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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. If we get him for next season I'll do a fucking jig. Really like this player.
  2. Yep, in 1967. Celtic won the big cup, Rangers unlucky in the final of the CWC, Kilmarnock lost a Fairs Cup semi final to Leeds United, and Dunfermline were eliminated on away goals by eventual winners Dinamo Zagreb in the 2nd round. ETA - Oh, and Dundee United cuffed their perpetual bunnies Barcelona home and away as usual - before beating fucking Juventus at Tannadice, but unfortunately by too small a margin to get past them. What a season eh?
  3. In 1964/65 Killie won the league, Hearts were second, Dunfermline third, and Hibs fourth. The national team played 7 games that season, and these four clubs were represented thus; Kilmarnock - Campbell Forsyth (3), Jackie McGrory (2). Hearts - Willie Wallace (1) Dunfermline - none. Hibernian - Neil Martin (2) William Hamilton (1). So in total, the best 4 clubs in the country accounted for a total of 9 caps. Celtic finished 8th that season, and accounted for a total of 13.
  4. Probably because they were practising tennis while the rest of us were fighting Jerry...
  5. I really love Derek Ferguson for this kind of chat, and he's exactly the same on Si Ferry. There's very often these wee windows into the domestic life of the Ferguson household, and it just sounds like such a lovely wee environment. Regardless of whether I agree with their selection, there's something about the image of Mr and Mrs Ferguson sitting out the back with a glass of wine discussing who should be next in the firing line that really warms me. Similarly when he talks about "oor Lewis" popping in, it's like they're in a Sunday teatime drama.
  6. Wow, what an obvious compromise. I shudder to think who these clowns are going to appoint as the new Scotland boss.
  7. After reading this thread for years, I've come to the conclusion that I just hate people. Including you...reading this right now, you c**t.
  8. It's a shame that our official bromance-buddies and favourite colleague within #TB4 missed out on the top six, because I would love if the club now announced that the Well bois were getting upgraded to two stands
  9. It's the utter bullshit that the supporters are coming out with that's the most infuriating. Talk of boycotts, and protests, and one daft bint even suggesting they essentially congregate in a marching band outside the stadium - they've been totally fizzing at the BBC for years, so after a bit of deflective dog whistling from the club, arranged a protest outside the studios.........a mile away from the ground....on the day they were playing at home anyway...and about 40 people turned up. But aye, I'm sure the bears will all organise themselves to protest at only having a quarter of the stadium for a dead rubber. f**k off. I'll hold my hands up, I initially voted for them to retain their present allocation - but the handwringing bullshit that's followed a decision which is completely within the prerogative of our board has made me completely change my mind. And Gordon Smith can f**k off too, sitter missing, just-for-men using c**t that he is.
  10. How on earth have they arrived at £250k/season?! Is it built on the utter myth that they actually fill both stands? We'll be losing about 2-2.5k away supporters, reducing associated costs, and then hopefully adding on a few home supporters. If it's 50k I'd be surprised, so 150 extra adult season tickets based on the idea that the club are successful again, with the possibility of Europe, and a board willing to listen to the majority of its supporters - not totally beyond the realms of possibility. Rangers support, as usual, distracting themselves from the total shitshow their club has been for the last decade by pointing the finger at others. What a fucking mountain out of a molehill.
  11. It's been nearly a day now, and I'm still not sure why the Rangers support is so ragin' about this. Any "bears" please feel free to give me the outline.
  12. Wow. Did not see that coming at all. Hopefully the local support comes out and proves it's the correct decision.
  13. Having his life made miserable by Americans? Dundee.
  14. Listening to last nights Sportsound and had a laugh about how openly skewed their offering is for tonight. Live from Tynecastle!! All four semi finalists will be represented! Aberdeen, ECWC winning captain and general Dons mouthpiece Willie Miller! Celtic, 5th most appearances of ALL TIME - it's former goalkeeper and current stain on the airwaves Pat Bonner! Hearts, Scottish Cup winning "club captain" and trademarked biggest jambo in Scotland Gary Locke! Inverness........................................(who the f**k do we know from Inverness?!...quick!!!)..................John...Hughes?
  15. This is the worst "non-Celtic" attempt at drawing a parallel I've seen on p&b this season.
  16. I meant his subsequent, and markedly less successful/more hilarious, management career.
  17. Do they mean "taken care of" as in euthanized?
  18. Poor show this. Willie Miller is a shite radio pundit, and harbours a residual hatred for Killie due to us ending his football career in the 1990s - but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. And the same goes for the tartan army twats parroting this nonsense about Alex McLeish.
  19. The last time I heard Yogi on the Saturday afternoon show he was DESPERATELY puffing himself for a coaching gig in the USA. It was about shree months ago, and it was toe-curling. Anyway, obviously it wasn't successful - Sportsound must have a smaller American listenership than was previously thought.
  20. I know in my heart that one day we won't have the best midfield in the league y'know. I mean, it's hard to imagine, but as an intellectual concept I recognise it's true.
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