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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Bl00dy hell - that's going back. Next you'll be singing "do the shake and vac and put the freshness back".
  2. ^^^^ Not Kylie Minogue. Behave! The last thing I need is for that tune to be buzzing round my head for the rest of the evening
  3. Why would I want to check Companies house - its a library. If I was seriously interested in the liquidity of a company I'd pay out for a Dunn and Bradstreet report.
  4. I've got an idea - why don't you create your own thread and you can go and post there instead of polluting this one with your attention seeking dribble.
  5. Your going to lose a game thanks to a brace scored by a guy on crutches - this I've got to see.
  6. Incidentally I was amazed to ready the "latest news" on the official site that seems to imply that the front desk has been on the receiving end of angry and possibly abusive customers who where picking up tickets etc. I've always found them to be genuinely friendly, helpful and supportive whenever I've needed to pop in to reception. Despite the challenges of the pandemic and the restrictions therein; I've always believed they've tried to do their best to ensure customers have the best possible experience. I appreciate some season-ticket holders wont have been happy to get their seats temporarily relocated during the restrictions but its the world we live in at the moment - its a million times better than where we were last season and the reception staff should be applauded for their work; not vilified. I'm sure this is actually a very small minority and everyone I know feels the same. Sorry - soapbox time over.
  7. The defence have started to look increasingly more settle; however our management's propensity to phuque around with the defence, round about 60 - 70 minutes in, can completely upset the balance. Irrespective of when/if we score we really need to cut that particular "own-goal" out.
  8. He was comfortable as right wing attacking midfield and performed well as a result. When we tried him as a makeshift number nine it was nothing short of a disaster in my opinion. During his "purple patch" he was probably one of the fist five names on the starting line up and he didn't throw a "hissy fit" when being substituted unlike another winger I could mention.
  9. Lawless joined us as a squad player but, with a string of good performances, developed into a regular starter. He was particularly good at dead ball and penalties but struggles with tracking back to defend. Rarely did he manage to see out a match, at best he would last 80 minutes but, more often, was substituted after about 70. I was actually surprised when we signed him initially because he hardly distinguished himself in the play-off for Thistle; but he settled in well with the squad at the time. Often though his comments, particularly when talking about Motherwell, implied that he felt there was still unfinished business there - as far as I understand he felt he never really got much of a chance the first time around?
  10. Don't know much about Motherwell this season. Thought they would be weaker with the loss of Gallagher but, having seen his performance for Aberdeen, I'm now not so sure. We've generally managed to squeeze the odd goal out most games but this losing a lead its beginning to bug me - that and understanding that a game lasts until the referee blows his whistle; not 80 minutes - its not Rugby. I'm going for a narrow 1-0 win but I'm not overly convinced.
  11. I remember when, if the penalty taker paused in the run up, it was deemed ungentlemanly conduct and would generally be cancelled out. Mind you, as far as I can remember, goalkeepers weren't allowed to move their feet until the ball was kicked either.
  12. Paid for the semi final and final last season and then cancelled subscription. No real issue with the service but the thing that got me is, having recorded the game, you cant go back and watch it if your subscription has expired. I believe that's a standard thing with Sky as well however.
  13. As we get half gate receipts (minus expenses) it could be half a million. Lucrative indeed.
  14. I generally feel forwards; goalkeepers and fullback don't make the best captains as the role invariably pulls them continually out of position. There are always exception but all other things being equal, I prefer to see midfielders or central defence fulfil the role; they're best located to provide encouragement and support.
  15. Bringing Harrison Panayiotou in seems to have been more related to the current substitution rules rather than any strategic of fitness issues. With the rules that you can only have three stops in the first 90 minutes; it was evidentially Martindale's choice to bring him on at the same time as Hamilton rather than waiting to the end of the game when he was already wanting to bring on Shinnie. for the last 10 minutes.
  16. Bringing Kelly on really seemed to upset the balance of the defence. Obeleye and Fitzwater seemed to work well together but bringing another central defender on to allow Devlin to push more into midfield; really didn't seem to work. Finally I dont think Devlin should be captain; it seems to take his concentration away from defending and repeatedly pulls him out of position. Personally I would think Holt was a far better choice
  17. Would be interesting to see how thing had panned out if both teams weren't missing player through suspension and isolating. Unfortunately, with the pandemic, that's probably not going to happen this year. Thought Sibbald was pretty much unplayable for most of the game; immense but dead on his feet at the end. Some of the substitutions seemed a bit strange; bringing Jacobs on (great to see the young man again BTW) when we still had Reilly on the bench. Bringing Panayiotoyat on for eleven minutes also seemed a bit of a strange one. He seemed to be playing okat and causing some problems for the opposition; likewise he didnt appear to be injured.
  18. Think we got a really poor deal with the providers meaning it was almost guaranteed to make a loss on every game yet the quality wasn't that much better than say Alloa yet their's was done with one camera and a couple of enthusiasts.
  19. Worryingly after a quick shiftie at the ticket sales - we are in serious danger of being outnumbered at our own ground by the buddies who seem keen to take advantage of the £10 ticket offer. Come on guys; if the price wasn't enough to get you moving then surely the thought of being cooped up for eighteen months watching some cr@ppy home video feed is justification for getting down to the TMA on Saturday. Its looking like St Mirren have already sold-out four sections of the East Stand.
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