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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. As expected, you ignore the fact that heads have rolled. Calderwood was binned, Ferrier has been suspended and will no doubt face a recall petition when she is found guilty of whatever it is she's been charged with. When Nicola forgot her mask for a moment she apologised. When Boris does it every week he just ignores the criticism and lies. If you can't see the differences in showing leadership and taking responsibility here, I can't help you.
  2. There's a big difference between fucking up, admitting the mistake/resigning or being suspended from the party and making blanket denials, attacking your accusers and getting the servile press to line up like little church mice in No.10's garden to be told nonsense about eye tests.
  3. There was a ludicrous article recently saying that in that scenario Starmer could offer an agreement with the SNP which didn't include agreeing to a referendum. He could just sit there and say "do you want to remove Boris or not" daring those uppity jocks to actually want the things they have repeatedly voted for.
  4. Removing the potential seethe and inevitable heads gone/ridiculous moralising from TGFITW if Hearts scored after Jota went down is unforgivable. WTF is football even for without that?
  5. However, what the fringe parties will do is make lots of noise, attract the headcases forcing Tory policy to the right in response then withdraw at the last moment saying their arsehole followers can now vote tory. The rhythm method of party politics.
  6. Of course it is, which is what I meant by high profile examples being corrosive. Everyone makes mistakes, there have been understandable lapses but it's more the lack of acknowledgement of some of these that has done the most damage. This was really in reference to the attempted lynching of Welshbairn by the freedom mob.
  7. Would expect no less from someone who sucks infofarts out of Piers Corbyns trousers, chum(p).
  8. While high profile examples have undoubtedly been corrosive to compliance levels and public trust, particularly those neither acknowledged or punished, "but other people broke the rules" is a famously ineffective defence and an even worse excuse. I'd have thought those who constantly whine about being spoken down to like children would avoid "but whit aboot them" type arguments to justify or validate their own non-compliance, like the *ahem* plague.
  9. Sharing the idiot of frothings of one of the very worst zoomers unionism has to offer is a pretty poor show, but that's the only barrel he's got to scrape. It's like a Toilet Duck powered bollocks clock. Absolutely relentless but punctual and pine fresh.
  10. Hard to believe Madden didn't book Mckay for squaring up to the crowd. These inconsistencies are just ruining the game.
  11. Really missed GMS doing well then falling over himself in the box. A slave to his art that man.
  12. Spinning the Tory sleaze/f**k up news wheel: Baroness Mone Deadly Yacht Accident Racist WhatsApps
  13. I'd forgotten about that. Outrageous bollocks and I'm no Salmond supporter, he made an arse of himself and his office but Peter Sutcliffe he is not.
  14. Cracking thread, most enjoyable. Anyway, Neil Mackay. An apparently pro-indy scribbler who is presumably only tolerated by The Herald because his one column can be distilled down to "When people can still say "f**k" or call me a "breathtakingly tedious c**t" on social media, it makes me wonder whether independence is really going to deliver the kind of Scotland I would want for me and......" at which point I slip into a coma.
  15. Labour having been dragging some poor bereaved family or a puppy with a sore paw into Holyrood so they can point and whinge at them in the gallery because Nicola hasn't abolished sad things for years. It's fucking horrible, infantile politics. Great polling news though
  16. Fully in favour of the No campaign putting the argument that "Scotland doesn't exist" at the front and centre of their messaging. Bravo.
  17. Impossible to be confident here, injury list, at home against a team we will struggle to break down with the inevitable goal(s) from a former player, who I'm equally pleased+seething to see doing well for yous so I'd be grateful if Livi could just take the points and f**k off quietly please. Thanks in advance.
  18. You should have heard some of their speeches. "Baker says MPs face “a fundamental choice between heading towards heaven and heading towards hell”. The government is taking “the path to hell”, he claims."
  19. I was wondering about this and if that's what was meant by the advantages of a "whole virus vaccine."
  20. I agree that much of the press coverage has been abysmal (SHITE ABOUT SAVING XMAS) but, if you listen to what most of the CMO's/CSO's and political leaders are saying I don't see the panic or posturing. The variant has on paper reasons to cause concern, it warrants enhanced monitoring and governments have on advice decided to take precautionary measures until they know more. Now if you have already decided NPI's are a waste of time then I can understand why you'd be raging but there are plenty of people, qualified to advise on this and not who disagree. What may well rip the most knitting on here is that even if Omicron turns out to be less dangerous or similar to Delta, taking precautions will still have been the right decision. Because that what precautionary means. As an aside I know someone who has an immune disease who has had 4 jags now, I've just had my 3rd pfizer boost + flu (felt fine after but maybe wouldn't recommend getting both in the same arm as it was pretty sore for 48 hours) and I imagine this will over time become a single annual dose for most folks.
  21. Christ on a bike, delighted I went to bed before they did their wee song.
  22. Partition is something very different, something very different which Britain did to India, Ireland and Palestine. The border exists. This is just deciding who governs on our side of it. People who live here or people who do not. Now off with you to the drinks cabinet under the sink to drown your sorrows in bleach based disenfectant and ponder the knowledge that Great Britain will soon be a historical term, only used by embarrassing drunk old racists who still say things like Rhodesia, Bombay and Rangers.
  23. An awful lot of effort is expended to make the idea seem like extremism. A favourite is the line we want to "break up our country" which is laughable because in order for it to be "ours" we'd be able to influence it by means other than giving £3m to the conservative party and finally demolishing the last bits of the empire would do a huge service for the human race. It's a nonsense, a horrible cunty nonsense of a way to govern anyone.
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