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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. For me Omeonga is at his best against teams with a narrower, more methodical build-up. He seems less effective against teams that tend to play it wide with wing backs and the like. Hibs; particularly the Hibs of the first half were his ideal team; as I recall he struggled a bit against Ross County of last season when Charles Cooke was up-to-speed. Certainly any team where the midfielders like to dwell on the ball will be punished.
  2. I think Max was a very good keeper but his love for Mr Barleycorn was well documented. It was meant to be under control but, having seen some of the errors earlier in the season, I do wonder.
  3. I've watch Nouble's goal and build up from several angles and still cant work out what the Hibs "defence" were doing/thinking.
  4. About the only ones I can pretty much guarantee will finish in the top six are the old firm and Hearts. Aberdeen had a good league cup but other that that have been particularly meh Hibs; well it depends which Hibs you're talking about; the one in the first 45b mins of Saturday's game will be struggling against relegation; the second half team should be comfortably mid table at least. Motherwell are starting to pick up a bit of a head of steam; new manager effect perhaps. Dundee United certainly should be better than they are; goalkeeper is a real liability - they'd be better even with Stryjek on one of his worst days. Killie's a bit of an unknown but I've yet to see anything to suggest that they wont have a very tough season but that s based on a collection of five minute "highlights". Ross County; loathed to write them off too soon after the turnaround they achieved last season; who knows. St Mirren/St Johnstone; who knows. The buddies signed a few and its taking time for them to gel; as for St Johnstone; passed experience leads me to not write them off too soon. Anyway off to the docs now; getting the splinters removed from my a##e from sitting on the fence.
  5. Seems fair enough to me; camera angle was pretty poor and my view from the stand wasnt much better. I think what got most people upset was the hysterics afterwards where he was trying to claim a penalty. I think realising he was already on a yellow, meant that he didn't take it too fa. Boyle coming on certainly caused us some problems with his speed which Montano seemed to struggle with. Replacing him with Cancar calmed the danger a bit. The diving bit has somewhat coloured peoples' view of what is otherwise a very effective attacking player. I am also a bit mystified by Porteous' need to cover about half the pitch to start pushing players as soon as there's a free kick; seemed completely unnecessary and he runs the risk of getting booked each time. Maybe that accounted for his record number of red cards last season.
  6. A note to the visiting supporters based in the East Stand particularly in to the northern side - bring sun-glasses. If your seats are located up to about row "H" you'll likely spend the best part of two hours staring at the sun.
  7. TBH it does really read like a combination of two separate interviews Davie previously gave including some almost exactly the same wordings. A wee bit of update on the Montano scoring at the weekend but it does read a bit like its a journo hash job. Of course I'll eat my words when a 20 goals a season arrives on Monday.
  8. Yes; its going to be very much a "horses-for-courses" sort of season I think. On Saturday it was largely a 4-5-1 format although some might argue that it was really a 4-4-1-1 as Pittman played an advanced role for about an hour. Feasibly we could go to 3-5-2 against more defensively focused teams but we have enough skillsets to make up a convincing string of other formats; plenty of strength on the wings; some attacking options; good cover in defence. Previously we've had a plethora of guys to fit in one or two positions but precious little cover elsewhere; this is almost unknown territory for us.
  9. When we tried him as a striker before it patently didn't work but then he was generally up there with someone else and he seemed to settle into more of a support role rather as the main focus of the attack. Just recently he's been the main focus for the forward ball; previously I would have said that wouldn't have worked as he'd get crowded out but he seems to thrive on it. So far we've seen sides trying to man mark him with one or two defenders and he seems to shrug them all off. I'd never have seen that as working - patently I was wrong. Its really difficult not to draw a comparison with Harry Panayiotou; who was his teammate at Aldershot. Panayiotou was apparently always unfit and didn't seem to improve; eventually leaving the club calling the atmosphere "toxic".
  10. Funnily enough I was thinking Sibbald had a really quiet game by his standards. Once he fully settles and provided he can remain injury free; I think you're in for a treat.
  11. I actually thought Boyes had a poor start but that was largely down to being given the final five minutes in games when Martindale was in his tinkering phase. You can't give a fair assessment of anyone on those terms. Towards the end of the season he looked far better and you could almost see the confidence building up in him. Would be interesting to see him get a run of games though and not simply ten minutes here and there. Not altogether a fan of him being loaned out; we will pick up injuries and suspensions (hopefully no more straight reds) so feel he will get his chance.
  12. Sorry Typo - meant CD for both. As for Parkes; I still remember that last minute header against Ross County to win the game 2-3. Yes; he only had I think 8 appearances last season and most; other than the league cup, were off the bench. Still I think he had potential once losing weight.
  13. Starting to fear we might not see Tom again in a Livi shirt. On the rare occurrences we saw him last season I thought he looked pretty handy. Morgan started to settle at the end of last season and began to show his potential but there's already significant competition for the CM position https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/livingston-defender-could-miss-entire-27656223?fbclid=IwAR2ZBCmWuUeFZiqBgo4wkiPjzgWF_lq4rhsKEOi5GOY91Gb4EbwrYYSL2uM
  14. My point is if you want the powers to eject people from the home end simply for wearing the away top then you need to make the condition of sale crystal clear. No if's not but's; that's what it says on the ticket. To my mind we didn't do that for the sevco game; and as such I suspect that's why they waited until half time to sort the matter out. To my mind though the offenders could have been removed immediately for refusing to sit in the all seater stadium; a legal requirement for the Premiership I believe.
  15. As far as I am aware we have to follow the direction of the stewards as part of the safety at grounds act (as amended). If someone point blank refuses then they are effectively committing a criminal offence however what the Stewards can do about it is a moot point. Obviously they can perform a citizens arrest but that can carry significant penalties, personally, if they get that wrong. As such this is something that needs to be handled by the police. Obviously there is a current trend to try and limit the police presence at most football matches makes that more of a challenge but there should have been no excuses on Saturday. I have sympathy for the stewards; years ago I helped out a friend by standing in as a bouncer at a Welsh nightclub for a couple of months; I hated it; confrontation all over the place and the occasional boozed up ned wanting to push my face in. The money wasn't worth it.
  16. You and I know that but its not what it said on Twitter for the official site: Legally it could be argued that the club were obliged to find another place for them to sit as conditions of sale were not made apparent at the time.
  17. Sorry; maybe I'm being a bit anal here but that's hardly constituting a "Away Supporters will be refused admission" message. Remember we're not always dealing with the brightest of the bright. That being said our official twitter site doesn't even say that:
  18. Strangely I've just gone on to our eticketing site for the Hibs game and could not find one single reference that the West Stand was for home supporters only. Plenty of stuff about under 16's needing to be accompanied and how to travel to the ground safely but nothing about, for example, if you turn up with an away top you'll be refused admission. Maybe I'm missing it; but if there is a message then it needs to be a lot larger!
  19. I didn't see anything around the home dugout; I was in C2 and saw the small band of about 20 rangers supporters down to the bottom of C3. They didn't seem particularly threatening to me although the tubby woman who turned around and gave us all the "V" sign as she was being led out had a certain level of class (certainly wouldn't have liked to meet her on a dark night). It there was a congregation of away supporters in front of the home dugout; why weren't they kicked out immediately? That would have been the easiest thing to do? We had masses of police but they were all congregated at the far corners presumably looking for pyrotechnics and pitch invasions. Talking for the C3 group; it seemed that a couple of the youngest stewards were left to deal and the older, and presumably more experienced, stewards only occasionally wandered up to have a word and then, just as quickly, disappear. This was absolutely a failure of the stewarding company and the club should demand an explanation. Atlas; please be clear; I am never going to defend either of the old firm getting tickets in our own end (or anyone else for that matter). I would however be prepared to accept that some will purchase tickets by nefarious means on the basis that they a refused admission or turfed out as soon as they make their presence known. In order for that to work legally the club will need to make it patently obvious that tickets in the West Stand are for home supporters only and anyone contravening that are liable to refused admission or removal. As for neutrals; I assume we were all neutrals at one stage. I certainly was; having not been able to go and see my original home town side of Cardiff (Bluebirds) for many years. My kids got given free tickets and the rest is history. When we first got promoted to the SPL, as was, I believe we sold somewhere between 3-4k of season tickets using up the West stand and a chunk of the South. A lots happened since then but the only way we are going to improve is by getting neutrals in. This isn't a private members club. All in all; if ticket touts want to get hold of tickets they will do. If away supporters want to try and buy tickets to the home stand then some of them will succeed. In actual fact history proves that the more barriers you put up; it can, in some ways, become more easy for the determined members to get in (having cleared a lot of the competition).. The best and surest way of controlling this is to have adequate security; both at the turnstiles and then again inside the ground. To make the conditions of sale totally apparent to all potential purchasers and to ABSOLUTELY enforce the rules without delay throughout the entire game. None of this waiting for half-time rubbish. Pretty sure this is what happens in other grounds.
  20. But "THEY" probably only numbered maybe 100 rangers supporters - what about the 1400 who were there to support Livi but don't have a season ticket or someone just wanting to watch a game of football without allegiances? To make up for those unbought tickets we'd all have to chip in an extra £40 a head over and above the standard cost for each old firm game. Also the suggested solution doesn't really work as whats to stop a ticket tout from purchasing a concession season ticket and then buying say ten tickets per old firm game? I understand they were making £70 per ticket so that would be £700 pure profit a game; a minimum of £2,100 per season. If the club catches on and cancels the season ticket so be it; they simply buy another one under another name. The other problem is tracing back rouge tickets to the person that bought them. If they're sitting in their allotted seats then fair enough but in order top be sure you'd have to challenge them and demand to see their ticket. They are actually not legally obliged to hand it over. The only sure way to check things is at the turnstile.
  21. losing 1500 seats for at least 3 old firm games comes to almost £120,000. That's a lot of money to lose in a season. Bearing in mind that's a true loss; we've already paid out for all the security etc for matchday anyway. What really gets me is they were searching about 70% of fans entering the stadium but still failed to notice so many wearing rangers tops when trying to enter the West Stand. I'm not blaming the steward here; he was on his own and even if he rejected one away fan; that person would simply cover up and go to the other entrance. The tickets should have had a clear message on it that the stand was for home supporters only and away supporters would be refused admission or ejected from the ground subsequently. This is particularly important where tickets are being sold by ticket touts of which there were at least a dozen around Macarthur Glen and on Bubble hill. Ideally online sales will cut a lot of that out; I'm not sure even the most gullible will pay £90 for an internet screen print out. I didn't really see much in the way of problems on Saturday; there were a few young boys with rangers tops on but they were well behaved; there was a section down the bottom of C3 which had about 20 - 30 individuals. They were escorted out by half time but I'm not sure why it took so long were they simply being moved to the North stand? Really the reaction SHOULD have been immediate; anyone whose there who shouldn't be or doesn't know how to behave is escorted out immediately - none of this wait until half time nonsense. The biggest problem seems to be the inclusion of hospitality right in the middle of the West Stand. Noisy drunken fans shouting the odds does little to hasten the family atmosphere and that happens throughout the season.
  22. We probably got about £38k extra than we would have otherwise. That's more than five years worth of player sponsorship.
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