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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. By the time you get to the 3rd one you're in the swing of things so 21 would end up feeling pretty natural. I have to do a set of 5 nights every 6 weeks. It's sometimes very busy and sometimes dead. When it's quiet it's boring and I end up feeling tired quite easily. I always thought coffee was a bad thing as it dehydrates you.
  2. Crosshouse was good, I had no issues at all about our time in there.
  3. It's the same rumour. The last 18 months worth have been warning of this.
  4. I was watching Formula 1 a few months ago while my wife was sitting beside me flicking through a magazine. Jenson Button was on the camera at the time and she pipes up excitedly "Is he the one who gets younger all the time?" I looked at her quizzically. "Benjamin Button dear, that's a different person " "Oh" came the reply.
  5. If its merely speculation then why not share it? We can judge it on it's own merits.
  6. I've never viewed the Club Dece thread and probably never will.
  7. My wee boy is 3 months today and weighs exactly a stone. He was born with Down's Syndrome which came as a huge shock to us as we were considered "low risk" when we underwent the tests. There was something like a 1 in 1180 chance and unfortunately we were it. We were told around 15 minutes after he was born that he had certain characteristics indicitave of a chromosomal condition. Looking back it did seem that the paediatricians had him over at the weighing station for longer than seemed necessary, however it was a bit of a traumatic birth (forceps) and he is our first child so we didn't know any better. When we were told our world just caved in on us. I nearly fainted, had to go to the toilet to compose myself and only came back so soon because my wife was in tears. We didn't really take anything in that we were being told. Because it was a night birth we were taken to a room and then left in the darkness, confused, scared, angry and helpless. What should have been the happiest night of our lives turned out to be the worst. Because my wife was so upset I had to be strong for her, even though I didn't feel it, and I suppose this helped me come to terms with it a lot sooner. I had two choices - collapse in a heap of tears and self pity or man up and look after my family. When I looked at him I realised nothing really mattered apart from the fact he was here. He was so small and helpless and had never harmed a soul in his life so any bad feelings I had were soon replaced. As for the future - who knows? We'll just have to take things as they come. He is such a good baby and is no hassle at all. He smiles away and laughs occasionally and has just started making all the baby talk noises which is good. I just hope we can do enough for him so he can lead as normal a life as possible.
  8. I really doubt it's that to be honest. Aberdeen fans were chanting "go home ya ****" at us when they beat us 3-1 last season but at no point did anyone think it was anti-Protestant.
  9. Re the missing pets post - one of the people I'm friends with lost her dog a couple of years ago and put up a picture of it with the caption "Lost Dog - £100 Reward." Later on, after I'd had a couple of drinks I posted a picture of the exact same dog with the caption "Dog for Sale, one careless owner, £100 o.n.o." Fortunately I knew her pretty well and the girl was decent and laughed about it. Being a female it could have gone either way.
  10. There's not much that can be done about the drug addicts littering the town centre. Kilmarnock isn't even the worst town in Ayrshire mind you. Stevenston, New Cumnock, Kilbirnie and Irvine are much worse. It is pretty awful in places - a series of poor decisions by town planners and councillors in years gone past has resulted in a poorly designed town centre.
  11. What page is the list of P&B twitter users on?
  12. There has been quite a bit of talk by various commentators and posters on this site about what sort of financial position Rangers would find themselves in if they get promoted into the top division. Many are saying that they would have to settle for being a middle of the road team for many years before they are in a position to challenge for the league. What is this based on? Why wouldn't they be able to use their fanbase and immediately jump to second (taking into account Celtic's European income)?
  13. So, almost a year and a half on, have any Rangers fans been convinced that the team playing at Ibrox is a new club? And has anyone else been convinced otherwise?
  14. Any recommendations for a website explaining betting for a complete novice? That will explain odds, cover accumulators and so on?
  15. Would you have accepted a failure to be promoted along the way if it was a talented youth team with great potential that was playing? Or is promotion a must, no matter who plays?
  16. I've noticed this as well. They also all go missing when bad news about Rangers hits the press and mysteriously reappear en masse when it's a favourable news day.
  17. The Oort Cloud is considered part of the Solar System. Voyager 1 has not left the Solar System - it has however crossed into interstellar space. Inaccurate media reports state that it has left the Solar System. For those interested, the team working with the Voyage spacecraft did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit the other night:- http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1m9wke/were_scientists_and_engineers_on_nasas_voyager/.compact
  18. I now have a few aggressive "Independent Herbalife Distributors" on my friends list and their constant marketing is wearing a bit thin. I don't care if you lost 3 stone in a month - your product is expensive, disgusting and will stop working as soon as you stop using it, resulting in you ballooning up again. Have a salad.
  19. What this week has shown us is that Rangers fans simply want the BBC and all other news outlets to report in a fair and impartial manner. Unless it shows Rangers in a bad light, in which case it's biased, even if 100% accurate.
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