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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Not the old Craigshill Mall bakery? The rookie mistake of biting in to one straight off the tray to find you suddenly had a palm full of scolding hot fat.
  2. In the army in the seventies you used to get three courses served up at the same time in one bowl it was really interesting if the first course was highland broth and the third course; rhubarb and custard. Class? You don't know the meaning.
  3. The biggest issue I have with Ross County is that they sell out of their venison pies before half time. Admittedly they might last longer if people such as me didn't buy two at a time but that not the point.
  4. Show some class son. KFC all the way. McDonalds is borderline child cruelty. Mind you does anyone know what the guest pie is tomorrow? If its Chicken and chorizo or Steak; haggis and peppercorn; you wont be wanting anything.
  5. Right up there with "I'm not a racist; I've even got a 'friend' who's a ######".
  6. More to the point, for the last 300 years or so, the monarch has only acted as directed by the Prime Minister of the time. That being the case is there any point to a constitutional monarchy in the modern age other than holding the commonwealth together and that argument is getting more and more watered down with each country declaring itself a republic.
  7. Actually TheScarf is correct here. The monarchy are part of the constitution of government; they are not allowed (theoretically) to be part of party politics (politically neutral) although, i believe, the monarch's partner/consort are not obliged to comply with that other than by tradition. Even the monarch's speech at the annual opening of parliament are written by the ruling party. As far as I am aware the last time royal assent was not granted was at the time of Queen Anne - something to do with raising a Scottish Militia to defend the country against the French.
  8. Remember for the last few seasons we've pretty much been the bookies favorite for relegation after the first few games and then pulled it together. conversely, the season Killie got relegated, weren't they well within the top six at this stage. Certainly for stages on Saturday they did look like a Championship side, mid table at that, but we were guilty of not converting our chances in the first half. In the second half I'm not sure if we lowered our performance or Killie raised theirs; although I hate to say it they did look better when Lafferty came on. One things for certain; playing Doidge as a lone striker isn't the way to go; although, to be fair, he got bu@@er all support..
  9. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/livingston-boss-admits-club-hit-27999945?fbclid=IwAR00dO8eXe22vXPLmDvaWHO9OzcJbYhJ9mFxNvoap1RcY8y9kz-Nbrr2sgE Not really surprised although people kicking off about perceived laxness of selling tickets to the West Stand wont have helped. Ideally what we need is a few more season ticket holders or PATG supporters turning up on a regular basis. Selling Stryjek might have been an option before he started having a mare of a season and was punted. Almost certainly we'll need to sell at least one player (Fitzwater?) in the January window to allow us to keep hold of other.
  10. Great - an opportunity to talk about football - cant wait to see Killie struggle to play football on an artificial pitch... ahem
  11. One of the benefits of being young (or significantly younger than me which isn't hard); in later years the monarchy became more of an anachronism. As I posted on the other thread:
  12. An unofficial verse added in 1745 by people in Tottenham I believe; north of the border the Jacobites replace it with: God bless the prince, I pray, God bless the prince, I pray, Charlie I mean; That Scotland we may see Freed from vile Presbyt'ry, Both George and his Feckie, Ever so, Amen. I believe the following verse also appeared in parts of the country: From France and Pretender Great Britain defend her, Foes let them fall; From foreign slavery, Priests and their knavery, And Popish Reverie, God save us all.
  13. I prefer the Billy Connolly of replacing God Save the Queen with the theme from the Archers. Just imagine; we could get to the 96th minute and suddenly the stadium erupts into a rousing chorus of Derrum de dum de dum de dum Dum de dum de dum dum Derrum de dum de dum de dum Dum de dum titty dum I'm welling up already....
  14. I'm not saying whether it should happen or not, Personally I rather not; there's already been enough coverage on TV already - Christ; I turned on the TV yesterday to catch the news and hopefully an update on the Ukrainian situation; instead I ended up looking at a box in a room as people filed passed LIVE; and then they repeated the footage. The counter offensive in the Ukraine was crammed into about 3 minutes. Booing doesn't show you disagree with anything; just that you cannot respect other people's wishes. if you wish to register your disagreement with the monarchy why not hold up a banner saying so or some other dignified protest? I'm sorry but booing really is kindergarten stuff mostly performed by people because someone else has started it. Turning your back or simply remaining seated and playing with your phone is equally effective.
  15. Booing is childish; I don't see how anyone can argue otherwise. Its hardly the height or witty repartee. Its also extremely offensive to those others, including players, that want to register their respect. If people want to register some sort of discontent then surely back-turning is the least disruptive for those other supporters who actually want to observe the silence. I'll observe any silence out of respect to my fellow supporters and to the woman, not as a monarch particularly as I've been a republican for four decades and wont change now, but for the service she gave. GSTK (or GSTQ as was) is particularly contentious in Scotland mostly just because the English football team use it as their anthem. If they were to stick to "Jerusalem" or "land of hope and glory" or even "tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"; I don't think there'd be half the problem. Most people dont know more than the first verse anyway.
  16. So long as you don't start singing the Joel Barlow words to the tune of God Save the KIng you'll be fine.
  17. In Wales a chapel was a church without a tower or spire. Obviously large buildings such as palaces or castles may have a chapel; I think there's also one at Edinburgh airport not tied to any denomination.
  18. I was actually quite surprise to learn that GSTQ is not actually the national anthem of the UK; apparently its just tradition; it has never been officially proclaimed as such. Mind you who knows more than the first verse anyway.
  19. I've been a republican (with a small "R") for over 40 years now; not that I think the Windsor's are bad people but because I think the world has moved on and would prefer something more aligned to the French system personally. That being said I've lived through the reign of Elizabeth R since the 50's to the present day; like most of us I've known no other. When I was born we still had the remains of an Empire and even at school we were taught how proud be should be of the British Empire bringing civilization to the rest of the world (yes; yes; I know). As the Empire broke up there was a huge period of uncertainty whether we would have a good relationship with our previous "subjects" or not (where we had previously been the "masters"). To my eternal shame I do recall telling a lad from East Africa (Tanzania) how better off his country was under British colonial control rather than under the German tyranny which it had been prior to the first world war. He just adopted a polite conciliatory tone rather than ask me what the hell I was talking about. That was indicative of the public view of the time we had a gawd awful conceit about us even through into the 70's. Many of our prime ministers seemed devoted to making things worse; the like of Eden and the Suez crisis were the tip of the iceberg; I remember examples like the various Arab royal families visiting London; ostensively to visit Harold Wilson or Heath or McMillan; but spending more time with the Queen learnings diplomacy and protocol from someone who'd had it drilled into her virtually her whole life. A huge amount of business was also done off the back off the Royal Yacht Britannia and its various official visits overseas. Even after the country joined the Common Market such deals did not slow down. Even as this changed to the European Union and various prime ministers like Thatcher did her best to upset the likes of the French; the monarch remained a constant leveller. I feel there have been a lot of potential conflicts that have been avoided throughout the ex-empire but the monarchs actual existence and the commonwealth is probably the best legacy of that. I personally feel that Elizabeth R did an immense lot for us; a job that few would really have chosen; life under the microscope; every day a target for any disgruntled loony with the opportunity. Even death is not a private matter. For that reason I will respect her passing as much as I respect those who feel some form of personal loss. I will also honour a minutes silence if required. I do however find the need to televise a car doing 25 mph down the A90 a bit odd; if I want to do that I'll drive up to Aberdeen on Christmas Eve. That being said the world has changed and we (as in the people of the British Isles) are no longer the great world power we were. Do we have a place on the world stage; undoubtedly yes; but are we one of the five world leaders? Is a monarchy still relevant? Well with so many of our Caribbean friends now ditching the monarchy; the last real role of head of the commonwealth is also in doubt. Anyway RIP ER
  20. Just imagine if Postecoglou travels down to Brighton & Hove Albion on Friday for a job interview to replace Potter and, whilst travelling back ; he's on the M25 and strangely someone reports his car as potentially stolen. Bobs your uncle; he's at Sunbury nick overnight being strip searched by the Mets finest. Unfortunately I suspect even that wouldn't put Celtic off their stride at the moment. I had hoped for a few niggling injuries following the European match but even that doesn't seem to be the case. If it seems that I am clutching at straws at the moment that's probably because I am. Fitzwater being back though is a bit of really good news. I would stick with four at the back though with Kelly playing a more deep defensive midfield role; his best position in my opinion.
  21. Unfortunately so would I. With Fitzwater still banned I'm not sure if the back line will really be up to restricting Celtic to one goal. Happy to be proved wrong.... The best chance we've got is if Celtic have a couple of players sent off early on please (make one the goalkeeper)
  22. You're not the only one. I get the argument that having a player in an advanced position potentially creates a gap in the box but likewise having someone up near the halfway line ties up at least two defenders who otherwise would likely be around the outside of the box they were attacking. Actually I remember when Hamilton used to leave two forwards spread across the halfway line meaning that the other side needed to leave four players to defend the possible breakout. With the four players marking the attackers and one player taking the corner; that only left five players in or around the penalty area they were attacking.
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