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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. I think what you are referring to is when Rangers stole their own charity's cash. Imagine that.
  2. Probably been covered, but it's pretty annoying when someone (invariably female) posts a picture of them on a train heading for a night out, following which one of their friends will comment "Prepare for carnage!!!!" Carnage? Like multiple deaths? A motorway pileup? Massive earthquake? No, instead you'll be back home and in your bed for midnight. That's not carnage, it's a night out.
  3. Are there any visible remnants of any of the lost grounds mentioned so far? I know Muirkirk's old ground still exists and the stumps of the goalposts and changing rooms are still present. Ardchoille Park in Stevenston, former home of Ardeer Thistle is now used as a public pitch, however the banking where the terraces were is still visible.
  4. Remember that time that Celtic fans pressured their board into not having the same shirt sponsor as Rangers? How toxic and horrible a support must Rangers have when even Celtic fans don't want associated with them?
  5. The club created a company?!!! No, the club became a company.
  6. So what happened to the £800k that Southampton paid? Did they ever get it back?
  7. Re the tantrums - mine turned two on Friday and has already started to strongly indicate his displeasure at being made to do anything he doesn't want to, such as get dressed or get sung the wrong song. On a brighter note, he's finally up and about, having learned to get himself onto his feet unaided. I guess that means he doesn't need his physio anymore.
  8. Think about it:- Percentage of people in favour of A - 20% Percentage of people in favour of B - 70% Percentage of people who don't have a holder - 5% Percentage of people who do have a holder - 93% I think you get my point.
  9. Best of luck tomorrow, as a guy you have to be a bit stronger sometimes even though you might not feel it! The intellectual milestones are a great indicator of how she's developing. I'm sure you'll be fine but I'll be thinking of you anyway.
  10. Fantastic, it's little things like that that keep you going sometimes. It's easy to compare our kids with additional needs to those who have none, especially when progress is so slow sometimes.
  11. The decision not to strip any titles was the correct one in my opinion. You would have to prove that Rangers wouldn't have won them anyway. Even if you exclude the players on EBTs from the Rangers line-ups of the time, others would have taken their place. Perhaps even better ones, who knows. (WATP GSTQ NS)
  12. We were talking about Peter Martin being wrongfully accused of something that your fellow supporters would take offence to. Rangers fans have a tendency to react to opposing points of view by using violence, threats or the Royal Mail to deliver some suspicious packages. These are documented facts and relevant to the discussion. It's no wonder the SFA dithered and decided in your favour with the same club/new club debate. It would be hazardous to their health and safety to say anything other than what Rangers fans want to hear.
  13. Peter Martin was right to try and clarify the situation straight away though. Jim Spence, Neil Lennon, Gary Allan QC and Paul McBride/Turnbull Hutton, if they were still with us, could tell us all about how offending Rangers fans can be hazardous.
  14. Yes that's exactly what I'll do. Provide proof to someone who can't read articles or open his eyes or ears at his club's matches.
  15. Someone on my Facebook keeps liking all manner of different Rangers-based organisations, such as the RST, Vanguard Bears and various fan groups. One of them tonight posted a tear stained diatribe against anti-Rangers propaganda from various groups/media outlets and then the comments were full of the usual "No Surrender" and "They fear our return" and all that. Anyway, a common thread throughout all these moans appears to be that Rangers fans believe we all hate their club because of the success, "world records" and trophy haul. You would think at some point in the last few years one of them would have thought that there might be some other reasons, such as the endemic racism in their support, the violence and anti-social behaviour which magically appears when they do and the general negative impression they leave on everyone they come in contact with. It's a bit bizarre. I know quite a lot of decent Rangers fans who just can't accept that their support is defined by the lunatic rantings and behaviour of these groups. I suppose that's why P&B doesn't have many Rangers fans posting - most of them wouldn't be able to accept anything other than what they read on their own forums.
  16. Re the dog thing - there's a guy at my work who created a Facebook page for his dog (called Snooks in case you're wondering) and posts under that username, tags it on pictures etc. The guy is 30. It's so cringeworthy.
  17. If Rangers didn't exist, Spiers and said posters would find a similar organisation for that purpose, such as ISIS, the North Korean government or the KKK.
  18. The worst I've seen was a little girl called "LA-A." Or "Ladasha" to us.
  19. Blue Pitch Holdings receive a payment every time Rangers play on the Ibrox pitch. The stadium was non-negotiable, the pitch was. *I may have made this up.
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