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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Think the camera man has spent too much time watching Shaving Ryan's Privates I mean Saving Private Ryan.
  2. An absolute bargain a five minute review of Willie Collum's growing bald patch followed by a lingering view of Glass yawning whilst a corner is being taken - what more could you want? Don't forget though the £20 service charge and the further £15 for delivery.
  3. It depends; some contracts have an agreed notice period e.g. 3 months. Likewise a lot of professional contracts are made up of appearance fees and performance (either goals scored; assists; or clean sheets). I imagine he's no chance of covering any of those unless he has a minimum appearance clause. Depending on the type of contract; termination could receive tax and NI deduction at the full rate unless he somehow manages to deem it as redundancy payment.
  4. I really feel for the Raith fans here. Going back; the Raith away day game was one we used to look forward to. Cracking wee club (don't mean that to sound condescending); the fact that the railway line runs behind one of the stands actually just makes the ground even more unique, Friendly staff; the girl (I call her a girl as I'm now in my mid sixties so she's still a lassie to me) behind the servery seemed to remember the vast majority of supporters; would welcome them and ask how they were doing. She even seemed to remember some of the names - I mean that's possibly tens of thousands of faces in a season? For me she optimised Raith Rovers as a family friendly club. The supporters all seemed pretty sound; as a family man it was a safe away day to take my kids twenty years ago and still is (even though my "kids" are now in their late 20's or early 30's). Easy to get to; easy to park - although I never worked out why it took so much longer to get away from the ground than it did getting there.... For me the Raith supporters have every right to their club; they're the one's who turn up on a rainy Tuesday night; support the club through thick and thin. It is their local club; the one that is in their blood. What can be done? Well suggestions of mass protests outside the ground will ultimately be unsuccessful; those responsible will simply think they can ride it out and potentially threaten those like the club captain to tow the line. Many of the players will have mortgages and other commitments; can they afford to put their livlihood at risk (and the future of their families)? Strongly worded letters; emails etc. are also unlikely to be effective; they can be ignored. The loss of sponsorship will have an initial impact but; compared the the advertising revenue they can gain from just one televised Old Firm game in the Premiership, maybe its a gamble worth taking for the board? Season ticket holders not turning up wont have much of an effect either; they've already paid for the season and are unlikely to get a refund so again the board can ignore them. One thing that would be really effective though is if all those season ticket holders saying they're not going to attend; actually did so - then, maybe five minutes before the kick off, had a mass protest on the pitch; stopping the game from starting. Say for example five hundred supporters standing in the centre circle (peaceful but noisy); what are the club going to do? Twenty or thirty stewards are going to end up taking an hour to get them all removed. The club could try threatening them all with football banning orders but banning your home support from attending home games seems somewhat counter productive - and anyway a two year ban was what many were threatening to do anyway i.e. not returning until Goodwillie's contract runs out. Irrespective of what you decide to do; stay strong guys. As bad as things seem now; the club will survive.
  5. I've managed to calm down a bit now so.... Forest was good but not as good as on Saturday. Basically the team were a huge disappointment on how we were on Saturday however things like Omeonga having two Saints players virtually on his neck the whole time seriously impacted his effectiveness. Likewise Penrice looked seriously off the pact; possible not fully fit or lacking in confidence but this wasn't the boy bursting up the wing we've seen on previous occasions. Last night we had 61% of the ball (according to the beeb) but at least 50% of that appeared to be passing it around at the back AKA John Hughes style. Hugely frustrating to watch particularly when we rode our luck at times. Not starting with Nouble was a huge mistake in my opinion. We've seen previously that he takes up the fifteen minutes to totally warm up when coming on; coming on in the last quarter of an hour left the boy trying to make an impression; not a good move with that idiot if a referee. Seeing both incidents on the TV later; neither appeared to be a booking - however the problem is that when we come up against a team with seasoned play-actors; will they roll around on the ground clutching their face etc. whenever he comes close? Unfortunately his very height could put him more at risk for that than most. All this aside though, one thing that irritated me the most was the lacking drill and organisation that we has against Hibs; whenever we had a set piece or a throw in on Saturday there was a real danger; we presented a real threat. Too often last night it seemed people just milled about without any direction - why the change; it was only four days ago? Anyway losing to St Johnstone could be worse
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60229285
  7. Of course; but it does add a degree of a "devil you know" scenario to it. Very few players come into a new team and make an immediate impact (Francisco Quino aside )
  8. Was surprise on exactly how active the Saints have been in the transfer market over the past few weeks. Starting to look like it could be a very interesting game.
  9. I'm not sure either Sebastian Soto or Ivan Konovalov have received clearance yet although, having already been registered with a UK club, you would hope Soto's would be through pretty soon. That being said; I saw an article where Davie ( I think) suggested he wasn't fully fit at the moment and would take time to adjust to the Scottish game. EDIT - correction; it looks like he could be available but is recovering from Covid: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/livingston-boss-admits-new-recruit-26068717
  10. Nouble seemed to pick up a knock on Saturday but, Like Liviforever I was keen to see Anderson and Nouble but then the question is who do you drop? The formation may have changed on Saturday but the most effective was when Montano came on for Longridge. The latter was totally off the pace on Saturday and repeatedly was too far advanced when Hibs attacked down that wing. The midfield trio were truly fantastic.
  11. We performed well on Saturday which generally means we put in a unusually poor performance on the Tuesday. That aside I really cant get St. Johnstone; last season they really had out number; two cup wins and pushed us aside at the end of the season. As poor as they may be this season I'm loathed to write them off just yet. No doubt Martindale will tinker with the team that was so effective during the second half on Saturday to rest some players etc. etc. Am also hoping we don't suddenly lose any players tonight before the window closes but, at the end of the day, we are a selling club and certainly cant afford to disregard any reasonable offer - perhaps...
  12. As a matter of interest can anyone confirm where Kilmarnock and Hamilton were this time last year? As far as I recall didn't Killie go into some sort of meltdown in the latter half of the season; otherwise they'd been doing okay... ish?
  13. Lawson is a very good play; in fact some of his games he was virtually unplayable; continually ripping up the right wing and giving the opposition a torrid time. Unfortunately that didn't happen every game else he would have easily been worth seven figures. Seem to recall he has a few niggling injuries which knocked his consistency but cant recall him having a bad game except when the rest of the team were also having a stinker. Seemed most at ease when we had a number of other French speakers in the squad. Along with most others I would have welcomed him back.
  14. Another interesting one - we've now played Sevco three times so wont face them again (before the split ). We do however have to play St Johnstone twice; hopefully they wont find their scoring boots in the meantime. It could, however, become critical if we lose any players in the current window; I imagine there are people looking at Stryjek - we have the Russian boy coming in but he's pretty much an unknown entity at the moment.
  15. I don't gamble at all but must admit I was surprise to see Hibs having longer odds than either Motherwell or Aberdeen. For all three its wasted money (subject to something unforeseen like getting docked points) but I thought at the very least they'd all be on the same odds? Is this more a bookies attempt to get more punters to bet on a long shot?
  16. Five figures is also £99,999. Finance wise the English market is insane but not so insane as to sign up Matthew Knox or Danny Mullen when they went for trials. The other thing to remember that our modus operandi for getting a load of these guys signed up in the first place was that we will listen if a "big club" were to come knocking. It has been one of the prime reasons we've managed to get players that normally wouldn't even consider signing for a club with a relatively small gate. On the other side of the coin players can see Dykes; Brown etc. getting their chance down South after having perhaps proven a point with us. If any club was that keen on him then surely they would have taken him on trial; we're just out of a winter closedown when it would have been an ideal time for clubs to take a decent view. At the moment I can only see it as a speculative purchase in which case none of the clubs mentioned are likely to be splashing out seven figures IMO. Of course who knows what's happening at Newcastle; certainly they could afford to splash out tons on someone to potentially sit on the bench. From our point of view; if one of our players ended up winning a contract with an English Premiership club, irrespective of the fee, it suddenly makes us a lot more attractive for promising players looking for a stepping stone to the "big time".
  17. Got a lot of rumours about Knox as well; all of which came to nothing, but Knox and Snodgrass were just kids at the time. The fact that Fitzwater is 24, coming on 25, makes this rumour even more strange. I actually do think at least one side will come in with an offer but would be surprised if it was five figures. In any even unless a side asks for the player on trial; I very much doubt "interest" is anything more than that. The window closes in less than a week doesn't it?
  18. Got a lot of rumours about Knox as well; all of which came to nothing, but Knox and Snodgrass were just kids at the time. The fact that Fitzwater is 24, coming on 25, makes this rumour even more strange. I actually do think at least one side will come in with an offer but would be surprised if it was five figures.
  19. Must admit thought it was strange when, in the final minute of the game, County won a corner but the county goalkeeper didn't advance up to the opposing penalty area - was almost like they (MM) didn't want to win go to extra time?
  20. How come you missed Pepe Cese and Steven Saunders from the list?
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