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Dirty Sanchez

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Everything posted by Dirty Sanchez

  1. The SFA mosaic still survives outside the old HQ at 6 Park Gardens. I recall being in there a few times, but can barely remember what the set up was like.
  2. Funniliy enough, in today's The Rest is Politics podcast with Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, the general "Will the PM congratulate my local football team" during PMQs was namechecked by Stewart as "his least favourite part of the week" in parliament. He used words like "disgusted, uncomfortable, trivial, embarassing, badly behaved disgrace" to describe people wasting time that could be spent on real issues with such pish at PMQs.
  3. Listening to Walton, at least I know why that joke penalty Curtis Main got a Tannadice wasn't overturned, when everyone in the world could see it was wrong.
  4. Yes, always cracks me up. If you're on the ground by choice and not because the laws of physics put you there, don't come greeting to me.
  5. That's where we are with joke penalties, when a guy flinging himself down because someone touched his waist, is apparently a stone waller to top ex-pro.
  6. It's not even like getting hosed away to a big team where the diddy fans can witter on about having "outsung them", and all that.
  7. FFS, just heard about this and thought it was a wind up.
  8. The carving up of the prize money has been changed for the better. It used to be weighted even more to the benefit of the top two. 1st and 2nd got much the same, then there was a bigger gap to 3rd and the rest. A real bonanza for whichever two random clubs tried hard enough to finish in the top two spots each year.
  9. Ex-NFL star pledges to earn trust of Burnley fans
  10. I've presumed the music interludes are the equivalent of a tea break for the presenter, given that they don't have any advertising breaks to fill that role. Can't fathom who thinks the audience for that show, or any other other live sports radio show, wants to have the chat diluted by music. It's tedious.
  11. Never heard of this until I saw a guy doing a livestream from Toyko at Halloween dressed as one. Seems it's very popular and pretty mainstream in Japan.
  12. Cammy Fraser of Dundee and Rangers. Spot the difference. A clean shaven Cammy sticks his fingers up at the Govan Stand.
  13. Cammy Fraser* had to ditch his tache upon signing as well. Pretty sure the arrival of Souness put an end to it, understandably. *Unrelated to taches, but I remember being at Ibrox when Cammy Fraser stuck his fingers up at one his own fans, sparking a hilarious Staunch v Stauncher civil war, where the Govan and Copland Road stands turned on each other and were howling chants back and forth to each other for the rest of the day.
  14. You know something is not right when you are agreeing with Andy Walker and sympathising with Hearts.
  15. Most promising moment of the half was when the ref was lingering with his finger in his ear after the second goal, looking like VAR was about to intervene with some spurious nonsense.
  16. I suppose this is nostalgia for an away day experience from the Stubbs era.
  17. Quality. The Urban Dictionary confirms that. That's up there with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones repeatedly using the word "gloryholes" with no one brave enough to tell him what it really means. e.g. "I'd sure love St Mirren to get back to the gloryholes of the late 70s and early 80s".
  18. I think I could have headed that penalty off the line.
  19. Definitely not far off it. Attacking options were off the scale compared to what we're used to. Frank McAvennie was at the club as well, and made his breakthrough the following season. Somner (for us) and McDougall (for Aberdeen) were both top scorers in the Premier League in their day. Elsewhere in the side, Steve Clarke's signing wasn't far off and there are a few others you could make a case for.
  20. From the days when a top English team would send a full strength side up here for a half arsed friendly on FA Cup weekend, just to give them a game because both sides were out of their respective cups, St Mirren v Arsenal, 15th Feb 1981. http://www.stmirrenprogrammes.co.uk/StMirren/STM_Match_Details.php?Season=1980&GameID=198102150
  21. I remember this happening to peak old Rangers when they were light years ahead but slipped up at home to Motherwell, or someone, causing their party to be cancelled. Super Scoreboard/Daily Record hotline actually full of mutants raging about it.
  22. f**k, I wasn't really notcing the clock graphic, but now I can't see anything else. It's like when you end up with a shit song in your head.
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