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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. Any recommendations for a website explaining betting for a complete novice? That will explain odds, cover accumulators and so on?
  2. Would you have accepted a failure to be promoted along the way if it was a talented youth team with great potential that was playing? Or is promotion a must, no matter who plays?
  3. I've noticed this as well. They also all go missing when bad news about Rangers hits the press and mysteriously reappear en masse when it's a favourable news day.
  4. The Oort Cloud is considered part of the Solar System. Voyager 1 has not left the Solar System - it has however crossed into interstellar space. Inaccurate media reports state that it has left the Solar System. For those interested, the team working with the Voyage spacecraft did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit the other night:- http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1m9wke/were_scientists_and_engineers_on_nasas_voyager/.compact
  5. I now have a few aggressive "Independent Herbalife Distributors" on my friends list and their constant marketing is wearing a bit thin. I don't care if you lost 3 stone in a month - your product is expensive, disgusting and will stop working as soon as you stop using it, resulting in you ballooning up again. Have a salad.
  6. What this week has shown us is that Rangers fans simply want the BBC and all other news outlets to report in a fair and impartial manner. Unless it shows Rangers in a bad light, in which case it's biased, even if 100% accurate.
  7. Which clubs do you really not like and for what reasons? Genuinely interested btw.
  8. I read a couple of articles recently which said Ison wasn't going to be anywhere near as bright as first thought, which would be very disappointing.
  9. The reason the mainstream media won't write anything about it is because they are scared of losing readers. Rangers fans are now adept at taking offence at absolutely anything and calling for boycotts as a result. Even allegations about the authenticity/intentions of those currently in charge of the club are dismissed as being anti-Rangers, despite serving as warnings as to what the club and it's fans can expect.
  10. Short of asking a couple of old biddies, that's exactly who you'd get to do it.
  11. Most Rangers fans don't pay Hagger... CF's Twitterings that much attention, outsmarted and made to look foolish by Mark Dingwall ..... Yes but these are the same Rangers fans who hailed Green as the Messiah when everyone told them otherwise and believe the SFA is biased against them despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They don't listen to reason. Dingwall, much like Chris Graham is little more than a blithering, frothing at the mouth blinkered cretin, yet as history has shown, all someone needs to say is WATP or suggest an anti-Rangers conspiracy and the Rangers supporters will eat out their hand.
  12. Green & Co Must Go. We Want Our Club Back. Unlucky guys, I'm afraid you're stuck with an imposter.
  13. It's difficult to get Rangers fans to admit to anything - for example you'll never hear a Rangers fan admit that a large section of their support was a disgrace in Manchester, or that they cheated by withholding tax from HMRC or that the vast majority of their support are bigots, drawn to the club due to its sectarian traditions (and the remainder are just as bad for ignoring or denying it). It's all deflect, ignore, excuse. Other people would have been embarrassed beyond measure, but not you guys. Instead we had even greater choruses of WATP and No Surrender and obsessed, we had McCoist demanding to know who was on the discliplinary panel despite Rangers having a representative at the meeting which led directly to threats against the QC chairing the panel - yet no journalist has ever asked him why he made that inflammatory statement. We had accusations that the SFA was corrupt and biased against Rangers, despite that organisation doing absolutely everything they could to insert the new Rangers at the highest possible level in the league structure and then allowing you to play trialists in the first match of last season contrary to their own rules. We had people refusing to listen when everyone else pointed out that Charles Green may not be the knight in shining armour you took him for, and now look what's happened! So what chance does anyone have of convincing you that that football club founded in 1872, and later became a PLC, a PLC which was later liquidated, is now defrunct and a new one stands in their place? The very nature of a Rangers fan is to deny any failings and pretend that you're whiter than white, contrary to all the evidence. The behaviour of Rangers and their fans throughout this whole saga has been disgraceful. You deserve everything you get.
  14. Being hated by fans of other clubs is as important as having a team to support? What a sad, strange statement to make.
  15. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that all the talk was focused on how Rangers would be inserted into the league rather than "well here's a new club, let's see what other clubs are interested and then take a vote." I realise that then we'll come to a disagreement about the new club/old club argument, but back when this happened it seemed to be the general consensus that a newco = a new club (as per statements from Charles Green ("we need a CVA to preserve that history") and most of the commentary at the time). It seemed to be after the CVA failed that the continuation of history argument developed. Also, there was talk about having to have 3 years accounts and so forth which Sevco/Rangers didn't have. It seemed a total fudge at the time and I think that's why there was so much talk of other clubs That was my recollection anyway, although my memory is somewhat dodgy these days. Perhaps someone more reliable can correct me!
  16. I still don't get the expansion into nothing theory. If space didn't exist before the Big Bang then what did?
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