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Everything posted by Turkmenbashi

  1. If that is true, big if. I should probably be complaining to the supermarket, and writing an angry letter to the local newspaper.
  2. *Belgian But same principle applies. And I'm punching above my weight I think.
  3. Tbh, it's fucking atrocious and I am very tempted to pore it down the sink
  4. Does anyone else here have a bird that believes in astrology? I've only been seeing her for about a month but she just sent me this to show why we are perfect together and it's weirded me out
  5. That would be rude. It might be someone on here's relative. Which would be odd considering I am apparently Scottish person she knows, but still...
  6. Anyone found a decent vegan alternative for cheese? I went vegetarian about a year ago, and I am cutting down the amount of cheese I eat but not always successful. I have found some of the alternatives for sausages and burgers to be just as good. Though I still miss a ham and cheese sandwich. Also oat milk is perfectly acceptable alternative to milk.
  7. Managed to get a pub for the first time since they reopened on Monday. Was nice, but I think it's safe to say that all the rules regarding social distancing which were supposed to be in place were quickly out the window. Only bar I could get a seat was only accepting cash
  8. The majority are genuine in the USA, but the police over there are letting the minority looters get away with it as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protesters.
  9. Got a new bike last Friday and managed to break my record for my usual 22 mile round today despite having a fairly unpleasant wind against me for most the cycle and my seat continuously falling down.
  10. I greatly enjoyed once seeing a guy remove his mask so he could sneeze in a supermarket.
  11. I have had these beers before, can't say they left a lasting memory. Probably because I was pissed, but I do really like the bottles.
  12. In fairness I was about to say the problem is that the protests aren't violent enough. But I think you have got the right idea now + the looters and the protesters are two different things. The police let the looters loot, so they can blame the peaceful protesters
  13. Attack the police for enslaving the horse. Not the people attacking the police
  14. Best Belgian beer which is a normal percentage of alcohol and my local brewery
  15. For public transport yes. Has been since start of May.
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