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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Isn't that rather cutting off your nose to spite your face? Currently we have about 1000 season tickets for a stand that can accommodate more than 2500
  2. It doesn't particularly worry me about away support sneaking into the West Stand; we experience enough of that with the hospitality. So long as they are there to support their team and not cause problems then I don't have a problem with it. Unfortunately that doesn't always pan out when playing the big teams like the old firm and Motherwell.
  3. I actually prefer this starting line up. Previous experience of ten men behind the ball against the old firm rarely works. The likes of Nouble and Bahamboula on the wing will doubtless cause problems although I then worry about the referee after last season's exploits with Nouble. I would suspect the Russian boy would get the nod ahead of Stryjek; also this is definitely not Longridge's kind of game.
  4. Missed this bit: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/livingston-boss-still-searching-new-27591642 Sounds like Jack could be on the way out?
  5. Think we've only got one survivor from that team haven't we? Still always good to see agent Halkett doing his stuff.
  6. I'm not sure there is such a thing as a best team anymore per se. Depending on who we are playing the "best team" will amend slightly; One imagines that against the old firm we could be fielding a stronger defence and midfield perhaps with attacking options on the bench. Those games forecast as being more open will have a more balanced team; those with a more physical makeup could potentially have yet another "best team". At the moment putting together a team seems to be more challenging. not on who to include, but who to leave out. For example Nouble down the right wing seems more "unplayable" than Mullen but Josh still manages to chip in with a few goals. Concar impressed me on Saturday; not only on the speed of his attack but likewise how quickly he could get back to defend. Penrice was also a very strong left back although the number of injuries he's picking up is a concern. Morgan Boyes ended last season well although injuries have also be a problem for him. And talking of injuries; what about Tom Parkes. It could be a very interesting season; hopefully injuries wont be a large part of it.
  7. And a 6 foot 6 inches; he wont be needing a step ladder to change a light bulb.
  8. As its unlikely we could have afforded much more of a fee; I suspect there a pretty substantial sell-on fee.
  9. Started to wonder if Hamilton's injury is more serious than first thought and he requires time to recuperate something we cant do.
  10. Not sure many Livi supporters will be able to give you much of an answer here. He went out on loan to Arbroath pretty much as soon as he joined us. I think he played maybe 6 to 10 games for them. A young attacking CM apparently; definitely one for the future, How he's playing at the moment; well you might get more info of the Arbroath fans.
  11. But playing Aberdeen away on their final game? Could be tricky though if Aberdeen decide to test out a lot of fringe players etc. now they've definitely qualified for the next stage
  12. Don't need another goalkeeper now Gazza Malley is out of retirement. Seriously though, with such a fluid backline at the moment, I d prefer a goalkeeper with a bit of seniority who could communicate and keep them in line.
  13. The Andrew Shinnie for Jason Holt is a bit of a strange one unless its down to an injury. The rest I understand.
  14. Mixed opinions. The QoS fans thought he was really good but he seemed to struggle in the Premiership. Generally a pretty good keeper but subject to the occasional brain f##t moment. That being said he'd be a marked improvement on what we have at the moment IMO. One of the biggest criticisms I had with him was his lack of authority or communication with the defence. He's a bit older now so maybe he's matured.
  15. Unfortunately Stryjeks love of the "odd drink" has been well documented. It was announced that he'd got that under control but I would suggest he's still playing "under the influence". For the Morton game he came on walking like a man who'd been on a five day bender. When he's on form he's an excellent keeper but there really does seem to be something not right there.
  16. As I recall there was the suggestion that we got players like Ben Williamson on the proviso of guaranteed playing time. I suppose a parent club has the right to expect that if they're continuing to pay 100% of the loaned players wages but shoehorning players like Williamson straight into the team ahead of the likes of Jacobs; Mullen; McMillan and Sibbald did have a negative effect on the team as a whole IMO.
  17. Looks like the Albion feed is working now - unfortunately three and a half hours late
  18. According to feed - Jackson Longridge comes on; concedes a free kick; Albion Rovers score.
  19. Yep - not working for me either. Called the club; the first time it was answered with a "Hullo" and hung up as soon as I'd said I'd purchased PPV. Second time went straight to voicemail.
  20. I have full blown Covid at the moment - happy to do a swap
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