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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Almost 40 years ago I saw a young John Fashanu play for Crystal Palace on a two match loan. I know Fashanu was younger than Nouble is now but otherwise it was almost a complete cameo. The tall lanky"style" with the ungainly run; combined with the unease of the defence not really being sure how to handle him It will certainly be interesting to see how he does once he's settled in.
  2. Now you know I never like to be pedantic but the White Star Titanic didn't get sunk by an Iceberg. It (the Titanic) sank as a result of the Titanic's collision with an iceberg; the iceberg didn't go out to sink the Titanic.
  3. Just hope we don't add Richard Wankel to the training team
  4. You forgot to mention Deerpark and Bankton. Also Livingston Village?
  5. Bloody hell - thanks for that and a happy new year to you too.
  6. I suspect there were a couple of other pseudonyms as well. If I wasn't depressed enough.
  7. He's been a good trainer and coach and is very good on matchday but I'm not sure he has enough experience on the other management aspects to suit a club like Ayr yet. If he has a mentor to lead him then its possible but, at the moment, I would suggest its far to early. Then again as a player manager there might be some merit.
  8. He was supposed to be Nouble's striking partner at a previous club and came highly recommended - very disappointing it this turns out to be correct.
  9. When Kabia originally joined us I'm sure Martindale said the aim was to loan him out immediately. The next we knew was he came on as a sub at Celtic and got Brown sent off. I'm not sure he was ever viewed as being ready to immediately step into the first team
  10. At the end of the day; if we were to go down; it would be because we hadn't won enough games. We can't blame Dundee of whoever for failing to lose theirs.
  11. Surely finishing in 6th place is the best safety you can get?
  12. That really depends on your point of view - if Hibs had lost or drawn we could have conceivably leap-frogged then into seventh place at the weekend subject to other results going our way of course.
  13. In case anyone hasn't seen it; its on about 50 seconds in:
  14. Not wanting to be the prophet of doom or anything but what are the chances of holding on to Omeonga during the transfer window if he puts in a few more performances like yesterday? EDIT - that being said I'm pretty sure I've posted the same about Pittman about two years plus ago
  15. Actually I though Shinnie had a much improved game prepared to the one on Saturday. He seemed to relish being moved more to the left and let others become the centre of attention. Another interesting point though; based on the performance last night, who do you drop if you wanted to bring Nouble; Pittman and others back onto the starting grid?
  16. I was just thinking that.... Local lad come good - if his success could match his ego you're on to a winner.
  17. Interesting difference between last nights game and the Hearts one. Hearts started poorly and were losing all over the field so Neilson made changes to level things up a bit. Hibs started reasonably strongly and then got progressively worse. Good to see we didnt go for our usual ten minutes snooze at the start of the second half as well.
  18. I just want to be clear that, no matter the result, there will not be a party and definitely wine and cheese will not be served.
  19. Actually despite his shaky start I thought Kelly had good games against Dundee United and Celtic. He was actually excellent against United and we would have won that game if it wasn't for Williamson acting like a dick. Not even been in the squad since then so assume he's injured/ill? The invisible man (Lewis) is also meant to be able to play there, Either would be preferable to Longridge with the red mist which seems to be getting a regular occurrence now.
  20. Nouble is very much the unknown entity. As far as I am aware he's been spending the majority of his time as attacking left rather than an out-and-out striker. We obviously all also remember that Hamilton really set the heather alight when he was with them but has seriously struggled for pace in the premiership. Think you're being a bit unfair on Livi fans though. Most are patient and will wait a lot longer than a number of other sides I could think of. I still want to see Hamilton make good - I still remember for about 60 minutes against the buddies in Holt's first game he pretty much continually threw their defence into trauma. Using him as a 70 minute substitute to try and recover a game by playing long ball is never going to work - it doesn't mean though that he's a cr@p forward
  21. P&B keeps crashing for me at the moment so I'll be brief Shinnie played well in the first half but is no-way a striker with poor acceleration and a top speed inferior to many of the younger defenders. Held the ball up well and harried the back line but wasn't about to race out from an onside position to beat the defenders AKA Hardie et al. Omeonga was immense in the first half and the decision to take him off really meant that we lost a large part of midfield control. Unless he was totally knackered or injured (didn't appear to be the case) taking him off made no sense. Forrest had a great first half with a great partnership with McMillan - taking McMillan off broke that and Forrest became significantly less effective in the second half. Obviously Gordon in goal for the visitors repeatedly kept them in the game but I suppose plaudits should also go to Neilson for recognising the developing problem and taking steps to reinforce the midfield. I must agree with OliverCloff over the fact that we rarely seem to come out for a second half with all guns blazing. How many times this season have we finished the first half peppering the opposition goal only to come out for the second like we've got another ten minutes warm up. For all the doom and gloom though, I was disappointed by yesterdays result but not despondent. For large parts of the game we played very well; there's not one of the starting eleven that I could really single out as a poor performer.
  22. Hospitality has mixed support - also the wee fenced off area to the right of the directors box is for away board member and other officials and family.
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