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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. Don’t think there was ever much chance we’d get him back yet again, I assume he and possibly St Mirren (although I suspect they won’t offer another contract when time comes) would rather try his luck with a side challenging for something at the end of the season, which I can’t see us doing. Unless of course we were able to get a couple or 3 others in key positions as well discussed before.
  2. Probably the 4 combined won’t get what Goodwillie’s total but definitely good to have some kind of option rather that Jones!
  3. Happy if Splain came back, not fussed about Livingston. TBH
  4. I think it’s clear that watching Clyde over last 10 years in particular has been a tough shift. As such I think some people will no doubt question whether they have the time or inclination to keep going and I admit being there many times, blind loyalty being the main motivation to keep turning up. Certainly don’t go to away games now. I suppose also it doesn’t then take much to sway the decision when in that mindset, changing travel being one, although Hamilton is actually much closer for me. Goodwillie situation I assume made others mind up for them also. In the end like all clubs at our level it only takes a few fans to make a significant financial hit to the club and that is the worry. A decent product on the pitch of course is the biggest factor.
  5. I don’t think there is any chance Danny will bring in another forward, I think he has set his stall on Allan being his ‘marquee’ forward player and that he and Cunningham would / will be the starting front 2. That said McDonald has given him a nice problem to think about. Of course this would not be m thinking, I’d definitely be looking at another body Although as I said earlier we 100% need another mid field player even at the expense of anyone else.
  6. For me a LB too and a central midfield player to compliment Grant, if we are to assume he will start. We all know his strengths but similarly we also know that he will not create nor will he push the team on that valuable 30-40 yards that might create something. I hate to keep repeating it but we need creativity in the middle of the park. Would allow Cuddihy to be the “busy” player without trying to hard be creative which is not his game either. Can’t actually see where Gomis fits in now other than cover or as an effective sub to bring on to protect a lead if we are in that fortunate position in games.
  7. It we can turn up to watch the debacle of the Bomber Brown through to Ferguson era then I’m sure we can get through this, at the end of the day it’s up to the supporters to ensure we survive because we don’t have any real investment on the horizon as far as I can see.
  8. As ever ultimately it’s what’s on the park that will determine whether folk turn up.. in the off chance we win first 3 game (yes I know!) then it would be interesting to see the crowd numbers and those on the fence might just come. As people are saying match day experience seems to be much better. Certainly be less freezing from October onwards. Also be nice to get it round NLC if we get decent crowds.
  9. Well that’s a bit more encouraging, got to start somewhere so the players will take a wee bit of confidence in after that. Still fair bit to go and a couple of key signings (can’t see that right enough) but still glimmer of green shoots today.
  10. It makes such a difference too, but as you say we never manage it…. Mental!
  11. Great to be discussing actual football and lineups etc. I agree that is probably our best 11 players. But I think a line up like that will get ripped wide open in midfield, not to mention the lack of creativity (problem for years now other than Splain’s contribution got last 2-3 months of last season. Unless we address that we will 100% struggle as we will for pace at the back. Sorry for the negativity, but it’s carbon copy players we have had for years minus you know who of course unfortunately.
  12. I think the take home from that is that it’s another face that no one recognises! Another in a long line now of nobody’s uncovered by Diamond/ Lennon/ Moore or whoever else takes the blame for another season wasted due to inability to do their job!
  13. I agree, but who out of this current squad could be adde to the starting 11 to create our best team? from what can see recruitment seems a mile off yet again.
  14. Time for the familiar pattern now… Danny going completely defensive on the park and a pile of draws (if we are lucky as we don’t have Goodie) followed by a raft of the signed player going out on load to lowland league. Our own loans coming in and brutal games to follow so we can keep in touch till next window! We can just write the script now. We have not learned anything!
  15. Fecken embarrassing,. 5-0 is a embarrassment followed by a defeat to newly promoted team is bordering on last chance saloon. I get it’s very early days, but we’ve seen this all too recently and we can all see we are miles off it. Thing is the budget is pissed against the wall! Again! This is a massive wake up call before the league starts. But that is clutching!
  16. I have to agree, Parry now is decent nothing more , last season I think despite several good point blank saves he was also was suspect both with a few “early” shots and not particularly dominant dealing with crosses, defence didn’t help I get that. Granted he is probably as good as we can get given out circumstances but nowhere near the Keeper Alloa had. However, by no means our biggest problem that is clear it has to be said.
  17. Watched the goals, does not look good at all. Huge individual and collective mistakes on show. From keeper to supposed full backs, central defenders and what looked like an anonymous central midfield. Chasing shadows in every single goal conceded. Hopefully it’s a one off (not convinced) especially as those sides we think may be around us next season seemed able to compete with their “top flight” opposition at the weekend
  18. Can’t even be bothered putting in my rant! Cant even be bothered looking back to last season to cut and paste one from last season as we are just the same! Lennon just doesn’t seem to learn.. and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
  19. Happy with Cuddihy, at least we know what we are getting.. hopefully stays fitter than last couple of years. We still desperately need a creative player either in wide position or preferably in middle of the park.
  20. My concern is still midfield where we have zero creativity (don’t want Cunningham there, up front only please) As far as goals, we will be like most sides, don’t think anyone has a prolific scorer, they are just not available in our league’s budget, certainly we will never have a striker who will come close to Goodie…. ever! So I’d rather us concentrate on some proper quality in the middle of the park that might compliment Grants tidy contribution. Really don’t know what the fullbacks will be like tbh.
  21. I stopped being excited about our signings 18 months ago!
  22. Given our bewildered recruitment in the last 2 -3 years can you blame us?
  23. They must have been aware, it’s been on several news feeds etc. But nothing would really surprise me about recruitment and our club, beginning to to look all to familiar isn’t it?
  24. What I’d say is that yes the budget may be the same as last year but plainly that is not enough to make us competitive in this league.
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