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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. Scary thing is that I’m not sure Grant and Scullion will even start given the players we’ve signed. Also who knows what Kebia situation is, I certainly wouldn’t be going daft with any big financial offer for him. Not saying we are winning the league or anything like that but it’s certainly a huge change from the usual start of season trepidation that being a Clyde fan had become in last few years.
  2. As ever it will be tough for any team to win the league and hopefully we will be up there challenging. What I am pleased about is that we have a big squad of what seems good players. That might, fingers crossed be the difference particularly mid to late season when injuries and suspensions kick in. It looks like other than CF we have decent cover for each position which is certainly unusual for us.
  3. Also why would we pay huge money, in L2 terms for Jordan Allan type loan in July.. if it does happen I suspect it will be August at earliest. On Kebia, I think he has ability but not sure his heart is in it for a fight at this level. Personally, I wouldn’t be using the pot if we still have it on a big wage on him.
  4. Just bought my season ticket so expect the and a LB tonight
  5. And of course knocks the possibility of East Kilbride sneaking into the league, well done Edinburgh for that alone!
  6. Can’t agree sorry, didn’t dislike Eric but absolutely bang average at best. Had decent moments but outweighed more often by poor moments.
  7. Being greedy I’d be hoping/ expecting a LB certainly, a CM either dominant or really creative, another proven Striker. I know probably easier said than done despite decent budget, attracting real quality players to L2 is likely difficult. Very slightly concerned to many similar midfield players. Sounds like I’m moaning, I’m not, we are night and day from last season.
  8. And a parachute payment should that happen. Although they’d probably beat the Chickenman’s bottlers in the playoff anyway.
  9. If and I say if ICT go would SFFL look at another HL replacement and overlook EK in the interest of the wider geographic spread of the league? Nothing would surprise me, obviously the bronze license thing would be an issue but as ever who can second guess those decision makers. Also be quite funny to hear the Kennedy meltdown if it happened.
  10. Mine is in my Apple wallet on phone, not had any issues at all with it.
  11. No I’m saying the price rise makes no difference to away fans as they haven’t travelled for years. Those die hard will still attend in the same way our die hard travel and pay even at the away grounds that charged more, like at Falkirk for example.
  12. I think the point Capt Sham is making is that extra £400 every month is not to be sniffed at and along with our increased budget will help fund a higher end player. I would hope we’ve seen the last of the Cameron’s and Connor Youngs for example.
  13. Do you see the numbers of away fans in L2? Lucky to reach 100 and on at least 4 occasions last season I counted between 25 and 40 fans.
  14. What will say is that Ian McCall is under big pressure to have a winning side this year. No place to hide, well backed both personally and in terms of budget, back room staff, and of course by supporters pocket.
  15. Is anyone seriously going to believe if we peg the entry to £15 or in fact a tenner it would suddenly add hundreds of Clyde fans or indeed “neutral “ fans to our attendance? Of course it wouldn’t, a successful team might of course and that is the reality. I remember reading an article a couple of years ago and I wish I could find it again, however it was about football teams who rely on an individual or single consortium for funding. It basically came to the conclusion that often the club in many cases became lazy and neglected it’s own commercial fundraising etc resulting in the usual ultimate ending in tears, when for whatever reason, that funding reduced or ended. Therefore I think the club is being responsible in adding to our good fortune in having our kind benefactor. In fact now is the time to double the efforts off the park and take advantage of our once in a lifetime situation. From what Allan Maitland is saying we seem to have secured very significant sponsorship which was not happening in recent years, including some secured by our recently appointed Director. So asking the support to buy into that is an ask and a risk worth taking, as I said before I’m sick and tired of watching utter garbage on the park and other clubs literally (and tbh deservedly) laughing at us enjoying our downfall.
  16. I’m also ok with pricing, unfortunately you get what you pay for and I’m fed up watching charlatans and just simply poor players. At the end of the day we don’t depend on away support to make any money nowadays especially in L2. When was the last time anyone brought more that 100 fans to any of our home games?
  17. I’d say he’d grab a few, maybe 3-5 if he played every single week. Outside that he will contribute very little. Just really nowhere near the physicality required. Unfortunately he doesn’t have an asset of for example pace or nastiness or anything that makes up his lack of stature. Don’t get me wrong he does try hard but very strange signing especially 2 year deal. He must have same agent Vincent Kompany!
  18. I get that, but remember we pay good money for the privilege. That’s 60 grand off our budget before a ball is kicked.
  19. Consensus especially from the good guys in lower leagues is to get shot of the B team nonsense. Is there anything we can actually do about it? Suppose it would need to be the clubs that do something on the supporters behalf. As ever it’s just so frustrating that the governing bodies refuse to listen to the folk that actually go to games and support the clubs across the country.
  20. While it’s a step in the right direction to stop inviting non Scottish teams I Still refuse to attend this competition while B teams take part, not that it will bother anyone within the blazerati my boycott of the Challenge Cup remains!
  21. Issue was that he went nowhere because he couldn’t behave himself but what a player he was.
  22. At the risk of railroading the theme of this thread and apologies for doing so: As far as the B teams in the diddy cup is concerned I have articulated my opposition to that from day one… in fact I have not attended a diddy cup game since that ridiculous decision was made. I said at the time it was the thin edge of the wedge and was a way the “big” teams would get their wish and their B teams in the league. Long may the opposition to this ever happening be fought, mainly by supporter's I have to say as the media and pundits float it every year as a good thing and a pathway to producing international players of the future, what utter utter nonsense!
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