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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Having gone up a division and lost our manager, I think it's safe to say all bets are off in terms of our form. At least, though, our spell in the Championship has given us the chance to get a proper run of wins under our belt at SMP or whatever the f**k it's called this week. Scary to think that until last season, we had really only picked up sporadic wins there since it opened nearly ten years ago. Be nice to reacquaint ourselves with the Dees. Is that guy Jack Ross still managing them?
  2. He just talks a bit slowly for my liking. It may be that he's choosing his words carefully, but if I'm doing that, I pause for a second then talk at normal speed He's an ok squad member and, to some extent, can play on both sides of the pitch, which might be useful as cover. You probably wouldn't want him as first choice if you have title ambitions, though.
  3. I'm hoping that, as first-team coach (not even assistant manager - that appointment is yet to come) he will be in a position to lean on his considerable experience yet without enough responsibility to f**k things up.
  4. Yeah, the full-scale love-in can't last forever, especially when the football starts, but I know you guys are good c***s and it'd take a lot to change my opinion on that. Also, we can all agree that Hearts are, in the main, fucking wallopers, so we'll always have that.
  5. I'm wondering if we should just merge the threads for this season, tbh. Mods?
  6. Seriously? How come? I was hoping it would be. I need to stop putting money on these guys based on forum bollocks
  7. I honestly think he's our manager after next, regardless of what league we're in. I'm happy to wait.
  8. Sensible business decision that helped to keep the wolf from the door during a tough couple of years for our club. We've never been into administration so wouldn't know what it's like, but I bet it's horrible. Is it horrible? Edit: fucking uncannily similar response to @Buddist Monk there
  9. Strange one, that. Not right for him at this time, apparently. We're in for a battle next season, of that there's no doubt, so I have to infer from this that he doesn't fancy it the challenge. Perhaps he's worried he'll be found out. His reputation isn't sky high, so a shite season with us could end him.
  10. It's GTF day, so just popping in to say cheerio, fuckos. Some of you are awright. Enjoy finishing 7th again next season.
  11. I suspect it's the frequency with which you've mentioned the Samson thing that probably annoys folk. Gav did well for us, and it's been funny to use him to wind up Pars fans (who don't care if he does well or not). But I have serious doubts about him as a leader of the line. Work rate is beyond question, but better defences will know how to play him and keep him quiet. If he gets a gig at Sunderland - who had Jermain Defoe playing for them a year ago - then fair play to him, but I don't think it'll pan out. Tell you what, mind, if Hopkin is taken on, I bet we'll be in for Hardie again.
  12. The tone of it implies Lambert is a non-starter, imo. Does also mention we've been inundated with applications, and mentions the Steve Kean thing again. FFS. I think it'll be one of those where, despite tonnes of names being linked, the shortlist will be the same four/five names that everyone has been mentioning since day one. They're welcome to him. He's not good enough for the top flight, imo, and I'd rather our wages went elsewhere.
  13. The Jack Ross thing has caused a collective meltdown the likes of which I've not seen for a while. It's two things here: mainly group anxiety that we'll take on another Craig/Murray/Rae. Secondly, we normally end managers' careers (at any decent level, anyway), so seeing one leave for better things is making people forget what football is. It's honestly fucking barmy.
  14. Plus, we've got a chief exec who regularly talks about being in the top six/four/one. Now, we know to take that with a barrel of salt, but it's worth clarifying if you're on your way in as manager. Next year's aim should be 10th or higher. The year after, 8th or higher, and an average gate of 6k+. Then we can set more ambitious targets, but he's absolutely right to make sure our aims are clear.
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