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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Morton can go a long way towards sealing it for us at the pasta bowl on Tuesday.
  2. See when Conor Newton twatted that goal in against Hearts? Once I eventually found my way back to my seat, I spent a couple of minutes thinking it was too good to be true and something bad was going to happen The final ten minutes of the game did little to convince me otherwise! It's just conditioning. I was only 7 when H****rby happened, so wasn't hugely affected, but I think it's in our collective genes. I hope you prove to be as correct about the league title as you were about Jack staying. I do admire your outlook, I've just never seen us be this dominant so early in a league before.
  3. If he's 'done' like Harkins is 'done' then Morton will probably do ok out of this.
  4. Magennis would be a borderline call-up, maybe, but the other two are starters. Fuxake.
  5. No need to panic, mate. Second place is still well within your grasp and it doesn't look like it'll be Dundee who pump you in the playoff final, so you've every reason to be cheerful.
  6. I know Robert Grieve writes for the Sun, but I think he's usually fairly reliable.
  7. It'll all be a mere footnote in the story of the past 18 months. We'll never be big enough to hang on to the very best that we produce - managers or players - but we can create an environment that makes others with great promise want to come here because of the platform we can provide. I'd rather be this version of St Mirren, packed with enviable talent and fending off bids for our players and manager, than the one we've seen since 2015: full o' shite that no fucker wants.
  8. Part of the privilege of being a small club and having "big" clubs potentially fucking up your season at a critical stage just because they can't get their own shit in order is that when it doesn't work out, it's totally ok to make out like it was your decision and you were in control all along. Edit: @Jamie_M is completely on my list of 'awright' Ton fans, btw. Has been on here all week with pretty measured and sensible contributions.
  9. No. He has the ambition to win the title with St Mirren, and the ambition to move to a bigger club than Barnsley eventually, and our club had the ambition to pay the going rate to the best manager we've had for a long time. If you're looking to find folk who lack ambition... well, you can finish that sentence yourself.
  10. Honestly, someone on Black and White Army accused me of talking 'utter nonsense' for pointing out Ross was 'money motivated'. This is Ross who led a players' boardroom revolt over bonuses when he was here the first time. No judgement from me: it's a job, he's a professional. But to pretend otherwise is bonkers.
  11. It certainly is. As the fan of a team who has blown a huge lead in a league, I'd have thought you'd empathise with wanting the chairman to do anything he can to get us over the line.
  12. Until he goes to The Rangers in the summer What if he's just used Barnsley's interest to get a better contract out of St Mirren? We knew he was mercenary - we've known that since he was a player. I don't have an issue with it, btw. I've used interest from other employers in the past to negotiate pay rises.
  13. Yep. We're all reaping the benefits of the investment in the squad and the faith we've paid in Ross. Managers will always move on - if you have a good one, they might get poached. If you have a shit one, then you're doing badly and they'll get bagged eventually. We might go up - we might come back down again. Those things may or may not have happened with or without Jack Ross at the helm. What's more important is that we are now self-evidently a well-run club once more, with an ambitious chairman who (by and large) communicates well with the fans and backs the manager to bring in the players he wants. Long may that continue.
  14. I understand Jack Ross has spoken to Barnsley today, but he remains far from the only candidate. It does appear they are going for the 'young and promising' approach rather than anybody with significant levels of experience.
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