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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I don't think we can lose either way.
  2. Need to give Dundee a chance to do their thing.
  3. In these times of zero income for Scottish football, surely a televised PPV programme would have been the sensible option?
  4. You had me taken in until things got voilent.
  5. I hope Sky and BT Sports charged this £340M to their credit card.
  6. The sticking point might be when they're asked to put £20K in the pot to pay for this inquiry. Oh wait, The Rangers are paying. Carry on.
  7. If they want their prize money back, they go and whistle for it. Robbie and i have already spent it all on hookers and ching.
  8. Any inquiry is going to be limited to the SPFL's role so, if any shenanigans happened behind closed doors and didn't involve any SPFL staff, we may never find out why Dundee changed their vote.
  9. Possibly in a tone that I didn't like.
  10. Because they knew the ICT chairman would do that job for them?
  11. Do we know whether this was to be a secret vote? If there wasn't a pandemic, would the votes have been cast in the open and around the table?
  12. There is no solution that will keep Rangers onside. Hearts MIGHT be placated by an increased parachute payment but Rangers will only settle for voiding or, possibly, by the removal of Doncaster.
  13. If the clubs lambasting you are only those who have lost out due to a vote involving all 42 clubs, then i don't think they have failed.
  14. You have solid evidence that he was hounded or do you just have suspicions?
  15. From what we've seen so far, there is no such thing as a reject vote in company law. Discussions and persuasion can continue for 28 days to force/nurse a resolution over the line.
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