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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. The leading candidate being interviewed by Nick Robinson this morning said we can reduce inflation by cutting taxes funded by borrowing and cited Brexit headcase Patrick Minford as her economics expert. The guy who thinks we need to destroy agriculture and manufacturing to make brexit work. Of course we need our own plan for an iScots economy and I am confident it's on its way and no matter what it will be kicked to death by the same people who are backing the annihilation of Scotlands exports above. But next to that we could propose the Smackerooni, free irn bru and Buckfast on the NHS and be both credible and popular.
  2. Thank goodness Sir Richard of Gordon isn't around to see this.
  3. Obviously Cummings is a b*****d and a hazard to humanity but I do love the phrase "reassuringly mad behind the eyes." It's perfect
  4. A millionaire midget thief who thinks Darlington is in Scotland or a Thatcher cosplaying bone fide imbecile. Tremendous.
  5. Nobody in the history of the House of Commons had pissed in the speakers face or abandoned convention more. And the whippet farming, flat cap wearing grovelling little supplicant, still misty eyed at being allowed into the big house to mix with the quality, didn't have the self respect backbone or respect for his own office to do anything other than lap up said pish and say thanks awfully. A pitiful man. A disgrace of a speaker. A tissue thin wet wipe, who wouldn't have been in the job were he anything else.
  6. Just had a bit here in West Lothian. Hope they close the schools
  7. Yeah well the admittedly loose definition of "rainy" would I believe fairly include the effects caused by said rainyness. Like flooding.
  8. Schools, transport and businesses do shut for all kinds of extreme weather events. Including it being too rainy.
  9. I think it's societal as well. And even if it is simply infrastructure that's an enormous undertaking both in terms of time and money, and one that is nowhere near being complete in the UK. So for irregular occurrences and until theses adaptions are more complete it makes more sense and is more economic for there to be "heat days".
  10. Bloody Snowflake foreigners...... Reminds me of when a whole load of raspers were moaning about UK airports being closed due to snow when Oslo airport never closes. (But spends millions on a whole fleet of equipment and personnel to do so).
  11. WokeBBCCivilServiceLeftyLawyersMarxistTeachersMarcusRashfordSandallWearingCommunistsDoingBrtiainDownTreasonFrankly.
  12. She is a bit ranty but she does cold fury quite well and inviting the chief whip and the rest to intervene to refute anything she said was quite amusing
  13. Jess Phillips contribution to the confidence debate is worth looking up.
  14. It's 40 degrees outside, I wonder how many millions of folk will have read that, looked down at their sensible cooling footwear and wonder, "did Tom Tugenhadt just call me a c**t?"
  15. "is the UK a voluntary union?" Yes "so will you allow a referendum?" No "Well that's that all cleared up, no need to examine this topic more closely. Moving on to whether women can have a penis and by how much would you cut the woke civil service and get a grip of the commie BBC."
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