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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. I agree To me he is what an 18 year old loan player at our level is expected to be? Unfortunately in the post Duffy debacle that we are desperately trying to reverse, he was starting as a main player in the side, which is quite ludicrous. These guys should be used pretty much from the bench or starting during the Didddy cup etc. So I wasn’t bothered too much if he stayed or not. That said quite often we do see loans like this improve quite dramatically at tail end of the season as he goes have ability. Even Scott Banks who was obviously a better player only really became a proper player in last 2 months or so of his time with us. For what it’s worth that’s why I’m not too disappointed that Peterhead pipped us for the Dundee Utd boy. Of course it’s vital we get a LB in but who knows if he is ready to come into our struggling (yes improving side) but I would like if possible,, to have a decent experienced defender in. Don’t get me wrong I am as frustrated as anyone with the promised numbers of new players coming in but fingers crossed next week is a bit better on that front.
  2. Could it be that there are “done deals” in the offing, but McCall doesn’t want to bring them in till after Aberdeen game? Imagine you are a current player getting ready for a big televised game and 3- 5 new players who you know will replace you walk in the door or at the very least appear on the web site in a big fanfare. Do you think they would perform? (Don’t think it will be 5 right enough?) Obviously that match will likely be a damage limitation job given the players we have available for Friday Just a thought?
  3. Stepford already gone.. development started last year, looks great now.
  4. Fair point, although Roberts, Salkeld managed to move last year. I think if a player is half decent he e Weill get a club. It is a concern though that it would be two windows where players are apparently not keen to come, despite being offered decent money it would seem. Fingers crossed we can get even 2-3 of the numbers quoted. Even that MIGHT be enough given our obvious recent improvement.
  5. I agree, although at the fans Q&A part of the discussion was exactly that. Basically what was said was that any contract would reflect the danger of relegation allowing the player to leave and contract ended if the Unthinkable happened. Protecting both parties.
  6. Aye and probably the player leaking it to the papers now to see who else will come in?
  7. Maitland and McCall are their own worst enemy at times by being too open about their plans, don’t doubt for a second they are working really hard to get players in, but given how difficult it is to get them over the line they perhaps would have been better just to say in public that they are trying to sign players in this window. Saying it’s going to be multiple players in this week just builds anticipation and in our case probably disappointment when it doesn’t happen for what ever reason. Still hopeful obviously, as it would be great to build on last Saturday’s optimism and positivity.
  8. Mental really; we were gifting goals every single week yet Whyte was never ever tried in the back 3 or 4. He might have been a disaster but who knows, Especially when he was obviously way short of mobility required to play in midfield, even our pitiful midfield at that point.
  9. I had similar conversation 3 / 4 weeks ago about this. I agree that Elgin aren’t the main target to catch, obviously we need to catch someone to survive, but I think there are others who we need to put pressure on. It’s often the case at this level where things change very quickly after January. Loans returning in particular can cause huge impact to a club unable to replace like for like for example. It’s also often the case that at least one team goes into free fall for no apparent reason. Circa us under Barry! Hopefully the promised new players due to arrive allows us to build on what was a hugely encouraging performance on Saturday. Pity the gifted goals took the shine off a little. 3-0 would have been a decent statement to send that perhaps we are after some of the teams close to us.
  10. What huge difference in performance when most of the players can actually control and pass a ball Hamilton looks a terrific player, very calm and on the ball looks really comfortable, Leitch looks to me to be one of those guys who has such good vision and control that his effectiveness will often go unnoticed, again looks an excellent player. Ray Grant as most are saying is like a new signing. These guys all brought the best out of the likes of Scullion and Young. Have to say also that Dunnachie did a great job as cover at RB. Which surprised me. Absolutely bossed the game till Ross Lyon did a Ross Lyon, hopefully that’s his last start for us (I concede though that he was decent for an hour). If that doesn’t happen we comfortably win that 3-0 and maybe even add to that. However, instead we gat nervy last 5 mins. Hopefully a LB another couple on Midfield players and a forward please and we will certainly win more than we lose. I’ll certainly enjoy my beer tonight!
  11. Much that I’m also desperate for new bodies but even the 3 players in already makes us infinitely better than we were until now. Whether that makes us good enough to get 3 points on Saturday remains to be seen. Another couple at least before Saturday would make us a lot happier I have to say. I assume they are trying to get them “across the line” as they say, Fingers crossed they do quickly.
  12. Think we only had Whyte till January anyway, not that I’d want to keep hold anyway. Not that we saw him playing where he was supposed to be most comfortable in.
  13. I expect we will just ignore this and move on. It seems we are still working with GGC so I don’t assume the relocation team will not want to rock the boat too much. As most now know, considering those (Officials) close to Finnart, that it’s been a particularly political decision, coupled with an initial survey that might well be open to question? Unfortunately we can’t do much about it now. Just a pity the Council took so long to let us know. In any case we move on and try again elsewhere I assume.
  14. Trust me, I doubt you have much to worry about, certainly McCall has at least made us semi organised but until January he is working with zero quality so we will gift you at least one goal. For us it’s a case of turn up try hard and get another 2023 game out the way. Roll on the window!
  15. The fact that we couldn’t take our place in Fairs cup back in late 60’s due to 2 Glasgow clubs also having qualified for Europe means that SFA etc considered us a Glasgow club too!
  16. Not strictly true.. the club have said several times that it’s not the building of a stadium that is the main issue, end of the day even if Crownpoint came off we still had to build a stadium the council wouldn’t and there isn’t one already there. the club have said that funding for stadium was available. What important and vital is that there is a means of generating income 7 days a week not every second Saturday which is unsustainable in lower league, or any other for that matter. Crownpoint offered that opportunity as it had existing users and an athletic track etc. in answer to your question re alternative Council facilities I’m led to believe there may well be.
  17. You are reading to much into what I said, I was probably posting under a disappointment cloud. I was merely speculating that the GGC are flawed in that “interested parties “ were too close to the process. Only my opinion I have no connection to the club other than being an owner so as much in the dark about the decision as anyone. Although a di know that certain council officials were “awkward” during the process to say the least
  18. Always going to be difficult in not impossible given the individual Councillor that was himself involved in the Finnart bid.. all a bit “iffy” to say the least. Cant actually fault those involved in our bid, they must be gutted as they presented a fantastic case and met every criteria asked. Just need to move on now unfortunately
  19. It sums our season (up till now hopefully) when we are looking at young loan players to be our main players… never going to happen, L2 sides don’t get that quality of boy. Loans at our level normally supplement the main squad. As I say fingers crossed we get the targets we are after so we can look at loans to add to the squad for depth rather than necessarily starting.
  20. And they have just voted to keep the B teams in. Shocking decision yet again from Lowland League clubs, shame on those clubs who voted for it!
  21. He’s currently injured. In any case he’s only played in midfield for us when he was fit, certainly not a midfield player, no idea what he is like at the back so I assume he will be going back to you when McCall start his long awaited clear out and signing spree. (McCall won’t have even seen him play for us)
  22. They will if we offer a transfer fee, like has been the case for ever.
  23. I think McCall is just playing everyone just to see them in proper game, not that hexwill learn anything he won’t already know. Might be easier to move on one of the 11 diddies to WOSL etc if they are at least seen to be starting a game from time to time. Much as I get the not get detached opinion as far as I’m concerned we are getting nothing in next 3 games and therefore not getting upset about it as I normally would. I’ll leave that to next month or two if we are still losing when McCall has his new players in, which they say he is confident of getting. January just can’t come quickly enough and I’m sure McCall feels the same way!
  24. Well Allan Maitland did say we wouldn’t recognise the team by end of January…. We can only live in hope!
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