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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Right up there with "I'm off to speak the the grand wizard of the KluKlux Klan for a balanced view"
  2. That's council services for you - leastways our binmen aren't on strike. Maybe we could add a gritting machine the the bin lorry? You heard it here first.
  3. Almost ninety minutes totally devoid of any quality from either team other than the two goals which were totally out of place. I'm getting so that I really dread the international breaks now.
  4. Cant believe anyone was suggesting John Hughes - he's not the solution whatever the problem was.
  5. Compared to the United we faced last season; this team seemed a lot less threatening however a fair bit of that may have been down to the weather. I was generally pleased with our guys' performances; we dug in and worked as a team although why does it seem to take ten games plus into a season before we start to make that happen? The one exception being Williamson; this was the same guy that ran around trying to kick all of the Celtic team. If he hadn't been sent off this week he certainly would have been next week at Celtic park. As someone else said it would have been far better to have a half fit Sibbald or Jacobs out there than Williamson. One final note- that was a pretty impressive turnout by the United support - I think somewhere between 1300 and 1400 braved the elements to come and support their team. Well done.
  6. Do Monopoly still print money - I'd assumed it was all done on plastic now? Surely must put anyone under the age of about 25 at a real disadvantage?
  7. Unlikely to be a huge crowd so Lidl's carpark, in front of the stadium will probably be okay. EDIT - also the McArthur Glen carpark is free after 6pm
  8. Camera's quite low but picture quality is good - for me at least.
  9. Yes; think he left on okay terms. Credibility took a nose dive following the celebration with Chump Elliott after successfully feigning injury to get Danny Denholm sent off at Raith. After that he sort of backtracked and seemed to want to repair bridges including staying back to celebrate a player award at the Vale and turning up for Jacobs testimonial.
  10. As a separate item does anyone know if we've started running buses to away games again yet? I popped on the old website but it doesnt seem to have been updated for the last 18 months.#
  11. He was a good winger and set piece taker but dreadful as a false number nine and was fairly poor at tracking back to defend.
  12. He did seem to leave under a bit of a cloud but I could be getting mixed up with Robinson
  13. And that really depends on you disclosing that you are based in England when you sign up. As I understands it is a stipulation by Sky. Of course if you say you're based in Scotland who's to know provided the postcode ties up.
  14. Ah - seen it now Haven't we a space for another business consultant?
  15. Don't be too hard on the wee racist apprentice FF; in these no-game weekends it gives us something to band against.
  16. I suggest you try rereading your posts first son. You might also consider going back to school top see if they can help you construct a sentence properly.
  17. With respect you're the one with the logic leap sonny. Bartley has a spat with his ex so, according to your logic, it must be because hes some sort of violent misogynist. By the same logic you have an issue with Bartley so it can only be because your a racist - using your same twisted logic.
  18. Why would female players be excluded; there was no sexual content to his fine; a spat, that got out of hand, between ex-lovers is hardly enough to get him put on the sex offenders list. TBH it seems you're implying that men that end up threatening women is bad but women that do the same to men is okay? That really is sexist IMO.
  19. So using your perverse logic threatening women is bad but threatening men and children doesn't matter presumably.
  20. Aye - don't let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?
  21. Congrats to Joel Nouble for winning Cinch Championship player of the month..
  22. What gets me is the naivety of the tactical nonce. Great win on Sunday with the shock tactic of playing Shinnie in a makeshift loan striker role but then trying almost exactly the same thing again and thinking that Slippy wouldn't cotton on and instruct his defence to keep him double marked at all times; blunting any eventual threat. No shots at goal the entire game says it all really. The aim was obviously to try and restrict all attacking movement by the rangers to a minimum whilst hoping for a chance to nick a winner; in some sense maybe you could argue that was working in the first half, however no goal threat at all really says it all.
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