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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. They'd be insane to do it while still having a huge majority. But then 3/5 of those left are sectionalable. It does shine a bit of a light of the balance in coverage. Who can forget the opposition in Scotland getting a free hit to undermine emergency public health advice, whenever Nicola gave a covid briefing? Yeah I don't think anyone can seriously argue they've done themselves any favours so far.
  2. A gift for Yes. Can't wait to hear Starmer and Sarwar endorse this and describe criticism as cynical SNP grievance.
  3. As you alluded to earlier it does feel awkward that they're getting the coverage, examination and exposure as though there's going to be an election. Since this is a private process for members only you'd think the tories should have to pay for coverage of their own hustings. Of course there's public interest which I suppose overrides this but, it does leave a bad taste in the mouth that the only folk who will choose between these variously feeble, corrupt and psychopathic choices are, a very small number of c***s. Particularly when we've been told over and over again that Boris has a personal presidential style mandate, which was always nonsense, and he's still in power. The system is the PM is the first among equals so as laughably bad as he is, Raab as deputy PM should be in charge and Boris should be out on his ear. I suppose the upside in all of this is that we get to see a debate focused on what the candidates think is most important for their members. Apparently this is: Tax cuts, willies and "f**k you Scotland." A moment which sums all this shit up there on sky. Some tory wonk from Team RIshi waxing lyrical about his honesty while footage of him filling up some guys Kia at a petrol station plays in the background.
  4. No. Time travel Scotland doesn't exist No again GonksNattersSNPIRAShinners Day job
  5. I see it "would be wrong to deny the public the chance to vote" for something that's only polling at 27%.
  6. Bad for the lols that Braverman is oot, good for reduced chances of a state ordered genocide. A horrible, thick and nasty wee midden.
  7. Maybe, but within cabinet or senior tory circles I don't believe there's any desire to actually solve the problem. Think they just want to look cunty and have a thing to show how tough they are on forrins. Hence wave machines, the navy, high viz c***s called Clandestine Channel Threat Commander and the other portfolio of options all designed to achieve nothing except be a dick about it.
  8. Not so sure. The Home Office is ungovernable and the stated and popular amongst tories policy are unconscionable and unachievable. Patel seems content to take the flack for not delivering fast or evil enough and for being a venal evil stone hearted hell beast of Satan. In fact I'm pretty sure she gets off on it. So the smart move would be to keep her there absorbing the criticism and not delivering on policies she can't actually deliver.
  9. They need to get Truss above HMS Pinafore sharpish. So hopefully we'll get some more very public bloodletting. Odd that despite Mourdants brexit credentials, hateful shite about minority rights and nostalgia porn into, she's not enough of a c**t for the ERG bangers.
  10. Johnson says he will be leaving No 10 'with my head held high' OK with this tbh.
  11. I hear nostalgia fan, brexit hoor and archetypal identikit tory boot Penny Mourdant has stunned the crowd at her launch by mentioning the Falklands War and confirming she doesn't have a penis.
  12. Sure but i don't care. How long must you spend as a child slave before you've earned enough Brittania points? f**k that. Imagine typing that out and thinking, "aye that's fine, send to editor."
  13. Can't believe the boffins are messing around with this pish when they haven't even sorted out hoverboards yet.
  14. The Empire games as proof the shittish isles is in great shape is so desperate my long standing contempt has this morning, been very briefly tinged with pity.
  15. Yeah odd and embarrassing from the "government" but definitely a bit of shenanigans fro. Labour too
  16. It could but it wouldn't. The Tories would have the ability to form a new government which they could do. It is just shenanigans from Labour and a typical f**k you to convention from the tories. Nut I do love the thought of them screaming and pishing and moaning about denying democracy considering the shite they've talked about Scotlands right to choose recently. Round them.
  17. Very tempted to say f**k them. They had a VONC less than 3 years ago. They should get on with the day job of running things in Wales and not being a credible alternative government. "Now is not the time" etc. Etc.
  18. Smart move for unionism to wrestle the Genital Inspector gig off of Alba.
  19. "earned amnesty" for childhood victims of human trafficking. f**k the UK, f**k this guy, and the whole ultracunty lot of them.
  20. For the first time in history, the ONS Labour Market Survey found in May that there were more vacancies than unemployed in the UK. Setting aside the fact that living on benefits isn't in any way shape or form an easy life or for the vast overwhelming majority anything like a choice they have willingly made, the ridiculous self inflicted labour shortage will not and cannot be solved by returning the unemployed or economically inactive to the work force. On arithmetic grounds alone. Never mind the availability of appropriate and applicable candidates for these vacancies.. Fans of far right w**k fantasies crumbling into the dust of dried up and crushed crinkly tissues may recall the shambles of the fruit and veg picking schemes. Beyond all of this horseshit there's also a creeping and wildly incorrect assumption that low paid jobs are unskilled. We have benefited enormously from having a large, skilled and crucially flexible labour market to recruit from. And now, in a workforce sense, we're roundly fucked without it.
  21. Lots of interesting news for the candidates to make arses of themselves over this morning. The woke BBC going after R SASs BOYZ, will Sir Mo be a drugs cheat again after revealing he's an "illegal" person and making the anti-climate arguments will take some chutzpah when tarmac is melting and railway lines are spontaneously combusting.
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