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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Not sure whether to send them to Lourdes or Notre Dame
  2. As I recall Vincze was great up until his contract was renewed and then fell right off. Seemed scared to make a challenge or indeed anything that would have ruffled his hair.
  3. But he's proved he can get out of a tight spot - toilet windows for example
  4. Joking aside didn't James McPake start out for us as a forward?
  5. Personally I would have had him higher in the pecking order than Jackson Longridge
  6. Bardon was the young Norwich goalkeeper wasn't he? Didn't he have testicular cancer (hopefully at early stages)? Edit - seems to be playing again for Maidstone United and the treatment had been going well. Considering he was diagnosed during the pandemic it could have been a lot worse.
  7. Martindale is an opportunist so, if he becomes aware of someone becoming available who is a better fit than what we have already and is the right price, then maybe. That being said, if we get six figures coming in then who knows?
  8. I liked the look of Cancar despite the impression of "the player most likely to pick up a red card" tag
  9. Yes; I was wondering what had happened to our loan market. We had a few duff oneas but the likes of Brown from Cardiff for example and Odin Bailey were definitely worth it. I do wonder though, with the like of Lewis and others coming on board and not getting played, has made clubs a little reluctant to lend player without guaranteed playing time.
  10. I know its repetitive but I suppose its a valid question; that being said there must be a hundred other "retired" strikers who could do the same role better.
  11. Not sure its anything to do with his history - more the fact that he really isn't very good. In his early days with us his sudden burst of speed and route-one approach was an exciting game to watch; he doesn't have that any more. As for potential knowledge transfer I think our guys benefitted more when Hartson was involved prior to Kenny Miller becoming manager.
  12. Seems to be going well with Nouble but the approach was different (Arbroath)
  13. Last couple of games I've has concerns about Obileye's speed at getting back particularly on a one to one situation. With Devlin keeping pushing up it seems he's been left increasingly exposed.
  14. Really don't think we'll see Parkes in a LIvi shirt again.
  15. Looks like we're still waiting on a work permit for Luiyi de Lucas but, with the performance of Morgan Boyes, I wonder if that's still on the cards. EDIT - that being said I wonder what he's like at taking penalties?
  16. A greenie just for saving me a sh#t load of typing - now back to therapy
  17. I have the fear that we get to a penalty shoot out in a cup game......
  18. I get what people re saying about Goncalves but simply put we don't know how he's been performing in training. Obviously he's been doing a lot more that falling on his ar5e whenever a defender comes close to him. So far this season the only time I've seen him being relatively effective is when he was playing on the left wing. playing in the centre and he's totally ineffective particularly as a lone striker lacking that dramatic burst of pace to get away from his markers; this is the same issue we had with Jack Hamilton (the striker). Effectively we really need a Van Veen type player - wonder if the 'Well would consider a straight swap?
  19. Dreadful game made worse by the officials who decided that advantage should not be played in any circumstances. The new Offside arrangement is completely baffling.
  20. Saw him carry a child around after the game. As I recall one of the reasons he gave for wanting to go home was that he couldn't get his family out due to the war in Ukraine. I was reading this gesture as if he had finally managed to get them out?
  21. Happened to me walking down to meet some old work colleagues on the path past James Young. The ground had frozen over so I didn't see the sheet ice underneath. Went down hard but, despite now in my mid-sixties, there's nothing broken - apart from my pride.
  22. Was out earlier today - the council seem to have done diddly squat about trying to clear the pavements. B&Q car park was like an skate park with snow having melted and then refrozen last night. Baring in mind the beeb were reporting that the average temperature in Livi last night was plus two; how was it cold enough to refreeze? Even if the pitch and stadium hadn't been damaged; I very much doubt the game would have been given police approval.
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