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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. A back on form 8 for Thursday. Got the island and Constantin questions wrong but guessed the Pan American games right.
  2. Only had to guess at the Mercury question (and the 2 Aussie questions, obviously). The other 7 were all good general knowledge questions. And, when I say 'good', I mean that I knew the answers.
  3. Not like The Rangers fans to have short memories. But I suppose it comes in useful.
  4. Let's stick with the Aussie quiz - I got 8 for Tuesday. Didn't guess either Aussie question right, though. Oh, and I played my joker.
  5. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=8383&sectionId=1 6 for Monday. Guessed one right out of 5, and it wasn't the Australian sports question either.
  6. Either that or 'Excuse me, sir. Your bag occupied that seat between Queen Street and Stirling. That'll be 7.28 for its ticket, please'.
  7. Sorry, Randy, but pounds make prizes. Players who cost less than my morning Nescafe are never going to challenge Celtic's Nespresso machine in the long term. The odd result here and there but that's it.
  8. A guess-tastic 8 for Thursday. Even got the Aussie question right - 2 days of reading the sports pages has obviously been time well spent. I thought Manzini wrote the Pink Panther music??
  9. 5 for Wednesday for me. Based on the law of averages, you'd think I'd get the Aussie sports question right 25% of the time, but naw.
  10. Is it the wi-fi guys? Ignore me, it's Orlit. A Charlie Green hangover?
  11. Another week, another league. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=8333&sectionId=1 My first ever 10! Guessed correctly at the car and the Test match questions. I'd like to think of them as educated guesses, though. Classical languages came in handy for the word-meaning question. I've decided to start reading The Australian sports pages. I should be up to speed in about 5 years, assuming I can remember everything I read. Which, given how interesting Australian sports can be, shouldn't be a problem.
  12. I don't think Rangers fans are going to respect Lennon much after this. ETA: How do you get the video to show up on the post, rather than just the URL? Using Chrome on a laptop. Sorted.
  13. I think he's adrift in a lifeboat. Send for the Coastguard.
  14. 8 for Friday. No idea who Matt Passmore is... and I guessed the Aussie sports question wrong. Again. To be fair, I guessed the Indonesian number right.
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