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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Probably something to do with how Rangers-y you lot have become over the last ten years. Don't really know why you'd attempt the "who guv, me?" line of defence tbh. On the game, it's been a pretty shite week all together. Oddly pleased that our CB crisis peaked at the point we played Aberdeen, we'd probably have lost with the first XI - something about this fixture. Hopefully we can come back into form sooner rather than later, I still think that with anything north of 30 points at the break we'll be right in the mix at the end of the season...although 13 points seems a lot at the moment.
  2. That's not true, it probably just gave them the confidence to tell you. Did you get quite tearful?
  3. Nah, f**k this kind of behaviour. That's something that I totally can't abide, regardless of the circumstances. Get the fucking ball back.
  4. Was trying to draw him into repeating himself in a hilarious irony we could all have enjoyed, but it seems we're out of luck.
  5. Probably a better striking option that Stevie May tbh.
  6. Motherwell fans still unable to admit it was a shocking decision
  7. Hilarious. So the referee is perfectly entitled to send a player off irreversibly changing the course of a match....on the basis of "inconclusive" and "probable". Just admit you got a massive helping hand from atrocious officiating and stop this nonsensical defence please.
  8. Whatever the result I'm sure Derek McInnes will act in a polite and professional manner win, lose, or draw.
  9. I feel like this was the opening exchanges of what could be an interesting year between Kilmarnock and Motherwell at the upper end of the table - with an added dash of refereeing controversy thrown in to whet the appetite further. I almost have a grudging respect for the scarce few Well fans going out to bat for what was a terrible refereeing decision that has undoubtedly handed them the points against an already weakened side, but pleasingly we made them work for it. After the end of the last window, I really felt like we'd come into our own in the second half of the season - and in an attacking sense, I'd still hold to that. Anything over 30 points at the winter break, and we're right in the mix at the top end. 13 points in 10 games is the target, and we'll see you cuntos on the 21st December - hopefully we can coax Craig Thomson out of retirement for one more opportunity to send off a clutch of Motherwell players.
  10. Think its meant to be "mentor" the verb, as opposed to "mentor" the noun.
  11. Scandalous. Another week of that wee Bruce Almighty p***k, and fancy him to get through with a Charleston, hamming up that gormless numpty schtick that the English seem to fucking cannae manage to get enough of.
  12. I can't believe that Ayr United are the present custodians of the title of "best pies in Scotland". Specifically, I mean I can't believe I heard that news more than 24 hours ago and haven't brutally murdered anyone yet.
  13. No idea how we won that one tbh, had St Mirren beaten us by a couple of goals I'm not sure I'd have had many complaints. Got to be worrying for Buddies, hate to say it but these are the kind of results that get you relegated. Desperately unfortunate. For Kilmarnock, I thought the midfield 3 were exceptional as ever. No idea what was wrong with Miller, but Burke certainly livened things up when he arrived. Hoping for good, or reassuring at least, news on Findlay - he will be a massive loss.
  14. I'd love to see Kilmarnock scoring a late winner, swiftly followed by a Broadfoot red card. Don't think it'll happen, but I honestly think I'd still be spontaneously chuckling at the memory for years. Love the big guy really.
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