past a Hibs win anyway but the events of the past 48hrs will surely take their toll. Three defenders and no goalies. Some laugh, this. Despite all that, I'm in favour of it going ahead. It's only a game, after all.
  2. "They poked fun at my football club... he really had no choice but to mock someone's dead son." I thought 8games was just a tedious fantasist, but it turns out he's a scummy c**t as well.
  3. Leslie Deans is better at jumping than you'd imagine.
  4. That'd fit the clues I've heard. JB initials, five letters in surname... Staggering, btw, how many players we seem to get who are in some way linked with Fleetwood. They're a team that has barely ever registered with me in the past but I feel like they get mentioned all the time now. Also, three people at the club called Junior... is this a record?
  5. Sorry, I do actually agree with that but it was late (for me) and I didn't type my post/thoughts out in full. I was kinda getting at the fact that some clubs had games postponed as 'punishment' when they were also missing players, but yes, I didn't actually write that. Kinda what @Stu has elaborated on. But yeah, we can't keep postponing games.
  6. That clue made me think it was Sam McCallum, but he's never made that many appearance. Interesting.
  7. If we're going two up front, then fair enough. I guess more options is a good thing. I'd have brought in true CH cover first. I saw someone on Twitter say it was a left wing back. That gave me the fear a bit
  8. I understand he's meant to be quick, but I've not seen a great deal of him. Perhaps someone else can shed some light.
  9. I'm not sure bulldozers have much of a place in the modern game anyway. The Duck was physical without being that much of a bulldozer but was always a red card waiting to happen (even though the red in the PO final was a farce.)
  10. You literally posted a serious response to a 'tractor' joke on the last page.
  11. All-out attack is the best form of defence. Or... we'll fudge a solution with a few square pegs in round holes and lose 3-0 with Hibs taking their foot off the gas after about 65 minutes. Edit: @ Urminsky. At least our back up is half-decent.
  12. Statement confirming the Covid diagnosis. Doesn't name the player, but I think we all know it's Alnwick. https://www.stmirren.com/all-news/3761-club-statement-6?fbclid=IwAR2naIJu0apE_W79hwuFlFayRX1pyKs3L-DQ97v0LvgmUzhOm-u9cWx4WwQ
  13. I think Goodwin likes Morias for his workrate, strength and bustling/closing down, but I think his days as a striker are completely numbered. He'll get games out wide or not at all, probably from the bench.
  14. I think that explains why he's continued to get half-decent moves through his career (with the exception of the jaunt to Azerbaijan). He's still young enough that managers will see the player he could be, rather than the player he's never quite managed to be. I can't see that there's room for him in our squad.
  15. Wow. Taste of our own medicine there, boys. Not sure how we'll recover from that, tbh.
  16. I was at a Newcastle game in 2012 and there was a wonderful collective Da moment as the referee was pacing out the distance for a defensive wall... and only counted nine yards. The entire stadium erupted as 50,000 Geordie Das proved they'd been sitting there counting as he walked, just to keep him honest
  17. Just Googled Naismith, how the hell is he only 26 still?! Feels like he's been around forever.
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