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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Hope you're right! The people who have taken over and the owner of the flat popped round the other night, they seemed like decent guys and I'll be meeting them next week so I'll bring it up then. Aye, he came round the other night to introduce himself. It's all sorted out re paying rent as it's as straight forward as another company taking over, already set up the standing order and paid this month's rent so no concerns on that front.
  2. Just spoken to my girlfriend, I'm not sure how she knows this but apparently our deposit wasn't paid into such a thing. Looks like they knew they were going under a while ago. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it, since they're not a company anymore. They phoned me last week to say that the ownership of the flat was changing hands, since then they've probably packed up and fucked off out of their office.
  3. The letting agents from whom we rent our flat has gone up the shitter, meaning we won't get our £1,000 deposit back in the summer.
  4. He's signed for a random Belgian side, apparently part-time.
  5. Nothing against MAC, but he's no loss. If anything, a good move by the club as he was probably on (one of) the highest wages.
  6. 17 years old and a sleeve of tattoos? So we've signed a criminal? Great.
  7. Derek McInnes joining the long list of managers and clubs who cry "they big boys have got more money than me and it's just no fair."
  8. I tweeted about him once and some name-searching goon was replying to each negative comment about Robinson with a YouTube link, I think it's the one posted above where he speaks at Oxford University. I got a couple of minutes into the video when I realised it was just a long speech along the lines of "a Muslim person was nasty to me as a kid so I now devote my life to kicking Muslims out of the country."
  9. Not quite. The main door requires a key for entry, and it doesn't have a letter box. i.e the postie is obviously getting in the main door somehow in order to deliver mail to the respective recipients' door. Must be a master key or something.
  10. See also people who say they're going to the 'shops' when the know fine well they're only going to one shop.
  11. How do postmen (and women - hiya mumsnet, hiya pal) gain entry to communal flats etc?
  12. Jesus, could have sworn I watched it well before then, August/September-ish.
  13. No idea when all this actually occurred, but I'm sure it was about 4-6 months ago that I watched it.
  14. Watched that video a few months ago, the way he chews his chewing gum is enough for any burd to leave him. It's also incredibly odd behaviour, absolute verge of tears stuff.
  15. I've a pal who works for a bank, I mind he told me this stat. I can't even remember what the figure was, but he stated the amount of 'money' that people have altogether, compared to how much money physically exists, it's quite a surreal thought tbh. Like Smurph says, there are people like Bill Gates who wouldn't be able to withdraw their money because it simply doesn't exist.
  16. The one I don't understand is folk who move away but go home just about every single weekend. I know folk from Dunfermline at UWS and Dundee etc and they're home more often than they're at the City of their studies, which seems like a massive waste to me. Aside from being a moany b*****d, I've just had my first day back. Passed the 3 exams/assessments that I had and the classes were actually OK today. Also, I managed to pick my classes predominantly on a Monday, so I have 9 hours (excluding placement day) of classes all week and 5 of them are on a Monday
  17. I was amazed when I found out he hadn't just been hoovered up from a junior side for his hard-man qualities, but instead he's played professional football the whole time
  18. Haha fair enough, I was just kidding anyway. I'm such a tease. FWIW, I probably underestimate my microwave and its convenience.That's not to say that I live off ding ding meals, but I reckon I use more than I give it credit for.
  19. What kind of absolute minx needs a microwave "in a hurry"?
  20. That seems fucking awful. Back to the 'eh' and 'like' thing. It has been brought to my attention that I say 'eh' after a lot of my sentences. "See you later on eh" "come on eh" "cheers for that eh".
  21. BRE, albeit a bombscare, has been effective for us thus far. CBs are usually the most consistently picked, so it'll be interesting to see how he gets on until McAusland is back, and then who AJ picks subsequently.
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