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Posts posted by Tibbermoresaint

  1. 9 minutes ago, Arsenal till I die said:

    To stop these things being undone, for starters. Although consolidation on its own doesn't work. As the old saying goes, "the less left wing the Labour government, the more right wing the next Tory government". 

    Anyway, if there's no point in socialism does that mean there's no point to the SNP? Sod it I'm gonna skip the answer and answer it already - if there's no point in socialism is there a point in independence?

    Neither of your questions make sense. The point of the SNP is to deliver independence. The point of independence is independence. Socialism, or not, is irrelevant.

  2. 1 minute ago, throbber said:


    Bet your mrs left you for a down and out heroin addict because he had bigger muscles, better teeth, more money and a nicer house than you you disgusting piece of shit.


    Yes, that must be it. He was also more sanctimonious than me. Don't forget that.

    Just now, Moomintroll said:

    I have no idea what your issue is but you have been acting like a complete c**t on this thread, even after a load of posts were deleted you still cannot let it go. Time to step away for a bit before you get emptied, have never seen you post with such vitriol so clearly something about this pisses you off. I have no idea who that Nigel is but he didn't deserve what you were posting the other day.

    It's buy one get one free at sanctimony club today.

  3. 4 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

    Even if you ignore the fact that the majority want to see railways nationalized, energy companies nationalized and the Royal Mail renationalized...... there is still the argument that the remaining few things that still are nationalized are under threat without a socialist government.

    Why then do they not vote for socialist governments?

  4. 1 minute ago, NotThePars said:


    I have to assume you're just trolling for banter because the alternative is too depressing to think about.

    It seems to me that the UK population has no more appetite for socialism than the current level of it. They aren't interested in turning the clock back or a Marxist agenda. What then can UK socialists reasonably aspire to?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lex said:

    It is quite amusing watching the SNP and their lot falling over themselves to make sure Westminster is blamed for this.

    Despite the problem being nowhere near as bad in the rUK.
    And it getting much worse since the SNP came to power.

    The shameless brass neck of it.

    Westminster is in no way to blame for reserved matters. Absolutely not.

  6. 16 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


    Marx famously said in the Communist Manifesto: "workers of the world unite, you have nothing to build other than a health service, houses that are broadly affordable and a meritocratic education system. You can pack it in after that."

    So why haven't they?

    9 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

    Presumably, to stop them being taken away?

    If no-one's proposing to take them away? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Steve McQueen said:

    We've already have exceeded the budget, how?

    Presumably this includes Zander's new contract. 

    Just now, Chewing Taffies said:

    After your drama queen antics regarding this whole saga I really hope for your sake May signs for the Saintees. Means much more to you guys than it does to us. And let's face it - he is a bit pish now anyway.

    😂 cry those salty tears.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    Promise people the NHS, affordable housing and an even playing field in education.  

    Deliver it for so long that idiots don't realize it's socialism. 


    If the goal of socialism is to deliver those things, and that's been done, then what is the future of socialism?

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