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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I completed the main quest for the final time last night. Still couldn't bring myself to do the things needed to get the bad ending, so ended up with the good one again, same as always. But it's lovely, so it's all good. Picked up Horizon Zero Dawn and haven't even switched it on yet, so will have a go on that before I return to Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone. Really looking forward to playing through the latter again, and going to make sure I get my money's worth out of the former after rushing through it last time just to get to the end.
  2. It's back! Another huge update apparently, and although it looks like a lot of stuff that should have been there MUCH earlier in the life of the game, it proves they're at least trying to make up some of the faith they burned up. Not sure if it's going to be anywhere near enough to tempt me back. Might give it a few hours to see if it'll hold my interest again, particularly the Permadeath mode. Pathfinder Update
  3. Does he, aye? Wouldn't be surprised if we saw at least one more. We've already had about 40.
  4. Fair enough. If I didn't really care about a console or thought it wasn't very good, I would've probably just not commented. Maybe we should all just be raging instead at other people's choices.
  5. So that'll be the 4th different number one contendership match we've had so far. When's Mojo's shot?
  6. I watched the clips WWE put up of the Styles/Harper match, and the opening and closing segments. Still not sure what they're planning with Styles. They seem to be going in two different directions - building a match with Shane but still having him win. Doesn't really make sense at the moment, but presume they're just putting wrinkles in the road so it's not just 4 weeks of nothing before we get to WM. Styles also didn't exactly wow on Talking Smack. Falling all over the place over his words. Lucky you're a dreamboat AJ... Cena/Miz has the potential to be absolutely brilliant. Cena is really rising up to be better on the mic, losing the happy-go-lucky stuff he used to have and giving serious, impassioned promos. Miz is dragging even better out of him. They're right to tap into the real world issues with Cena, but I'm still surprised they're doing it. I'm not sure what the match will get by being mixed tag though. Maryse isn't brilliant on the mic, wasn't really convinced by her in that respect. She's still better than Nikki though. Only question now is whether they go all out Wrestlemania and get Bryan involved too. Surely they have to with the story they've been telling between him and Miz. The closing segment...I still don't get it. Not one bit. If they're trying to do a double turn, that would've been perfect, but I'm not sure they are. We've seen with Enzo Amore that they seem to have their moral compass a little off when it comes to faces, but burning down a guys house (with his dead sister buried underneath apparently) while he's in tears in the ring doesn't really strike me as a big face pop. It was definitely something different, and a great visual, but it just doesn't make sense at this point. Why did he give up his title shot 2 weeks ago if he knew he was going to do this? Where does it leave him given they've just changed the number one contender? Is Wyatt a face now? Does Harper side with either of them? What's going on?
  7. Yeah, definitely another one they could have done much more with. He's got the skill to go on to other companies and do pretty well though I imagine.
  8. Yeah, I do agree to a point. But if they're intent on putting him on the card, I'd rather see him in that kind of match than something more wrestling based. Most of all I'd rather he just didn't have a match though. The thought of him having a normal one-on-one match with AJ Styles, regardless of how good a worker AJ is, just isn't appealing in the slightest.
  9. When it's done right, it's brilliant. Remember soon after Punk left and they opened RAW with his music? Heyman came out, sat in the Punk-style cross-legged pose and cut a promo. Brilliant. On that subject, were the reactions for Reigns better on RAW this week? I watched the clips WWE uploaded for his segment, and it definitely seemed like a more organic face/heel dynamic with people booing Strowman. Or did they just edit the f**k out of it?
  10. While I'd rather not have Shane vs AJ (I don't really see the point) I'd be up for Shane being in a sideshow match. He's not a technical wrestler, he's just a stunt monkey really. Have him go up against someone in a spot fest if they really want him on the card. Or just don't have him there - it really isn't necessary just to give Styles something to do.
  11. Well they've definitely swerved with that show... Haven't seen any footage, just reading the recaps, but some questionable stuff. Sounds like the Cena/Miz segment was great, and looks like Cena's really throwing himself into it in terms of promo. For all that it's not really the match people want to see, I actually think we'll get something really good come WM. Then it comes to the title scene. Not really sure what they're going for there. They make Harper look extremely weak, essentially being beaten twice, then have Shane interfere, only for Styles to win anyway. The way it's described, it looks like Shane vs Styles is on, but if that's your plan, why have him win this match? Then as a last segment, Orton turns on Wyatt...why now? Seems extremely rushed given we're just two weeks gone from him giving up his Rumble spot. All depends how they go from here, but some odd booking. Still, it's far less predictable than RAW is.
  12. They've not left it that late yet, there's still 4 weeks of RAW left after Fastlane before WM. I imagine they're conscious that he was in dreadful shape at the Rumble, so the longer he waits the better. I think they're doing the right thing at the moment having another feud going, and I could see Taker appearing on Sunday night and costing Reigns. It would certainly make the most sense in a "you cost me, I'll cost you" sense. Even if that doesn't happen, I can't see anything other than a draw or a no-contest. They rightly don't want to have Strowman lose (although, sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did on Sunday) and they're back to flat out hating making Reigns look weak. All signs point to a non-finish. I'd like to see Strowman win it clean though. Reigns isn't going to lose too much momentum by being beaten in a decent battle with a monster. Write it like he feels he has to prove something at WM, where he presumably beats Taker. Or they could go triple threat I suppose, like NotThePars said. I actually quite like that idea to be honest. If Taker is insisting on it not being his last match, a triple threat is fine where he can let the other two carry parts of the match.
  13. If it was just "a pointless friendly" the squad was for, Lindsay would have a chance, but it's also the squad for a very important qualifier. I can't see him changing the squad all too much for that. Maybe we'll be surprised and he'll get called up, especially given the lack of options we have in the position. I'd be pretty surprised though.
  14. Ride Kingsley around the perimeter of the pitch, drawn by four Be a Jag sign-ups, re-enacting crucial scenes from Ben Hur. Only fitting.
  15. Do they not usually do that with one of the games? Admittedly, I don't often listen to it either, just every so often.
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing how wee Ken deflects this one. Probably posting something completely unrelated then adding a cutting insult to the end of it. Vintage Ken.
  17. They've "announced" the card for Orlando thanks to the recent tapings. Definite spoilers within
  18. Another nod for the Terrace from me. Also for the Burst Baw podcast, but I find that a bit serious at times. Definitely less entertaining.
  19. A puzzling end to that. Are they just treading water because they've got like 400 weeks of build to Mania? Not really sure what that finish achieves. Unless they're going to really swerve it and have AJ win to give him a big match and just have Orton vs Harper or something. Sadly, it's likely going to be the Wyatt triple threat (good) and AJ thinking he got screwed out of it, meaning we get him vs Shane (very bad). And boy oh boy, we're getting that mixed tag match. Hopefully it goes right around the bad scale and ends up being so bad it's good. I'd go all out too, play it like the WhatCulture guys talked about. Make the match, and have it as a retirement match for Nikki if she loses. It's been rumoured, so go for it. Also make Bryan the special guest referee. He plays it mostly down the middle cos he's pure good n that. Only Miz pushes it too far and gets slapped with a few crowd-pleasing DBry moves. Maybe just the yes lock, as I struggle to see how he can concuss himself using that. But ultimately, Miz and Maryse win. Have Maryse pin Nikki clean in the middle of the ring (gotta make Cena look strong) and have them heel it up before leaving. Then, if the rumours are to be believed (which I'm almost certain they're not, but hey, I said that about this match) have Cena make it all OK by proposing to Nikki. I cannot think of anything more WWE and WrestleMania than that entire match. Of course, what we'll probably get is the match, sans Bryan, and Cena pins Miz clean. Do do do dooooooo. The End. which would be absolute shite.
  20. It would probably be the perfect storyline for him to come back. I don't think he'd really care in real life that he was being hypocritical, genuinely seems like the paycheck would be enough to banish those thoughts. Coming back as the heel in that sense would be perfect. Of course, there is absolutely no way he's ever returning. He's going to get his head kicked in in UFC at least once more then probably just retire and spend the rest of his life pumping AJ Lee. Fair enough.
  21. It's certainly a better bet than when you said it about No Man's Sky fide The reviews do seem very positive about this one. The general consensus appears to be that it doesn't really bring anything that new and exciting to the Open World Sandbox genre, but it does every little piece very well. Comparisons to the Witcher too, and I'm sure I read that they hired some of the quest designers from W3 Not sure I'll pick it up at release, but once a tenner's been knocked off the price and more people have had their say, looks like something I'll really enjoy EDIT: This is the most negative I've seen of it so far, from Kotaku. Jim Sterling was quite effusive about it though, surprisingly so.
  22. Pretty sure you can travel back. In fact, almost certain.
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