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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. I doubt Slater leaving was the decision of the club. The rest are average and the last few years have demonstrated that if we stick with them then we'll never climb the table.
  2. I couldn't make the game due to a function I had been previously booked for so when I checked the score we were already two up. No chance to worry.
  3. It's only the sanest because you and I are in it. The moment we leave it'll descend into the seventh circle of hell again.
  4. "Was heading into the shops yesterday and saw a homeless guy outside. He looked freezing so I gave him all my money instead of buying clothes for myself because it's great to do things for people less fortunate than yourself. It shows you how materialistic it society has become so I was glad to do my bit. Now please comment on this telling me how good a person I am because that's the only reason I'm telling you this (fake) story"
  5. It must have happened on a large scale at some point in the past though. There must be some reason why Rangers are so well supported compared compared to most of the other teams.
  6. If junior teams were as good as top flight senior teams then they wouldn't be junior teams. Nobody is comparing the standard of the two.
  7. Does anyone have an app which serves as a remote control for their box? Basically I'm looking for something to replace the temperamental keyboard and remote which came with the box. Something which will do a reverse casting and allow me to move the cursor via my phone and use my phone's keyboard etc. Any ideas?
  8. It's OK, the games against Rangers (Blue Pound Ltd) and the hiring of the stadium to Glasgow Warriors will save us.
  9. BBC are showing it live tonight. Last night too for that matter.
  10. I disagree. You only have to look at the Twitter feeds of Mr Graham or the Vanguard Bears to get a sense of the hostility that a lot of Rangers fans feel towards Celtic/the SFA/anyone who doesn't share the same viewpoint as them. And that's not even taking into account the snippets that are posted from Rangers Media and the Bear's Den. Some of that content is worrying in terms of the outright extreme political and religious views on show. Bitterness isn't confined to one club.
  11. That's my daughter 5 days old as of tonight. Forgot how awful it is to be up 3 times a night! If it was just feeding it'd be fine, but the changing is the worst part by far. Wouldn't change it though.
  12. What was the furthest you got in Europe during that time? I remember Rangers getting to a second group stage in the Champion's League, back when such a thing existed. Did you get to the knockout rounds at any point?
  13. Tedi has made a mistake, that's all. It's no big deal but he's turning it into something it's not. It's like me saying "I've paid my mortgage this month." You wouldn't assume it meant snubbing other than it was paid in full.
  14. Hi guys. Has Dave King delivered on his promise to have a NOMAD in place yet?
  15. Don't be absurd. The vast majority of Rangers fans can't accept anything that doesn't have WATP at the end of it.
  16. Surely you know better than to try to engage bennett in a serious conversation!!! The guy is incapable.
  17. That's what they are saying now. It wasn't what we all remember the case to be four years ago.
  18. "Rangers Football Club Ltd." Why on earth would a club adorn the gates of their stadium with the trading name of the holding company, unless they were one and the same?
  19. Why did Rangers play in Division 3 in 2012/13 then? The fact of the matter is that everyone was in consensus that Rangers were a new club until someone with a bit of savvy realised not enough people were buying season tickets and decided to proclaim that they were the same club all along and all that liquidation stuff didn't really matter. A quick risk assessment and analysis of the extra cost of x-ray machines for Royal Mail deliveries at Hampden meant that the SFA decided to go with the lower risk option and agree with you.
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