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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Lectures are pointless. Out of my course of around 60 there's only about 10 bed-wetters that turn up for them. Don't see the point in wasting an hour travelling to uni and back each day just to sit and take absolutely f**k all in. Anyway, got 2 exams out of 5 left and that's third year over for me.
  2. Dens sold-out for Saturday. 10k+ tickets shifted in no time. #MassiveClub

    1. AberdeenBud





    2. Richie95
    3. Addie


      Hahahaha what a story mark

  3. Legend https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152277987090560&set=vb.708655559&type=2&theater
  4. Apparently this demo was recorded on the day I was born. Poignant that it turned up to be my favourite song of all time, could be fate.
  5. Major development in my life. I've just mixed rice pudding into my porridge and it's absolutely different gravy. Unbelievable scenes.
  6. Started watching at the weekend and currently almost done season 2. Good stuff. One thing that puts me off zombies stuff though is why do the zombies not starve and run out of energy a la 28 Days? Most seem to simply ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics. I'm seethe at that.
  7. Winchester Mystery House Just a massive house built by a nutcase but the whole story is pretty weird.
  8. It's going down, I'm yelling timber!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ForzaDundee


      Order me another round homie. We about to clown. Why? 'Cause it's about to go down.

    3. Slim Charles

      Slim Charles

      I'll shag you up the bum

    4. SodjesSixteenIncher


      You in tae Pitbull hen?

  9. Just finished Sir Alex's "My Autobiography". In all honestly it was shite but got through it out of respect. Halfway through "On the Milk" by Willie Robertson so will finish that before "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King, looking forward to it immensely.
  10. I'm sure most will agree with me on this. In my day-to-day acquaintance with Celtic supporters they strike me to be the most unionist of supports after Rangers. It's definitely a weegie thing, two cheeks of the same arse.
  11. http://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/news/local/st-patrick-s-day-wedding-in-celtic-strips-for-hoops-mad-dundee-couple-1.227881
  12. If you're sad about being alone on Valentine's Day, just remember nobody loves you on any other day either.

  13. I have 20+ taught hours per week which is a monumental waste of time. Never learn a thing in lectures/labs/tutorials but go anyway.
  14. Whenever Club Dece members meet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqqS8Q8osuQ
  15. Every resistance machine is different so there's no set formula. Also switching to dumbells makes use of a lot more muscle groups so it'll take a few sessions to get used to the movements. Best bet is to start low and work your way up slowly and comfortably.
  16. Our soldiers kill innocent muslims all the time.
  17. Dave Webster and Stevie Anderson now in Anderson, McGinty, Webster, Ward and Fisher. Album is pretty decent.
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