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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. Further enquires reveal its only 4G that won't work with this phone and O2 - 3G is fine. My next question, having never had a 4G phone - is there much difference between 3G and 4G? I'm not a huge downloader and only really use the internet for browsing/social media and a bit of YouTube occasionally.
  2. Has anyone bought the Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro? It looks very decent but apparently it won't work with O2 or giffgaff over here, which would mean I'd have to change networks.
  3. But if you compare him to Lampard, Lampard is much better at his position than Messi would be. Lampard's performance in the European Cup semi 2nd leg in 2012 is one of the best defensive midfielder performances you will ever see. Messi would be rubbish in that position.
  4. Messi is OK but if you asked him to shield his back 4 for the majority of a European Cup semi final like Lampard did then he'd be hopeless.
  5. Do you not have to have a criminal record before being allowed entry there? A bit like the actual Shortlees team.
  6. The rule is that when you talk about tidy burds in dresses, you have to post pictures of them.
  7. "highlights state abuse on an unprecedent level" Yes I'm sure this is the worst thing the state has ever done. I wonder, if the police are partisan, exactly whose side are they on?
  8. If the work is becoming unbearable because of your colleague's attitude towards you, do you have the facility to go above the supervisor's head and report it up the chain? You sound like you have some legitimate complaints about the quality of the work and professionalism of your colleagues so I would have thought the senior management in your company would appreciate knowing what exactly is going on, especially if it affects productivity/sales. You might get a bad reputation for doing so but it doesn't sound like it could get much worse for you anyway.
  9. You only get one go at using a taser and if it misses you've had it. It can't be used against multiple people and doesn't tend to work if the person you're aiming for is wearing sufficient clothing for the barbs to fail to reach the body. The police in the US stop thousands and thousands of people on foot and in vehicles every day and don't shoot them.
  10. Kilmarnock let people in for free right at half time up until the stadium was rebuilt in 1994. So at least a couple of years while in the top flight.
  11. I echo your sleepy sentiment. I click on this thread to catch up with the latest Rangers news, not to hear the same old drivel that illuminates some of the other Rangers-related threads. Let's get back on topic and discuss Warbs, Waggy, Tavs and the rest of the gang.
  12. I think she's around 36/37. None surprisingly. Available on request though.
  13. This was posted by a woman with 6 kids, two of whom are her friends on Facebook (ages roughly 17 & 15). This was her showing off her new swimsuit. Not bondage gear - a swimsuit she was taking on holiday. Imagine yer maw showing that to the world when you were 17. Someone posted a picture of a guy wearing a gimp mask and asked if it was her husband and surprisingly she bit and was not happy.
  14. I can't remember what the current record is, but Celtic's record the game after a European tie in the last few years has been excellent.
  15. Part of the issue with away seating at Celtic Park, at least in recent years, is that a lot of the rest of the stadium has been empty for standard league matches. They even closed the top part of the Lisbon Lions stand (I think - could be the opposite one) and covered it with a banner, but still insisted on placing the away fans in the worst part of the stadium. There must be lots of people who just won't go to Parkhead because the view doesn't justify the price.
  16. Perhaps because there are houses on the other side? Maybe the planning permission wasn't approved for that. It would block done sunlight although you could argue The Rock blocks much more.
  17. On another note, it's scary how many people my age (32) have never stated saving for a pension. Lots don't see it as a priority and just something they'll do nearer time.
  18. Rugby Park is at an angle to the main street beside it, hence the East Stand reduces at the north side. They also rebuilt the stadium but with the rear gates of the gardens on the main street still there. So there are a number of residents who simply have to open their back gate and walk into the stadium, without having to negotiate any turnstiles.
  19. The empty land behind the Falkirk Stadium, opposite the main stand. It's a really nice stadium, inside and out, but loses a lot of atmosphere because of the absence of a stand on that side.
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