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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Excuse me - I enjoy spouting the same rubbish several times a season - there's an outside chance someone will actually listen to me rather than saying "the old codgers at it again".
  2. Think you're reading more into my post than was intended Atlas I wasn't. referring to the "b*****d" comment; I've no idea if he is or not and am even less interested. I think I posted on the Aberdeen thread that for Chukwuemeka, although I've defended him on numerous occasions; I wasn't able to see any positive in his seven minute cameo on Saturday. I dont know what the issue was but seeing him and Bailey doing keepie-uppies before the game and working together it reminded me that they're both from Birmingham clubs and was hopeful they could develop a real understanding. Whether he was inured or struggling with instruction or simply in a huff about being brought on so late it didn't look good. From where I sit there were dozens of people moaning that Martindale should get him off; I may also have been in that group; he was adding nothing to the team at a very difficult juncture of the game - quite simply we needed someone to constantly harry and to hold the ball up; basically break up attacks. That all being said I think we definitely need to be conscious over the choice of phrases. The phrase "go back to where you came from" can have multiple connotations. Even generationally there are words used in my youth which now appear to have a completely different context now.
  3. Dave McKay was club captain at the time and stood up for some of the more junior members; lack of pay getting through and others having transfers pushed through to balance the books. As I recall he was pretty much told a deal had been reached with St Johnstone and like it or lump it. It was pretty much a shock to everyone; Dave was well liked at the club and was also one of our leading goalscorers at the time (I think). Perhaps this explains why we have relatively low expectation now?
  4. Daft doesnt even near cover it. This is a man who turned off the power at almondvale to punish the fans. Who repeatedly paid staff late becauser of "problems with money transfer from the Italian bank" in some cases this late payment could be several weeks. Who allegedly rented a villa in Edinburgh centre on the clubs account; who wrote off a rented car again paid for by the club. Who allegedly sold players to St Johnstone and Dundee to "punish people" Who allegedly sold off the sell on clause for Graham Dorrans who was at West Brom at the time. As far as I am aware that money never appeared in the company's accounts. I imagine others can remember other events but that's for starters. I seem to recall a couple of years back he'd made enquiries about buying another team in Scotland but cant remember who.
  5. Aberdeen own their own ground don't they? Presumably its not hocked up to the hilts then that should provide some surety. That being said it only takes one asset stripping wide-boy* to come in and who knows - I wonder what Massone is doing these days? * Wide-boy was not the first word I typed but thought better of it in light of said party's propensity for suing every man and his dug.
  6. As a matter if interest what is "acceptable" from an Aberdeen point of view? Top Six; Europe; third place; better? From a Livi perspective we've obviously been through the wringer a few times with bampot owners etc. so that those of us that are left seem to have the following priorities: 1. to still have a club in existence at the start of next season 2. To have a club that makes a profit 3. to maintain a position in the Premiership 4. To avoid the play-off place 5. To make top six 6, To qualify for Europe 7. To beat either of the old firm at their patch. For some the priority may change but generally I think that's what most of us want.
  7. Can MM please leave Charles Cooke on the bench again - asking for a friend.
  8. I find it difficult to understand that a team managed by Jim Goodwin would be so far down the ratings.
  9. I tend to try and avoid knee jerk reactions to players performances on social media - instead I bend the ear of my oldest son on the way home (poor sod). I am very aware that a lot of the younger players constantly search social media for reports on how they did. The older hands will have seen it all before and often can counter that the boy may have been following team instructions e.g. to hold back and not attack up the wing etc. I think we do need to also be conscious when using a phrase about a loan player, for example, "send him back to where he came from". The writer almost certainly was referring to the club that loaned him out but, for someone of a perceived ethnic minority; it can mean something entirely different.
  10. Painful to remember that we "enjoyed" 61% possession against St Johnstone in the midweek.....
  11. By my reckoning maybe 1800 - 2000 Dons fans faced the atrocious weather to travel down. Good effort guys
  12. Actually I thought the side with Eugene Dadi were worse - and they used to have that weird tactic of everyone running into the penalty area in a sort of semi circle for a corner. Did that ever work? Actually didnt they finish fourth that year - what do i know?
  13. Unfortunately I have to agree with you. Players know the score nowadays; even a push to the front is classed as raising the hand and can be penalised accordingly.
  14. Bringing Jet on for the last six minutes seemed like an odd one to me. Granted he's good at the long throws but he used to take about 15 minutes to get up to speed for us.
  15. Yes; Anderson was getting pulled up by the Aberdeen player after being fouled. Obviously the Aberdeen player was afraid of time ticking away but basically he didn't need to do that. That being said Montano didn't need to get involved; I appreciate he felt he was defending his team mate but he was on a yellow already and Bailey was already on the touchline waiting to replace him. Totally avoidable! As for Chukwuemeka; I've defended him against the detractors before but that was by far and away the worst performance in a Livi shirt by anyone for quite some time.
  16. Sun's out here - for the next ten minutes probably Edit - spoke too soon
  17. No where near enough rain to get the game called off in my opinion; last year a lot of it was as a result of rain combined with melting snow. Rain is relatively light at the moment although its apparently going to get heavy at 3pm. Relatively strong winds though so don't plan on a "classic".
  18. No announcement of any pitch inspection yet - plus they're still selling tickets in the reception? Bloody freezing outside though but the rain isnt particularly heavy so fingers crossed.
  19. Wasn't having a go but it is a bit indicative of Scotland as a whole unfortunately. Old firm supporting combined with kids supporting English premiership clubs is a endemic problem faced by most "local" clubs.
  20. As the saying goes... you never forget your first live son. (and with my blood pressure I'm banned at looking a plump birds in lingerie).
  21. Its a real pity that some dons supporters seem to prefer to talk about the old firm in a Livingston v Aberdeen thread. Speaking personally in my 65 years on the planet I have never supported either side of the old firm; in fact the only other club I've supported other than Livi was Cardiff City (the bluebirds) as I worked down there for 20 odd years. I still look out for Cardiff's results but that's about as "blue" as I've ever got.
  22. Win the title - Heart; Motherwell or Aberdeen - worth it for the banter alone. Relegation - probably Dundee for playing the worst football I've seen in a while - shame really for the Livi connection in McPake; Mullen and Byrne. Both County and St Johnstone have shown some desire and fight to get out of the mire; not sure the current Dundee squad have that.
  23. I think the reporter actually asked his opinion and he answered it. A real no-win situation; don't answer and people would make their own assumptions; Answer it and its a no win. It makes you wonder why the reporter didn't ask other Premiership managers the same question....
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