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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. Spot on. Greenie awarded, for your correct symbol recognition.
  2. If you have bad AIDS you can cure yourself by catching good AIDS, but not vice versa. I don't know what happens, to you. If you do have good AIDS and, then, catch bad AIDS. I've heard it's very very bad. Terrible, in fact.
  3. Some quick fire factoids. Mice can only fart through their noses. Wearing red socks increases your chances of developing gout by 219%. 99% of pyramid shaped tea bags are made in Egypt. Napolean Bonaparte invented the sock puppet. Barry Robsons dad was, none other than, Allan Tracy, from Thunderbirds. Joe 90 was a Tom McB. Smegma is considered a delicacy in Kosovo.
  4. Wtf, are they lacing Moams wi, these days? Ken what? I like the Napoleon Dynamite dance scene, I really do. However, I really do have the strong urge to punch this pubes on a cotton buds, the Maom mover, specks right through the back of his heid.
  5. I can imagine it went like this. Her stripping off and adopting the mushroom position, her lying on her back and trying to touch the floor above her head with her toes. A section from 3 Para mortar platoon coming on stage, bringing with them an ammo box full of dildos. I'll leave this clip here, and you can imagine the rest.
  6. Wouldn't be a suicide bombing if it didn't, by my reckoning. You're always going to have at least one fatality. It brings up an interesting debate though. Do the media count the bomber as a victim?
  7. See? Telt yeh. Davina McCall is the female equivalent of Stephen Mulhern, as far as I'm concerned. So you can shove that deflection right up your poo grenade box!
  8. Brasso, or duraglit, does a tidy job of it an aw. I'll concede the point, you're more likely to have a whiteboard marker to hand though.
  9. Go for an upgrade an get BB8Aids. Does all of the above but also uses, the cringiest toe curlingly bad, cheek on passers by. It will also REPLY TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
  10. Another idea. Find an empty bottle o voddy and fill it with water. As you're making your way up their path, drop the bottle smashing it on the path. Hey presto! Free, sympathy, drink and something to talk about for half an hour. Failing that. How do you feel about aggressive eye contact with the host?
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